34 research outputs found
Constitution of the West African Rice Development Association
Constitution of the West Africa Rice Development Association signed originally in Dakar, Senegal, September 4, 1970. This copy was revised December 16, 1986. The Constitution is in English and contains seventeen articles
Memorandum of Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone and the West Africa Rice Development Association for WARDA's Mangrove Rice Research Program
Memorandum of agreement between the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone and WARDA signed at Freetown, Sierra Leone on August 6, 1991. This agreement establishes cooperation in WARDA's Mangrove Rice Research Program and research facilities in Sierra Leone. The agreement is in English and contains seventeen articles
Agreement of Cooperation between the West Africa Rice Development Association and the Government of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire
Agreement between WARDA and the Government of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire signed on August 11, 1983 at Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. This agreement establishes cooperation between the two parties for the improvement of rice production in West Africa. More particularly it underlines the following: (a) promotion of rice production within the countries of West Africa;(b) increase of the quantity of rice produced; (c) improvemen.t of the quality of rice produced in West Africa; (d) encouragement of the production and use of varieties suited to the conditions of the countries in West Africa and to existing and prospective demand; (e) exploration, introduction and extension of rational production methods adapted to the conditions prevailing in the countries of West Africa; (f) promotion and implementation of measures for effective phytosanitary controls in relation to rice; ( g ) promotion of storage and processing, as well as marketing of rice both within countries in West Africa and with respect to external trade in rice. Agreement is in English and contains nineteen articles
Headquarters Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire and the West Africa Rice Development Association
Headquarters agreement between the Government of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire and WARDA signed at Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, on September 22, 1989 by Simeon Ake, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Eugene R. Terry, Director General. The agreement is in English and contains seventeen articles
WARDA's Response to the Report of the Inter-Center Rice Review
Response on behalf of the board and management of WARDA to the report of the Inter Center Rice Review. These views were presented at the discussion of the report at TAC 60, and the CGIAR meeting in May 1993. WARDA questions the methodology by which the review panel arrived at the conclusion that CGIAR rice research in Sub Saharan Africa is overfunded relative to rice research in Asia, and its recommendation that core funds be reallocated accordingly
Letter from the Chairman of the WARDA Governing Council
Letter from the Chairman of WARDA's Governing Council, the Minister of Rural Development in the Government of Senegal. Mr. Sagna reports on the Council's decisions at its special meeting in Dakar, Senegal, August 11 and 12 1986, and requests continued assistance from the CGIAR. The Provisional Report of the Meeting is attached. The decisions reported relate to the transformation of WARDA's Scientific and Technical Committee into a board of trustees, and other measures to bring the Association's governance and management structure more in line with other CGIAR centers. Agenda document at TAC 41 in October-November 1986 and CGIAR International Centers Week, November 1986
West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA) : Financial Statements for December 31, 2003 with Independent Auditor's Report
Independent auditor's report for WARDA's financial statements as of December 31, 2003 and statements of activity, statements of assets, and cashflows. Audit carried out by Ernst & Young, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
Acte Constitutif de l'Association pour le Developpement de la Riziculture en Afrique de l'Ouest
Constitution of the West Africa Rice Development Association signed originally in Dakar, Senegal, September 4, 1970. This copy was revised December 16, 1986. The Constitution is in French and contains seventeen articles
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Liberia and the West Africa Rice Development Association regarding the Seat of the West Africa Rice Development Association in the Republic of Liberia
Agreement between the West Africa Rice Development Association and Liberia prepared on November 3, 1971 at Monrovia, Liberia. This agreement establishes Monrovia, Liberia as the Seat of WARDA. The agreement is in English and contains forteen articles
CGIAR support to WARDA
An exchange of letters between CGIAR Chairman Richard H. Demuth and WARDA Executive Secretary Jacques Diouf regarding conditions for CGIAR financial support to WARDA's "W1" Coordinated Trials Program beginning in 1974. Includes TAC resolution on the revised research proposals submitted by WARDA. Agenda item presented at CGIAR meeting, November 1973