782 research outputs found

    A Modified Synchrotron Model for Knots in the M87 Jet

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    For explaining the broadband spectral shape of knots in the M87 jet from radio through optical to X-ray, we propose a modified synchrotron model that considers the integrated effect of particle injection from different acceleration sources in the thin acceleration region. This results in two break frequencies at two sides of which the spectral index of knots in the M87 jet changes. We discuss the possible implications of these results for the physical properties in the M87 jet. The observed flux of the knots in the M87 jet from radio to X-ray can be satisfactorily explained by the model, and the predicted spectra from ultraviolet to X-ray could be further tested by future observations. The model implies that the knots D, E, F, A, B, and C1 are unlikely to be the candidate for the TeV emission recently detected in M87.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Solar Physics - Plasma Physics Workshop

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    A summary of the proceedings of a conference whose purpose was to explore plasma physics problems which arise in the study of solar physics is provided. Sessions were concerned with specific questions including the following: (1) whether the solar plasma is thermal or non-themal; (2) what spectroscopic data is required; (3) what types of magnetic field structures exist; (4) whether magnetohydrodynamic instabilities occur; (5) whether resistive or non-magnetohydrodynamic instabilities occur; (6) what mechanisms of particle acceleration have been proposed; and (7) what information is available concerning shock waves. Very few questions were answered categorically but, for each question, there was discussion concerning the observational evidence, theoretical analyses, and existing or potential laboratory and numerical experiments

    Instanton approach to the Langevin motion of a particle in a random potential

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    We develop an instanton approach to the non-equilibrium dynamics in one-dimensional random environments. The long time behavior is controlled by rare fluctuations of the disorder potential and, accordingly, by the tail of the distribution function for the time a particle needs to propagate along the system (the delay time). The proposed method allows us to find the tail of the delay time distribution function and delay time moments, providing thus an exact description of the long-time dynamics. We analyze arbitrary environments covering different types of glassy dynamics: dynamics in a short-range random field, creep, and Sinai's motion.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Noise storm continua: power estimates for electron acceleration

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    We use a generic stochastic acceleration formalism to examine the power LinL_{\rm in} (ergs1{\rm erg s^{-1}}) input to nonthermal electrons that cause noise storm continuum emission. The analytical approach includes the derivation of the Green's function for a general second-order Fermi process, and its application to obtain the particular solution for the nonthermal electron distribution resulting from the acceleration of a Maxwellian source in the corona. We compare LinL_{\rm in} with the power LoutL_{\rm out} observed in noise storm radiation. Using typical values for the various parameters, we find that Lin102326L_{\rm in} \sim 10^{23-26} ergs1{\rm erg s^{-1}}, yielding an efficiency estimate ηLout/Lin\eta \equiv L_{\rm out}/L_{\rm in} in the range 10^{-10} \lsim \eta \lsim 10^{-6} for this nonthermal acceleration/radiation process. These results reflect the efficiency of the overall process, starting from electron acceleration and culminating in the observed noise storm emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    The WKB Approximation without Divergences

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    In this paper, the WKB approximation to the scattering problem is developed without the divergences which usually appear at the classical turning points. A detailed procedure of complexification is shown to generate results identical to the usual WKB prescription but without the cumbersome connection formulas.Comment: 13 pages, TeX file, to appear in Int. J. Theor. Phy

    On the Existence of the Quantum Action

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    We have previously proposed a conjecture stating that quantum mechanical transition amplitudes can be parametrized in terms of a quantum action. Here we give a proof of the conjecture and establish the existance of a local quantum action in the case of imaginary time in the Feynman-Kac limit (when temperature goes to zero). Moreover we discuss some symmetry properties of the quantum action.Comment: revised version, Text (LaTeX

    Test of Quantum Action for Inverse Square Potential

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    We present a numerical study of the quantum action previously introduced as a parametrisation of Q.M. transition amplitudes. We address the questions: Is the quantum action possibly an exact parametrisation in the whole range of transition times (0<T<0 < T < \infty)? Is the presence of potential terms beyond those occuring in the classical potential required? What is the error of the parametrisation estimated from the numerical fit? How about convergence and stability of the fitting method (dependence on grid points, resolution, initial conditions, internal precision etc.)? Further we compare two methods of numerical determination of the quantum action: (i) global fit of the Q.M. transition amplitudes and (ii) flow equation. As model we consider the inverse square potential, for which the Q.M. transition amplitudes are analytically known. We find that the relative error of the parametrisation starts from zero at T=0 increases to about 10310^{-3} at T=1/EgrT=1/E_{gr} and then decreases to zero when TT \to \infty. Second, we observe stability of the quantum action under variation of the control parameters. Finally, the flow equation method works well in the regime of large TT giving stable results under variation of initial data and consistent with the global fit method.Comment: Text (LaTeX), Figures(ps

    Cohort-based T-SSIM Visual Computing for Radiation Therapy Prediction and Exploration

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    We describe a visual computing approach to radiation therapy (RT) planning, based on spatial similarity within a patient cohort. In radiotherapy for head and neck cancer treatment, dosage to organs at risk surrounding a tumor is a large cause of treatment toxicity. Along with the availability of patient repositories, this situation has lead to clinician interest in understanding and predicting RT outcomes based on previously treated similar patients. To enable this type of analysis, we introduce a novel topology-based spatial similarity measure, T-SSIM, and a predictive algorithm based on this similarity measure. We couple the algorithm with a visual steering interface that intertwines visual encodings for the spatial data and statistical results, including a novel parallel-marker encoding that is spatially aware. We report quantitative results on a cohort of 165 patients, as well as a qualitative evaluation with domain experts in radiation oncology, data management, biostatistics, and medical imaging, who are collaborating remotely.Comment: IEEE VIS (SciVis) 201

    Exploring wall shear stress spatiotemporal heterogeneity in coronary arteries combining correlation-based analysis and complex networks with computational hemodynamics

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    Atherosclerosis at the early stage in coronary arteries has been associated with low cycle-average wall shear stress magnitude. However, parallel to the identification of an established active role for low wall shear stress in the onset/progression of the atherosclerotic disease, a weak association between lesions localization and low/oscillatory wall shear stress has been observed. In the attempt to fully identify the wall shear stress phenotype triggering early atherosclerosis in coronary arteries, this exploratory study aims at enriching the characterization of wall shear stress emerging features combining correlation-based analysis and complex networks theory with computational hemodynamics. The final goal is the characterization of the spatiotemporal and topological heterogeneity of wall shear stress waveforms along the cardiac cycle. In detail, here time-histories of wall shear stress magnitude and wall shear stress projection along the main flow direction and orthogonal to it (a measure of wall shear stress multidirectionality) are analyzed in a representative dataset of 10 left anterior descending pig coronary artery computational hemodynamics models. Among the main findings, we report that the proposed analysis quantitatively demonstrates that the model-specific inlet flow-rate shapes wall shear stress time-histories. Moreover, it emerges that a combined effect of low wall shear stress magnitude and of the shape of the wall shear stress–based descriptors time-histories could trigger atherosclerosis at its earliest stage. The findings of this work suggest for new experiments to provide a clearer determination of the wall shear stress phenotype which is at the basis of the so-called arterial hemodynamic risk hypothesis in coronary arteries

    The X-ray Emissions from the M87 Jet: Diagnostics and Physical Interpretation

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    We reanalyze the deep Chandra observations of the M87 jet, first examined by Wilson & Yang (2002). By employing an analysis chain that includes image deconvolution, knots HST-1 and I are fully separated from adjacent emission. We find slight but significant variations in the spectral shape, with values of αx\alpha_x ranging from 1.21.6\sim 1.2-1.6. We use VLA radio observations, as well as HST imaging and polarimetry data, to examine the jet's broad-band spectrum and inquire as to the nature of particle acceleration in the jet. As shown in previous papers, a simple continuous injection model for synchrotron-emitting knots, in which both the filling factor, faccf_{acc}, of regions within which particles are accelerated and the energy spectrum of the injected particles are constant, cannot account for the X-ray flux or spectrum. Instead, we propose that faccf_{acc} is a function of position and energy and find that in the inner jet, faccEγ0.4±0.2Ee0.2±0.1f_{acc} \propto E_\gamma^{-0.4 \pm 0.2} \propto E_e^{-0.2 \pm 0.1}, and in knots A and B, faccEγ0.7±0.2Ee0.35±0.1f_{acc} \propto E_\gamma^{-0.7 \pm 0.2} \propto E_e^{-0.35 \pm 0.1}, where EγE_\gamma is the emitted photon energy and and EeE_e is the emitting electron energy. In this model, the index pp of the injected electron energy spectrum (n(Ee)Eepn(E_{e}) \propto E_{e}^{-p}) is p=2.2p=2.2 at all locations in the jet, as predicted by models of cosmic ray acceleration by ultrarelativistic shocks. There is a strong correlation between the peaks of X-ray emission and minima of optical percentage polarization, i.e., regions where the jet magnetic field is not ordered. We suggest that the X-ray peaks coincide with shock waves which accelerate the X-ray emitting electrons and cause changes in the direction of the magnetic field; the polarization is thus small because of beam averaging.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 21 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables; abstract shortened for astro-ph; Figures 1, 7 and 8 at reduced resolutio