103,750 research outputs found
Nuclear particle detection using a track-recording solid
The design of the nuclear particle detector located in Purdue University's Get Away Special package which was flown aboard STS-7 is detailed. The experiment consisted of a stack of particle-detecting polymer sheets. The sheets show positive results of tracks throughout the block. A slide of each sheet was made for further analysis. Recommendations for similar experiments performed in the future are discussed
Sustainable apple breedings needs sustainable marketing and management
Apple breeding programmes are currently in the middle of transition in terms of
ownership and management. Until now most of them were funded by the public.
Breeding took place by traditional methods since decades in a very sustainable way
to develop better apple varieties. Today, increasing loss of national boundaries and
globalisation, less interest by national bodies and institutions and rising cost levels
for high tech breeding methods entire programmes are nowadays urged to look for
new sustainable co- or self-financing business models in order to continue their
work. The paper explains through financial calculations how risk can be split by all
partners and how the supply chain can be developed further into a value chain by
using a collective royalty system on trees and fruit, to add value to all market
participants and to support the breeding efforts and to become sustainable through
profitability. A leading shift of mindset requires the involvement of variety managers
and companies who are coaching the whole process of introduction
Two-particle correlations and balance functions in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at LHC energies with ALICE
Recent measurements of two-particle correlations in high-multiplicity p-Pb
collisions at TeV revealed a long-range structure (large
separation in ) at the near- () and away-side
() of the trigger particle. At LHC energies, these
ridge-like structures have not only been observed in Pb-Pb collisions, but also
in high-multiplicity pp collisions. In the first case, this phenomenon is
commonly related to collectivity in hadron production, i.e. hydrodynamic
evolution, whereas in the latter, mechanisms like longitudinal color
connections and multi-parton interactions might play an important role. To shed
light on the particle production mechanisms in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions and
answer the question about collectivity, we extend the two-particle correlation
analysis for hadrons in two directions: identified particles, which should show
a characteristic pattern in case of collective motion in a hydrodynamic medium,
and charge-dependent correlations studied with the balance function, which are
sensitive to charge-dependent effects like local charge conservation.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, EPS-HEP2013 proceeding
The influence of the scene on linguistic expectations: Evidence from cross-model priming in visual worlds
- Numerous studies of utterance mediated gaze in visual scenes have demonstrated that sentence processing is not only incremental but also eager: During processing, listeners form expectations about upcoming arguments and make anticipatory eye movements to relevant displayed objects. - In particular, selectional information from verbs has been shown to guide visual attention to appropriate objects; upon hearing âthe boy will eatâ, listeners start looking at edible objects even before they are mentioned [1, 2]. - While these studies provide valuable insights into semantic processing, it is not clear whether anticipatory eye movements indeed reflect the purely linguistic activation of likely arguments or whether these anticipatory processes are influenced by the circumscribed visual context. - We present a German cross-modal priming experiment in which we examined listeners sensitivity to selectional restrictions between verbs and their object arguments
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