210 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Role Playing pada Mata Pelajaran Fiqoh Materi Shalat Berjamaah pada Siswa Kelas VII MTs Noor Iman Samarinda

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    Penggunaan metode role playing berdampak positif terhadap prestasi dan motivasi belajar siswa pada materi fiqih sebelumnya, oleh karena itu untuk mengetahui sebab dampak positif dalam penerapan metode role playing pada mata pelajaran fiqih, peniliti ingin mencoba melakukan penelitian dengan metode pembelajaran role playing sebagai teknik belajar pada materi pokok Shalat berjamaah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan metode pembelajaran role playing pada mata pelajaran fiqih materi Shalat Berjamaah pada siswa kelas VII MTs Noor Iman Samarinda. Metodeyang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan juga dokumentasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Keabsahan data dari penelitian ini menggunakan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah penerapan metode role playing di MTs Noor Iman  pada siswa kelas VII terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitutahapan satu persiapan dan instruksi, tahapan dua tindakan dramatik dan diskusi, dan tahapan tiga evaluasi bermain peran. Tahapan satu adalah persiapan dan instruksi yang meliputi problem atau dilema guru fiqih sebelum menerapkan metode role playing, persiapan sebelum menerapkan metode role playing, dan instruksi dari guru. Tahapan dua adalah tindakan dramatik dan diskusi yang meliputi guru menetapkan pengamat, situasi yang membuat permainan peran diberhentikan sejenak, dan sikap guru ketika terdapat siswa yang tidak aktif dalam diskusi. Tahapan tiga adalah evaluasi bermain peran yang meliputi hasil pemaparan diskusi siswa, penilaiain keefektivitasan penerapan metode role playing, dan catatan guru tentang metode role playing yang telah dilaksanakan

    Optimalisasi Bahan Ajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dalam Meningkatkan Minat dan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    This article discusses the relationship between the USAge of IT-based teaching materials on Islamic education and learning interests with learning outcomes of Student in SMPN 1 Cempa Pinrang. This research was a field research. Refereeing from the type of data, this study included quantitative research. The approach used was the pedagogical approaches. Data were obtained through a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability, then the data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential method. These results indicated that; perception of students on the use of IT-based teaching materials of PAI was in medium category, while PAI learning interest of students was in the high category. This study showed that the use of IT-based teaching materials of PAI and interests simultaneously can give a positive contribution to the learning outcomes of PAI. The implication of this research is that the use of IT-based teaching materials of PAI will provide a significant contribution in the implementation of the learning process for teachers because of the use of IT-based teaching materials of PAI provides convenience in learning so the impact on the effectiveness of the learning process that can further enhance the learning outcomes of students

    A mechanistic and a probabilistic model for predicting and analyzing microbiologically influenced corrosion

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    The complexities inherent in Microbiological Influenced Corrosion (MIC) requires a thorough understanding of the mechanisms involved when attempting to predict its rate. Even though mechanistic models have been developed in recent MIC studies, these models rarely analyze factors influencing pit depth and corrosion rate predicted. The objective of this work is to improve MIC prediction by quantitatively analyzing the factors influencing the predicted pit depth and corrosion rates. Therefore, this work presents a mechanistic and a probabilistic model which predicts corrosion rates, pit depth propagation, and analyzing influential factors in a MIC process. The mechanistic approach presents a model based on the direct contact extracellular electron transfer mechanism and nutrient limitation for microbial metabolism. The mechanistic model investigates the impact of redox intermediaries embedded in the cell structure of electroactive biofilms on corrosion rates. The mechanistic model also analyzes the effect of biofilm thickness limiting nutrient availability for corrosive microbiological organisms. The probabilistic approach presents a Bayesian network model which predicts the maximum corrosion rate in a process system. The probabilistic model analyzes the most critical factors affecting the corrosion rate predicted using Importance and Sensitivity analysis. The predictions obtained by both models were consistent with MIC rates in case studies and experimental studies. We also discovered that, redox properties of electroactive biofilms pose a significant threat to asset integrity as opposed to corrosion caused by sulfate reduction, in the case of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB)

    Pengaruh Product Quality dan Experiential Marketing Terhadap Repurchase Intention Pada Produk Skincare Narcisse Beauty Care di Kota Probolinggo

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    Product quality is able to influence consumers' perspective on the company. In addition, companies also need to pay attention to the company's image by focusing on the experience obtained by customers. This research intends to find out the impact of product quality and consumer experience on the interest in repurchasing  Narcisse Beauty Care skincare porduk. This study is a quantitative research with variables  of product quality, experiential marketing, and repurchase intention. Simple random sampling was used as a data collection technique using a questionnaire and as many as 100 people as respondents. The results of this research explain that product quality and experiential marketing have a partial or negative effect on repurchase intention in  Narcisse Beauty Care skincare products in Probolinggo City. Narcisse Beauty Care is expected to improve product quality by providing a pleasant smell and making attractive packaging and conducting promotions to attract consumers to repurchase, on the other hand holding discounts to increase repurchase intention

    A Classical Approach in Simple Nuclear Fusion Reaction 1H2 + 1H3 using Two-Dimension Granular Molecular Dynamics Model

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    Molecular dynamics in 2-D accompanied by granular model provides an opportunity to investigate binding between nuclei particles and its properties that arises during collision in a fusion reaction. A fully classical approach is used to observe the influence of initial angle of nucleus orientation to the product yielded by the reaction. As an example, a simplest fusion reaction between 1H2 and 1H3 is observed. Several products of the fusion reaction have been obtained, even the unreported ones, including temporary 2He4 nucleus.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, submitted to International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Science and Engineering (ICANSE) 201

    Penerapan Modifikasi Permainan Softball terhadap Motivasi Belajar PJOK Siswa Kelas X SMK PGRI 13 Surabaya

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    Pembelajaran adalah suatu proses dalam pembentukan diri siswa dalam aspek pertumbuhan dan perubahan pada pembelajaran yang bertujuan untuk memberikan peningkatan tentang kebugaran jasmani dalam aspek gerak dan kerja sama tim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh setelah diberikan penerapan modifikasi permainan softball untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran PJOK pada siswa kelas X SMK PGRI 13 Surabaya. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksperimen, quasi experiment dengan desain Pre-test dan Post-test tanpa kelompok kontrol. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel siswa kelas X SMK PGRI 13 Surabaya yang berada di kelas X DKV 1 dengan jumlah 23 siswa Penelitian yang dilakukan mendapatkan hasil data bahwa modifikasi permainan softball tidak berpengaruh dalam memotivasi siswa untuk belajar. Hal ini terlihat pada hasil angket pre-test dan post-test. Angket pre-test dan post-test menunjukkan Thitung > Ttabel yaitu 0,407 > -0,845 sehingga menunjukkan hasil yang tidak signifikan dengan besar pengaruh 1,28%

    Pengaruh Price Discount dan Konsep Diri terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Skintific pada Tiktok Shop

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    Companies are competing to develop their products to be in demand by consumers amidst the rapid development of the beauty industry. One of them is by providing price discounts and adjusting the concept carried with the self-concept owned by consumers. This research aims to determine the effect of price discounts and self-concept on purchasing decisions for Skintific products on Tiktok Shop. The research used is quantitative research with variables of price discount, self-concept, and purchasing decisions. By using data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires and documentation and using purposive random sampling techniques with a total of 100 respondents who use Skintific products. Data analysis uses validity tests, reliability tests, descriptive analysis, classical assumption tests, and hypothesis tests. The results of this research explain that price discounts and self-concept have a positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions both partially and simultaneously. That way, Skintific can maintain price discounts by providing relatively the same discounts on its products. On the other hand, self-concept can be improved so that consumers feel interested in Skintific product
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