6,024 research outputs found
An Intrinsic Approach to Forces in Magnetoelectric Media
This paper offers a conceptually straightforward method for the calculation
of stresses in polarisable media based on the notion of a drive form and its
property of being closed in spacetimes with symmetry. After an outline of the
notation required to exploit the powerful exterior calculus of differential
forms, a discussion of the relation between Killing isometries and conservation
laws for smooth and distributional drive forms is given. Instantaneous forces
on isolated spacetime domains and regions with interfaces are defined, based on
manifestly covariant equations of motion. The remaining sections apply these
notions to media that sustain electromagnetic stresses, with emphasis on
homogeneous magnetoelectric material. An explicit calculation of the average
pressure exerted by a monochromatic wave normally incident on a homogeneous,
magnetoelectric slab in vacuo is presented and the concluding section
summarizes how this pressure depends on the parameters in the magnetoelectric
tensors for the medium.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Il Nuovo Cimento B, proceedings of
GCM8, Catania (Oct 2008) - References added, minor corrections mad
Aircraft and satellite measurement of ocean wave directional spectra using scanning-beam microwave radars
A microwave radar technique for remotely measuring the vector wave number spectrum of the ocean surface is described. The technique, which employs short-pulse, noncoherent radars in a conical scan mode near vertical incidence, is shown to be suitable for both aircraft and satellite application, the technique was validated at 10 km aircraft altitude, where we have found excellent agreement between buoy and radar-inferred absolute wave height spectra
Grain legume evaluation
Pea variety evaluation, 89NM20, 89EB22, 89KA68, 89N334, 89EB24, 89SC27, 89A24, 89EB33, 89EB25. Grain legume species evaluation, 89NM21, 89MO41, 89N25, 89MC9, 89NM21, 89A22. Faba bean evaluation, 89MO42, 89A23, 89MC10, 89EB27, 89SG22 Grain legume agronom
Exhaust-Gas Pressure and Temperature Survey of F404-GE-400 Turbofan Engine
An exhaust-gas pressure and temperature survey of the General Electric F404-GE-400 turbofan engine was conducted in the altitude test facility of the NASA Lewis Propulsion System Laboratory. Traversals by a survey rake were made across the exhaust-nozzle exit to measure the pitot pressure and total temperature. Tests were performed at Mach 0.87 and a 24,000-ft altitude and at Mach 0.30 and a 30,000-ft altitude with various power settings from intermediate to maximum afterburning. Data yielded smooth pressure and temperature profiles with maximum jet temperatures approximately 1.4 in. inside the nozzle edge and maximum jet temperatures from 1 to 3 in. inside the edge. A low-pressure region located exactly at engine center was noted. The maximum temperature encountered was 3800 R
Lithium-ion drifting: Application to the study of point defects in floating-zone silicon
The use of lithium-ion (Li(+)) drifting to study the properties of point defects in p-type Floating-Zone (FZ) silicon crystals is reported. The Li(+) drift technique is used to detect the presence of vacancy-related defects (D defects) in certain p-type FZ silicon crystals. SUPREM-IV modeling suggests that the silicon point defect diffusivities are considerably higher than those commonly accepted, but are in reasonable agreement with values recently proposed. These results demonstrate the utility of Li(+) drifting in the study of silicon point defect properties in p-type FZ crystals. Finally, a straightforward measurement of the Li(+) compensation depth is shown to yield estimates of the vacancy-related defect concentration in p-type FZ crystals
Aspects of quantum energy and stress in inhomogeneous unbounded dielectric continua
This article explores a number of issues associated with the problem of calculating and detecting electromagnetic quantum induced energy and stress in a stationary dielectric material with a smooth inhomogeneous polarizability. By concentrating on a particular system composed of an ENZ-type (epsilon-near-zero) meta-material, chosen to have a particular anisotropic and smooth inhomogeneous permittivity, confined in an infinitely long perfectly conducting open rectangular waveguide, we are able to deduce analytically from the source-free Maxwell’s equations and their boundary conditions a complete set of bounded harmonic electromagnetic evanescent eigen-modes and their associated eigen-frequencies. Since these solutions prohibit the existence of asymptotic scattering states in the guide, the application of the conventional Lifshitz approach to the Casimir stress problem becomes uncertain. An alternative approach is adopted based upon the spectral properties of the system and a regularization scheme constructed with direct applicability to more general systems composed of dielectrics with smooth inhomogeneous permittivities and open systems that may only admit evanescent modes. This more general scheme enables one, for the first time, to prescribe precise criteria for the extraction of finite quantum expectation values from regularized mode sums together with error bounds on these values, and is used to derive analytic or numeric results for regularized electromagnetic ground state expectation values in the guide
GSFC short pulse radar, JONSWAP-75
In September 1975, the Goddard Space Flight Center operated a short pulse radar during ocean wave measuring experiments off the coast of West Germany in the North Sea. The experiment was part of JONSWAP-75. The radar system and operations during the experiment are described along with examples of data
56Ni dredge-up in the type IIp Supernova 1995V
We present contemporary infrared and optical spectra of the plateau type II
SN 1995V in NGC 1087 covering four epochs, approximately 22 to 84 days after
shock breakout. The data show, for the first time, the infrared spectroscopic
evolution during the plateau phase of a typical type II event. In the optical
region P Cygni lines of the Balmer series and of metals lines were identified.
The infrared (IR) spectra were largely dominated by the continuum, but P Cygni
Paschen lines and Brackett gamma lines were also clearly seen. The other
prominent IR features are confined to wavelengths blueward of 11000 \AA and
include Sr II 10327, Fe II 10547, C I 10695 and He I 10830 \AA. We demonstrate
the presence of He I 10830 \AA on days 69 and 85. The presence of this line at
such late times implies re-ionisation. A likely re-ionising mechanism is
gamma-ray deposition following the radioactive decay of 56Ni. We examine this
mechanism by constructing a spectral model for the He I 10830 \AA line based on
explosion model s15s7b2f of Weaver & Woosley (1993). We find that this does not
generate the observed line owing to the confinement of the 56Ni to the central
zones of the ejecta. In order to reproduce the He I line, it was necessary to
introduce additional upward mixing of the 56Ni, with 10^{-5} of the total
nickel mass reaching above the helium photosphere. In addition, we argue that
the He I line-formation region is likely to have been in the form of pure
helium clumps in the hydrogen envelope.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 32 pages including 11 figures
(uses psfig.sty - included
Parallel-Plate Electrochemical Reactor Model: A Method for Determining the Time-Dependent Behavior and the Effects of Axial Diffusion and Axial Migration
A method is presented for determining the effects of time dependence, axial diffusion, and axial migration in aparallel-plate electrochemical reactor (PPER). The method consists of formulating the governing equations and applying a numerical integration technique to solve a set of time-dependent, nonlinear, coupled, multidimensional equations. This formulation reveals that the steady-state performance of the PPER depends on the cell potential and three dimensionless groups. Predictions of the concentration, potential, and local current distributions in a PPER are presented for the electrowinning of copper from an aqueous, hydrochloric acid solution. These predictions show that axial diffusion and axial migration are significant when the aspect ratio (i.e., the ratio of electrode separation to electrode length) is greater than 0.5
Flight investigation of the effects of Apollo heat-shield singularities on ablator performance
Launch vehicle flight tests of effects of Apollo heat shield irregularities on ablative material performanc
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