144 research outputs found
Selective coupling of superconducting qubits via tunable stripline cavity
We theoretically investigate selective coupling of superconducting charge
qubits mediated by a superconducting stripline cavity with a tunable resonance
frequency. The frequency control is provided by a flux biased dc-SQUID attached
to the cavity. Selective entanglement of the qubit states is achieved by
sweeping the cavity frequency through the qubit-cavity resonances. The circuit
is scalable, and allows to keep the qubits at their optimal points with respect
to decoherence during the whole operation. We derive an effective quantum
Hamiltonian for the basic, two-qubit-cavity system, and analyze appropriate
circuit parameters. We present a protocol for performing Bell inequality
measurements, and discuss a composite pulse sequence generating a universal
control-phase gate
Cavity-assisted squeezing of a mechanical oscillator
We investigate the creation of squeezed states of a vibrating membrane or a
movable mirror in an opto-mechanical system. An optical cavity is driven by
squeezed light and couples via radiation pressure to the membrane/mirror,
effectively providing a squeezed heat-bath for the mechanical oscillator. Under
the conditions of laser cooling to the ground state, we find an efficient
transfer of squeezing with roughly 60% of light squeezing conveyed to the
membrane/mirror (on a dB scale). We determine the requirements on the carrier
frequency and the bandwidth of squeezed light. Beyond the conditions of ground
state cooling, we predict mechanical squashing to be observable in current
systems.Comment: 7.1 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR
Implementation of the three-qubit phase-flip error correction code with superconducting qubits
We investigate the performance of a three qubit error correcting code in the
framework of superconducting qubit implementations. Such a code can recover a
quantum state perfectly in the case of dephasing errors but only in situations
where the dephasing rate is low. Numerical studies in previous work have
however shown that the code does increase the fidelity of the encoded state
even in the presence of high error probability, during both storage and
processing. In this work we give analytical expressions for the fidelity of
such a code. We consider two specific schemes for qubit-qubit interaction
realizable in superconducting systems; one -coupling and one
cavity mediated coupling. With these realizations in mind, and considering
errors during storing as well as processing, we calculate the maximum operation
time allowed in order to still benefit from the code. We show that this limit
can be reached with current technology.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure
Josephson junction qubit network with current-controlled interaction
We design and evaluate a scalable charge qubit chain network with
controllable current-current coupling of neighbouring qubit loops via local
dc-current gates. The network allows construction of general N-qubit gates. The
proposed design is in line with current main stream experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Strong coupling of a mechanical oscillator and a single atom
We propose and analyze a setup to achieve strong coupling between a single
trapped atom and a mechanical oscillator. The interaction between the motion of
the atom and the mechanical oscillator is mediated by a quantized light field
in a laser driven high-finesse cavity. In particular, we show that high
fidelity transfer of quantum states between the atom and the mechanical
oscillator is in reach for existing or near future experimental parameters. Our
setup provides the basic toolbox for coherent manipulation, preparation and
measurement of micro- and nanomechanical oscillators via the tools of atomic
physics.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, minro changes, accepted by PR
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Hybrid Quantum Devices and Quantum Engineering
We discuss prospects of building hybrid quantum devices involving elements of atomic and
molecular physics, quantum optics and solid-state elements with the attempt to combine
advantages of the respective systems in compatible experimental setups. In particular, we summarize our recent work on quantum hybrid devices and briefly discuss recent ideas for quantum networks. These include interfacing of molecular quantum memory with circuit QED, and using nanomechanical elements strongly coupled to qubits represented by electronic spins, as well as single atoms or atomic ensembles.Physic
A Variational Approach for Minimizing Lennard-Jones Energies
A variational method for computing conformational properties of molecules
with Lennard-Jones potentials for the monomer-monomer interactions is
presented. The approach is tailored to deal with angular degrees of freedom,
{\it rotors}, and consists in the iterative solution of a set of deterministic
equations with annealing in temperature. The singular short-distance behaviour
of the Lennard-Jones potential is adiabatically switched on in order to obtain
stable convergence. As testbeds for the approach two distinct ensembles of
molecules are used, characterized by a roughly dense-packed ore a more
elongated ground state. For the latter, problems are generated from natural
frequencies of occurrence of amino acids and phenomenologically determined
potential parameters; they seem to represent less disorder than was previously
assumed in synthetic protein studies. For the dense-packed problems in
particular, the variational algorithm clearly outperforms a gradient descent
method in terms of minimal energies. Although it cannot compete with a careful
simulating annealing algorithm, the variational approach requires only a tiny
fraction of the computer time. Issues and results when applying the method to
polyelectrolytes at a finite temperature are also briefly discussed.Comment: 14 pages, uuencoded compressed postscript fil
Single-atom cavity QED and optomicromechanics
In a recent publication [K. Hammerer, M. Wallquist, C. Genes, M. Ludwig, F. Marquardt, P. Treutlein, P. Zoller, J. Ye, and H. J. Kimble, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 063005 (2009)] we have shown the possibility to achieve strong coupling of the quantized motion of a micron-sized mechanical system to the motion of a single trapped atom. In the proposed setup the coherent coupling between a SiN membrane and a single atom is mediated by the field of a high finesse cavity and can be much larger than the relevant decoherence rates. This makes the well-developed tools of cavity quantum electrodynamics with single atoms available in the realm of cavity optomechanics. In this article we elaborate on this scheme and provide detailed derivations and technical comments. Moreover, we give numerical as well as analytical results for a number of possible applications for transfer of squeezed or Fock states from atom to membrane as well as entanglement generation, taking full account of dissipation. In the limit of strong-coupling the preparation and verification of nonclassical states of a mesoscopic mechanical system is within reach
Two-dimensional cavity grid for scalable quantum computation with superconducting circuits
Superconducting circuits are among the leading contenders for quantum
information processing. This promising avenue has been strengthened with the
advent of circuit quantum electrodynamics, underlined by recent experiments
coupling on-chip microwave resonators to superconducting qubits. However,
moving towards more qubits will require suitable novel architectures. Here, we
propose a scalable setup for quantum computing where such resonators are
arranged in a two-dimensional grid with a qubit at each intersection. Its
versatility allows any two qubits on the grid to be coupled at a swapping
overhead independent of their distance and yields an optimal balance between
reducing qubit transition frequency spread and spurious cavity-induced
couplings. These features make this setup unique and distinct from existing
proposals in ion traps, optical lattices, or semiconductor spins. We
demonstrate that this approach encompasses the fundamental elements of a
scalable fault-tolerant quantum computing architecture.Comment: version as published in EPL 95 No 5 (March 2009) 50007, 5 page
Tunable resonators for quantum circuits
We have designed, fabricated and measured high-Q coplanar
waveguide microwave resonators whose resonance frequency is made tunable with
magnetic field by inserting a DC-SQUID array (including 1 or 7 SQUIDs) inside.
Their tunability range is 30% of the zero field frequency. Their quality factor
reaches up to 3. We present a model based on thermal fluctuations
that accounts for the dependance of the quality factor with magnetic field.Comment: subm. to JLTP (Proc. of LTD12 conference
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