228 research outputs found

    Sistem Pembayaran Kontrak kerja pembuatan Pagar Panel Beton (Studi Pada PG Kebon Agung Malang)

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    This research was conducted to analyze the work contract payment system in the manufacture of concrete panel fences at PG Kebon Agung Malang so that it can provide information in the form of relevant data, have timeliness, are accurate and useful for the wearer. The qualitative approach used in this research is based on primary data by obtaining data directly from resource persons and using secondary data whose data sources are documents, notes, and other supporting data. The results of this study explain the accounting information system in the form of a system flow chart that explains how the flow of the work contract payment system in making concrete panel fences at Kebon Agung PG starts from CV offering a tender, after being determined the tender winner, the user gives a tender winner letter so that the CV is the winner of the tender. can start his work. After the work is 92.5% completed, CV makes a report of completion of work as evidence that CV has completed part of its project and submits payment by including invoices, receipts, tax invoices, minutes, and SPK to the user to get a blank cash payment request for the first term . Payment of terms for bothparties CV makes a retention report (retention) as the completion of the 7.5% work submitted to the user along with a work agreement letter and a letter of completion of SP work.&nbsp


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    The current Covid-19 pandemic is certainly very impactful for entrepreneurs, especially SMEs Tofu "Bina Usaha Tofu", one of the impacts is the reduced activity of buyers due to PPKM as it is today. Tofu UMKM certainly suffer losses, from the decline in buyers to limited supplies of raw materials. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will be fatal to financial problems and will affect a business such as continuous losses. For this reason, this researcher aims to find out how the survival strategy is to maintain financial stability in order to deal with the covid-19 pandemic used by UMKM Tofu "Bina Usaha Tahu" Pakunden Blitar City. This study uses qualitative research methods by approaching a study, namely interviews with resource persons as informants, and documentation as evidence of research results.                 The results of this study indicate that the survival strategy to respondto the covid-19 pandemic in tofu UMKM "Bina Usaha Tahu" is to reduce the amount of production in white tofu and process solid and liquid waste in tofu so that tofu waste is not wasted and can increase income and reduce environmental pollution


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    The use of inertial sensors and inertial navigation has developed rapidly in the recent past, owing to a number of very significant technological advances. The rapid development of micro electromechanical sensors and superior computer performance has provided the stimulus for many new applications. These new sensors and enhanced computer power, as well as state-of-the-art computational techniques have been applied to the traditional applications to give enhanced performance in a miniature system. In this project design navigation system with INS based low cost IMU sensor. The IMU sensor consist of three axes accelerometer and three axes gyroscope which bundled in a board made by Sparkfun. Data from gyroscope will be use to determine attitude of the body and data from accelerometer will be use to determine translational movement of the body. Based on research result done that the INS algorithm was used not yet accurately worked at IMU sensors. Keywords :Inertial sensor, IMU, INS


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    Abstrak Hubungan emosional antara orang tua dan anak akan berpengaruh dalam keberhasilan belajar anak. Biasanya setiap orang tua mempunyai spesifikasi pola asuh terhadap anaknya. Jika orang tua menerapkan pola asuh secara efektif, anak akan tumbuh dengan baik dan mengalami perubahan yang positif pada diri mereka sesuai yang diharapkan sehingga kegiatan atau aktifitas yang dilakukan anak tidak menghawatirkan saat di luar pantauan orang tua. Pola asuh orang tua adalah salah satu faktor dan aspek penting yang dapat mendukung perilaku siswa untuk berprestasi. Pola asuh orang tua juga berpengaruh terhadap pengembangan intelektual siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan prestasi belajar pendidikan jasmani siswa kelas VI SDN Kalipecabean Candi Sidoarjo, Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriftif dan desain penelitian yang digunakan korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini siswa kelas 6 yang berjumlah 98. Teknik sampling menggunakan cluster  random sampling, sehingga terpilih kelas VI dengan jumlah sebanyak 34 siswa. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil melalui angket pola asuh dan nilai raport penjas. Analisis data menggunakan koefisien kontingensi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari sampel yang berjumlah 34 siswa, siswa tergolong dalam tipe pola asuh 3 dengan jumlah sebesar 28 siswa dengan rincian 7 siswa kategori prestasi belajar cukup, 15 siswa kategori prestasi belajar baik, 6 siswa kategori prestasi belajar sangat baik, siswa tergolong dalam tipe pola asuh 2 dengan jumlah sebesar 4 siswa dengan rincian 1 siswa kategori prestasi belajar cukup, 2 siswa kategori prestasi belajar baik, 1 siswa kategori prestasi belajar sangat baik, siswa tergolong dalam tipe pola asuh 1 dan 4 dengan jumlah sebesar 1 siswa dengan rincian 1 siswa kategori prestasi belajar cukup, sedangkan untuk siswa kategori prestasi belajar baik dan sangat baik tidak ada. Kemudian dari analisis koefisien kontingensi didapatkan hasil sebesar 0,362 Jadi tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan prestasi belajar siswa kelas VI SDN Kalipecabean Candi Sidoarjo dengan sumbangan sebesar 1,31% dan sisanya 98,86% dipengaruhi oleh faktor yang lain. Kata Kunci : pola asuh orang tua, prestasi belajar Abstract Emotional relationship between parents and children will affect children's achievement. Generally, parents have specific parenting behavior toward their children. If they effectively apply the parenting, the child will grow up with good and positive changes in themselves as expected so the activities which children doing outside the parents monitoring will not necessary to be worried. Parenting behavior plays a significant role in supporting student to gain academic achievements. Moreover, parenting behavior also affects the student’s intelligence. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between parenting behavior with academic achievement of physical students of 6th grades students in SDN Kalipecabean Candi Sidoarjo, In this study, the researcher uses two types of descriptive research and correlational research design. The populations in this study are 98 6th grades students. The sampling technique using cluster random sampling, the 6th C grade which consist of 34 students as the main role. The data in this study were taken through a questionnaire parenting behavior and value report cards. The data analysis is using coefficient of contingency. Based on the results from the sample of 34 students, students are classified into three types of parenting behavior within 28 students,specifyat  7 students in enough of academic achievement category, 15 students are in good academic achievement, 6 students of academic achievement are in excellent category, students are classified into number 2 parenting behavior in the amount of 4 students which are 1 enough in academic achievement, of 2 good academic achievements students, and the last category is the excellent student, the student classified in first and fourth parenting behavior types and 1 student classified as an enough academic achievement, mean while none of them are in good and excellent academic achievements categories. And then the coefficient of contingency analysis results obtained for 0.362. So there is no significant relationship between parenting behavior within 6th grades student’s academic achievementsin SDN Kalipecabean Candi Sidoarjo with a contribution of 1.31% and the remaining 98.86% influenced by other factors. Keywords: parenting behavior, academic achievemen


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    ABSTRACT ARIF TRI WAHYUDI. The Influence of Self Efficacy and Climate Working Against Teacher Performance in SMA 9 East Jakarta. Concentration Education Cooperative Economics, Economics of Education Studies Program, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta 2015. This study aims to determine the effect of self-efficacy and work climate on the performance of teachers at high school teacher. This research was conducted in April - June 2015 in SMA 9 East Jakarta. The method used is survey with correlations approach. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Test the validity of using the product formula used moments and Cronbach alpha reliability test with the results of 0.894 to test self-efficacy, and 0.850 for the instrument means that the working climate has steady level (reliable) is very high The study population was all teachers SMAN 9 Jakarta, amounting to 50 people. Sampling used total sampling or census. Census is collecting all elements investigated one by one the result is the actual data, or so-called parameter. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression, the classic assumption test, and test hypotheses consisting of t test and F test Based on the results of data analysis found that: 1) There is a partial effect between self efficacy and teacher performance, with the results of data analysis shows that tcount greater than t (4.623> 1.677). 2) partial work climate also there is an influence on the performance of teachers, with the results of data analysis showed that tcount greater than ttable (2.313> 1.677). 3) Simultaneously there is the influence of self-efficacy and work climate on teacher performance, with the results of data analysis showed Fhitung table value greater than F (15.235> 3.20). There is a positive and significant influence between efficacy mean research hypothesis is accepted, hereinafter known coefficient of determination (R2) of 39.3%. Key Word : Self Efficacy, Climate Work, Teacher Performanc


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    Thinking between Yu>suf Qard}a>wi> and 'Abdul' Azi>z bin Baz about conventional banking system, namely Yu>suf Qard}a>wi> stating that not all transactions in conventional banking contain usury, while 'Abdul' Azi>z bin Baz stated otherwise that all transactions in conventional banks contain usury. Equation thought Yu>suf Qard}a>wi> and 'Abdul' Azi>z bin Baz compose their thoughts about the law departed from the conventional banks with the same base, namely that it is prohibited or forbidden usury. The difference is thought Yu>suf Qard}a>wi> assume that the existing systems and transactions in conventional banking is not entirely contain usury, because there are many transactions in conventional banks is lawful, good and there is no prohibition therein. As for working there for the world to be allowed because banks are not controlled by the non-Muslims, not all jobs or transactions in conventional banking classified as usury, a job as a bank clerk forced to accept because of the urgent necessities of life. While the idea of 'Abdul' Azi>z bin Baz assume the contrary that all systems, transactions and jobs that exist in conventional banks is usury, because it helps them participate in sin and transgression. As for the salary earned from working in a conventional bank according to Yu>suf Qard}a>wi> is allowed while according to 'Abdul' Azi>z bin Baz should not be or forbade

    Penilaian Lima Tugas Keluarga Pada Keluarga Dengan Anggota Keluarga Menderita TB Paru Di WIlayah Kerja BP-4 Magelang

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    Tuberculosis is one of the contagion diseases which is high of painfulness number and its death. The role of family is very needed to efficacy of medication of tuberculosis. The reason is that family represents the elementary system in sociaty where healthy behaviour and treatment of health is arraged. Moreover family takes charge of especial start and coordinates service given by the nurse as health professional.This research aims to investigate how family applies five family's duties in the field of health. This research utilises qualitative study with the approach of fenomenology. Data collecting method was an interview and observation. Participant of this research was the family who has one of the family member suffering from tuberculosis with positif BTA and lives in Magelang.The result of ressearch shows that family recognise tuberculosis after contact with health facility. Then, the decision is taken by family to find out the medication for the member. The family provide caring for the member such as giving the nutrition, preventing the infection. The low economic status influence providing the nutrition. Workload of the family also can affect in improving health environment. Health facility especially expence is the family choice in caring for member with tuberculosis

    Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal Melalui Industrialisasi Tenunan Khas Bima ‘Tembe Nggoli' di Provinsi NTB

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    Sektor industri merupakan salah satu pendorong kemajuan ekonomi di daerah. Pengembangan sektor industri Daerah Bima masih perlu di perhatikan, termasuk yang terjadi pada sentra industri kerajinan tenun tembe nggoli, sehingga perlu adanya upaya pemerintahan provinsi NTB dalam mengatasi kendala tersebut. Pengembangan ekonomi lokal terhadap produk tersebut, salah satunya dengan konsep industrialisasi. Tujuan penulisan artikel untuk mencermati industrialisasi oleh pemerintahan provinsi NTB sebagai upaya pengembangan ekonomi lokal. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa upaya industrialiasi oleh pemerintah provinsi NTB yaitu meliputi   pembinaan  yang berbasis penguatan skill, pengelolaaan usaha serta bantuan peralatan produksi dan bantuan permodalan hingga nilai kemasan serta jangkauan pemasarannya. Hasilnya untuk memberikan perluasan kesempatan kerja, meningkatkan kualitas dan kapasitas produksinya. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kepustakaan, dengan menelaah beberapa Jurnal, buku, dokumen cetak elektronik, serta informasi relevan dengan kajian. Pembahasan artikel dibagi beberapa bagian, 1) Karakteristik corak tenunan khas bima tembe nggoli, 2) Industrialisasi sebagai upaya pengembangan ekonomi lokal 3) Diskusi, dan 4) Kesimpulan.The industrial sector is one of the economic drivers in a region. Meanwhile, the industrial sector development in Bima Region is still poorly managed, especially the center of the Tembe Nggoli weaving industry. Therefore, there is a need for efforts by the NTB provincial government to properly manage it. Local economic development which can be done for the product is by using the industrialization concept. Thus, the purpose of writing this article is to examine the industrialization concept by the NTB provincial government as an effort to develop the local economy. The results showed that industrialization efforts by the NTB provincial government included trainings which are based on skills affirmation, business management, production equipment assistance, capital assistance, and even the value of packaging and marketing coverage workshop. The outcome of the training is to provide an expansion of employment opportunities, increase the quality and production capacity. This article used a literature approach, by examining several journals, books, electronic printed documents, and information relevant to the study. The discussion of the article is divided into several parts, 1) Characteristics of the typical woven pattern of Bima Tembe Nggoli; 2) Industrialization as an effort to develop the local economy; 3) Discussion; and 4) Conclusion