811 research outputs found


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    Masalah yang sedang dihadapi oleh Kawasaki adalah penjualan yang menurun sedangkan jumlah sepeda motor di Indonesia terus meningkat pesat. Perbandingan peningkatan penjualan sepeda motor Kawasaki dengan kebutuhan tidak sesuai yaitu, pada tahun 2009 penjualan sepeda motor Kawasaki tercatat sebanyak 13.000 unit. Jumlah tersebut berkurang dibandingkan penjualan tahun 2008 yang mencapai 225.000 unit. Selain itu harganya yang relatif mahal dan dominan digemari kalangan menengah ke atas. Data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuisioner kepada konsumen yang telah melakukan pembelian sepeda motor di dealer PT Surapita Unitrans cabang Sidoarjo sebanyak 66 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Accidental Sampling ( convenience Sampling), yaitu prosedur sampling yang memilih sampel dari orang atau unit yang paling mudah dijumpai atau di akses. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda yang digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Harga (X1), Produk (X2), dan Pelayanan (X3) terhadap Keputusan Konsumen (Y) dalam membeli sepeda motor Kawasaki pada PT Surapita Unitrans cabang Sidoarjo, yang akan di uji dengan menggunakan program SPSS 11.5 dengan tingkat signifikasi 5 %. Hasil pengujian memperlihatkan bahwa dengan menggunakan uji F didapatkan bahwa Harga (X1), Produk (X2), dan Pelayanan (X3) secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap Keputusan Konsumen (Y) dalam membeli sepeda motor Kawasaki pada PT Surapita Unitrans cabang Sidoarjo sedangkan dengan menggunakan uji t didapatkan bahwa Harga (X1) secara parsial signifikasi dan negatif terhadap Keputusan Konsumen (Y) sedangkan Produk (X2), dan Pelayanan (X3) secara parsial berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen (Y). Pelayanan (X3) memberikan pengaruh dominan terhadap Keputusan Konsumen (Y) dalam membeli sepeda motor Kawasaki pada PT Surapita Unitrans

    Strategi pelestarian naskah kuno di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Background. The implementation of preservation at The Library and Archives of East Java Province is less than optimal. This study aims to determine the strategies and efforts to develop the preservation of library materials at the Office of the Library and Archives of East Java Province, especially in the preservation of ancient manuscripts that are threatened with damage or loss due to physical damage.Methodology. This research is a descriptive research method with a quantitative and qualitative approach. The selection of informants in this study used the entire population of librarians in the field of preservation.Results and discussion. The results of this study show that the IFAS matrix shows that the strength and weakness factors have a total score of 2.28. Because the total score is above 0.73 it means that it identifies a strong internal position, where this strength has good strengths in terms of product. Furthermore, the EFAS matrix shows that the opportunity factor with a value of 0.68 and the threat has a value of 1.17. The total score between opportunities and threats is 1.85, with this identifying that responded that it was known after using strengths with SO opportunities and strategies.Conclusions. The right development strategy is SO and WO. SO strategies include improving the quality of deposit services, ancient manuscript services, and adding information repackaging services. And the WO strategy includes conducting conservation training for librarians, recruiting expert librarians with preservation qualifications, recruiting philologists, procuring preservation equipment, constructing standard preservation rooms or buildings

    Strategi pelestarian naskah kuno di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Background. The implementation of preservation at The Library and Archives of East Java Province is less than optimal. This study aims to determine the strategies and efforts to develop the preservation of library materials at the Office of the Library and Archives of East Java Province, especially in the preservation of ancient manuscripts that are threatened with damage or loss due to physical damage.Methodology. This research is a descriptive research method with a quantitative and qualitative approach. The selection of informants in this study used the entire population of librarians in the field of preservation.Results and discussion. The results of this study show that the IFAS matrix shows that the strength and weakness factors have a total score of 2.28. Because the total score is above 0.73 it means that it identifies a strong internal position, where this strength has good strengths in terms of product. Furthermore, the EFAS matrix shows that the opportunity factor with a value of 0.68 and the threat has a value of 1.17. The total score between opportunities and threats is 1.85, with this identifying that responded that it was known after using strengths with SO opportunities and strategies.Conclusions. The right development strategy is SO and WO. SO strategies include improving the quality of deposit services, ancient manuscript services, and adding information repackaging services. And the WO strategy includes conducting conservation training for librarians, recruiting expert librarians with preservation qualifications, recruiting philologists, procuring preservation equipment, constructing standard preservation rooms or buildings

    Hydraulics Performance of Coastal Flood Control in Madukoro Area, Semarang City, Indonesia

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    Madukoro area located on the northern coast of Semarang City has been prone to flooding caused by rainfall and seawater high-tide. Ineffective flood control management and land subsidence are considered as the cause of this problem. In order to understand land subsidence effect and flood control performance, location, water surface height of the inundation in West Flood Canal, western part of Madukoro area need to analyze. Flood analysis was conducted using HEC-HMS software and rational method. Flow hydraulics on five channels, i.e. the West Flood Canal, Ronggolawe River, Karangayu River, Arterial Channel and Madukoro were analyzed using HEC-RAS software. Increasing levee level and additional water pumps in Madukoro and Ronggolawe were chosen as flood control alternatives. Its performance was investigated through software simulation. The results showed total runoff volume in all drainage channels for 2-years return period discharge was about 80% of capacity with 0.7 m water depth. Runoff volume in West Flood Canal with 50-years return period discharge was about 40%. Land subsidence 4 cm/year affected the water level increase on West Flood Canal. Operation of 2 - 4 pump units could not significantly decrease water level at flood peak, yet increase flood recession time 6 - 8 hours.

    Determination of Optimum Point of Composition of Fuel Calories in Producing electrical Energy in Coal Fired Power Plant

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    Coal-fired power plant (CFPP) is a type of power plant that is widely used for 35,000 MW electricity projects in Indonesia. CFPP must adjust to its operating strategies with the availability of abundant low-rank coal, and it will affect CFPP performance. This study aims to determine the optimum heating value of fuels, the trend of net plant heat rate (NPHR), the cost of electricity production (component C), and the optimum point of the CFPP operation. The data used is from CFPP operations. First, data is analyzed by descriptive statistics and formed into a regression model. The next step is to estimate the parameters of the population data. The regression model obtained was then carried out the goodness of fit test and residual analysis. Then, the variable’s values are changed to the Z-score and plotted in the regression model. The model interpretation is carried out and conclusions can be obtained to find out the optimum point. The conclusion of this study is the optimum point of generating electricity in CFPP can be achieved by using coal calorific values of 4,450 kCal/kg, NPHR of 2,683.6 kCal/kWh, and COE (component C) of Rp 436.5/kWh when using coal at a price of 732.2/kg and Net Power of 279 MW
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