89 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Diskusi Syndicate Group Untuk Meningkatkanpemahaman Mahasiswapada Konsep Dasar Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi

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    The objectives of this study are to improve the learning quality Introduction to Economics, to improve students’ spirit in learning, to improve lecturers’ skill in developing learning model and media and  also to improve students’ achievement in learning. This study was class action research consists of three cycles. Result of study showed students’ achievement was improving on each cycle. Students’ learning completeness before applying syndicate group discussion method was 0%, after applying syndicate group discussion group; students’ achievement after final test was 94%. Students’ interest, activeness and relationship in learning process with range 1-4, the result was good (3.2). Result of observation related to lecturers’ skill in managing the learning process which used map concept method with range1-4 showed a good result with average of cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3 was 3.2. That score was the average of all aspects investigated on three cycles. Based on result of study, it was suggested that for lecturers of Introduction of Economics subject to apply syndicate group discussion method in teaching-learning process. This methodwas approved to improve students’ ability to analyze the case and understand the concepts of Introductions to Economics. This was because students are given opportunity to do research in the field related to the topic and then find the problems that will be discussed in the class. Thus, students are usual to think critically and analytically to face a case. And finally, students can find the topics concepts. Moreover, result of study can be applied for other subjects because this study gives the positive impact

    Pengembangan Modul Pencemaran Lingkungan Berbasis Problem Posing Disertai Spider Concept Map Untuk Memberdayakan Keterampilan Proses Sains Dan Kemampuan Menganalisis Siswa SMAN 1 Sumberlawang

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    The research and the development of the modules aims to know: 1) The characteristic of environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map; 2) The procedure of developing environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map; 3) The feasibility of environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map to empower students' science process skills and students' analyze abilities; and 4) Effectiveness of environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map to to empower students' science process skills and students' analyze abilities. The method used in the research is Research and Development (R&D) modification of Borg & Gall (Tim Puslitjaknov, 2008: 10-11). The subject used in preliminary field test consisting of 10 students', the main field subject consisting of 10 students' and opeational field subject consisting of 32 students' SMAN 1 Sumberlawang. The instruments used in the research, mainly: questionaire, observation, interview and test. The operational field was conducted using one group pretest-postest design. Students' science process skills and students' analyze abilities were tested by paired sample t-test and counted by normalized gain score. The results of the research can be concluded that: 1) The characteristic of vironmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map, mainly: aspect of students' science process skills and students' analyze abilities, science literate abilities (be able to understand, read, write and think in terms of science); 2) The development of environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map used modification Borg & Gall, mainly: preliminary research, planning, developing the initial products, preliminary field test, major product revision, main field test, the operational product revision, operational field, revision of the final product, the dissemination and the implementation of the product; 3) The feasibility of environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map average obtained is 3,51 that's “very good” categories; and 4) The environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map is effective to empowering students' science process skills with 0,60 N-gain score that's “middle” categories and empowering students' analyze abilities with 0,57 N-gain score that's “middle” categories

    Teknik Potong Miring dan Teknik Laminasi dalam Proses Pembuatan Produk Kriya Kayu sebagai Upaya Efisiensi Bahan

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    Kondisi hutan yang tidak terjaga kelestariannya mengakibatkan semakin langkanya hasil hutan. Salah satunya adalah kayu, baik kayu untuk keperluan industri, konstruksi maupun untuk keperluan pembuatan karya kriya. Dampaknya, harga kayu membumbung tinggi. Hal ini disebabkan permintaan kayu sangat tinggi, tetapi pasokan kayu semakin langka, terutama beberapa jenis kayu untuk keperluan pembuatan produk kriya, seperti kayu surian, sungkai, dan jelutung. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen dengan teknik potong miring dan laminasi pada pembuatan produk kayu. Metode ini digunakan untuk melakukan tahapan-tahapan eksprimental sehingga produk yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan. Hasil yang telah dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah beberapa produk kriya dengan berbagai tingkat efisiensi dan fungsi produk. Penelitian ini diharapkan bisa menjadi salah satu solusi dalam penggunaan bahan baku kayu dalam pembuatan karya kriya khususnya, kriya kayu secara efektif dan efisien

    Optimization Of Lozenges Formula Of Senggugu Root Bark (Clerodendrum Serratum L. Moon) Extracts For Mucus Diluent (Mucolitic) In Combination With Mannitol-lactose-sucrose Fillers

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    Senggugu root bark (Clerodendrum serratum L. Moon) is known as a mucolitics. Senggugu root bark is made in the dosage form of lozenges in combination with sucrose, mannitol and lactose in order to obtain good flavor and comfortable when consumed. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the combination of fillers on the physical properties of granules and tablets as well as the composition of the combination of excipients to produce lozenges of extract of senggugu root bark with optimum physical properties. Seven formulas were made with a combination of mannitol, lactose and sucrose as follows: FI (100%: 0%: 0%), FII (0%: 100%: 0%), FIII (0%: 0%: 100%), FIV (50 %: 50%: 0%), FV (50%: 0%: 50%), FVI (0%: 50%: 50%), and FVII (33.3%: 33.3%: 33.3% ). The results showed that the combination of mannitol, lactose and sucrose affected the physical properties of the granules and lozenges of extract of senggugu root bark i.e. flow rate, hardness, dissolved time, compactibility and perceptive sense. The dominant amount of sucrose and lactose can improve the physical properties of granules and tablets. The optimal composition of the combination of mannitol, lactose and sucrose obtained from Design Expert 7.1.5. program was 5.491%: 37.387%: 57.122%, respectively

    Optimasi Formula Tablet Dispersible Ekstrak Daun Jambu Biji dengan Kombinasi Bahan Penghancur Croscarmellose Sodium dan Sodium Starch Glycolate

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    Khasiat dan keamanan daun jambu biji (Psidium guajava L.) sebagai antidiare telah diuji secara praklinik dan klinik. Bentuk sediaan yang ada saat ini kebanyakan susah ditelan, waktu disintegrasinya lama serta memiliki rasa dan bau yang kurang enak, sehingga perlu diformulasikan sediaan yang lebih akseptabel bagi anak-anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimasi formula tablet dispersible ekstrak air daun jambu biji menggunakan variasi bahan penghancur croscarmellose sodium (CCS) dan sodium starch glycolate (SSG) dengan metode simplex lattice design (SLD). Tablet dispersible dibuat 5 formula dengan metode granulasi kering yaitu formula I (100% CCS), II (75% CCS : 25% SSG), III (50% CCS : 50% SSG), IV (25% CCS : 75% SSG) dan V (100% SSG). Standarisasi ekstrak yang dilakukan meliputi uji organoleptik, susut pengeringan dan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT). Tablet dispersible yang diperoleh, diuji sifat fisik keseragaman bobot, kerapuhan, kekerasan, waktu disintegrasi, waktu dispersi, waktu pembasahan serta KLT. Data dianalisis menggunakan software Design Expert® versi untuk mendapatkan formula optimum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi bahan penghancur CCS-SSG mempengaruhi sifat fisik tablet. Semakin besar jumlah SSG maka semakin besar kekerasan, waktu disintegrasi, waktu dispersi dan waktu pembasahan tablet. Formula optimum yang diperoleh adalah formula dengan kombinasi 71% CCS dan 29% SSG

    Oviposition Deterrent of Bactrocera Carambolae Resulted From Eggs Deposition on Mango

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    Oviposition deterrent is chemical compounds which are used for avoiding eggs deposition. The oviposition deterrent resulted from eggs deposition is valuable information that can be manipulated for managing its population. The objective of this research was to determine the presence of oviposition deterrent resulted by female Bactrocera carambolae on mango. Extraction of oviposition deterrent was conducted by maceration method. The preference test was performed using two arms olfactometer, meanwhile the oviposition deterrent test was conducted by exposed gravid females to fruit that already smeared with extracts. The result revealed that gravid females of B. carambolae were attracted to methanol extract of 1 day after egg deposition, whereas the methanol extract of 3 and 5 days after egg deposition repelled gravid females. Oviposition deterrent test indicated that methanol extract at category 3 and 5 acted as a deterrent. The preference of gravid females of B. carambolae to different category of infested fruit extracts was probably influenced by the chemicals modification on mango after oviposition. This result suggested that the female B. carambolae do not deposit oviposition deterrent. The phenomenon of deterrence was probably as a result of chemical changes in fruit as a consequence of eggs infestation

    Studi Kelayakan Perencanaan Bangunan Pengolahan Air Laut Menjadi Air Bersih Di Wisata Bahari Lamongan

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    Wisata Bahari Lamongan merupakan salah satu wisata di Kabupaten Lamongan yang banyak didatangi pengunjung setiap tahunnya. Namun, di Wisata Bahari Lamongan sendiri masih memiliki kekurangan dari segi kualitas air bersih yang ada. Untuk itu direncanakan pengolahan air laut menjadi air bersih guna memperbaiki kualitas air bersih. Perencanaan pengolahan pada Tugas Akhir ini menggunakan sistem Reverse Osmosis. Perencanaan pengolahan menggunakan Reverse Osmosis didasarkan pada kebutuhan air bersih, jumlah pengunjung dan hasil kualitas air baku di Wisata Bahari Lamongan. Melalui perhitungan proyeksi menggunakan perangkat lunak Minitab 16, didapatkan total kebutuhan air setiap tahunnya sebanyak 30.200 m3/hari, dengan jumlah pengunjung yang selalu bertambah setiap tahunnya, serta didapatkan hasil kualitas air baku yaitu TDS sebesar 24.200 mg/L, kadar klorida sebesar 19.500 mg/L Cl-, dengan suhu 25'C. Dengan hasil tersebut, ditentukan pengolahan menggunakan SWRO Unit tipe BETAQUA RO-SW8-15 dengan besar debit air baku sebesar 29,31 m3/jam, debit air olahan sebesar 10,26 m3/jam dan debit air reject sebesar 19,05 m3/jam. Air reject hasil olahan dimanfaatkan sebagai air nigari dan pemanfaatan wahana kolam apung di Wisata Bahari Lamongan. Analisa yang dilakukan untuk perencanaan pengolahan ini adalah analisa teknis dan ekonomis. Analisa teknis pada perencanaan ini dikatakan layak karena peralatan memenuhi kebutuhan untuk pengolahan, seperti tekanan pada Reverse Osmosis sebesar 12 bar, kapasitas debit untuk air baku dan air bersih memenuhi syarat. Sedangkan untuk analisa ekonomis, dibagi menjadi tiga kondisi antara lain : perencanaan dengan sistem konvensional, perencanaan dengan Reverse Osmosis metode tiket individual, dan perencanaan dengan sistem Reverse Osmosis metode tiket terusan. Dari ketiga kondisi tersebut, dipilih kondisi ketiga karena memenuhi secara ekonomis, dengan nilai NPV sebesar Rp 9.710.530.215 , nilai IRR sebesar 21% dimana nilai IRR lebih besar dari nilai MARR yaitu sebesar 13,5%
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