1,674 research outputs found
Software for integrated manufacturing systems, part 2
Part 1 presented an overview of the unified approach to manufacturing software. The specific characteristics of the approach that allow it to realize the goals of reduced cost, increased reliability and increased flexibility are considered. Why the blending of a components view, distributed languages, generics and formal models is important, why each individual part of this approach is essential, and why each component will typically have each of these parts are examined. An example of a specification for a real material handling system is presented using the approach and compared with the standard interface specification given by the manufacturer. Use of the component in a distributed manufacturing system is then compared with use of the traditional specification with a more traditional approach to designing the system. An overview is also provided of the underlying mechanisms used for implementing distributed manufacturing systems using the unified software/hardware component approach
Software for integrated manufacturing systems, part 1
For several years, a broad, unified approach to programming manufacturing cells, factory floors, and other manufacturing systems has been developed. It is based on a blending of distributed Ada, software components, generics and formal models. Among other things the machines and devices which make up the components, and the entire manufacturing cell is viewed as an assembly of software components. The purpose of this project is to reduce cost, increase the reliability and increase the flexibility of manufacturing software. An overview is given of the approach and an experimental generic factory floor controller that was developed using the approach is described. The controller is generic in the sense that it can control any one of a large class of factory floors making an arbitrary mix of parts
An approach to distributed execution of Ada programs
Intelligent control of the Space Station will require the coordinated execution of computer programs across a substantial number of computing elements. It will be important to develop large subsets of these programs in the form of a single program which executes in a distributed fashion across a number of processors. A translation strategy for distributed execution of Ada programs in which library packages and subprograms may be distributed is described. A preliminary version of the translator is operational. Simple data objects (no records or arrays as yet), subprograms, and static tasks may be referenced remotely
Tele-autonomous control involving contacts: The applications of a high precision laser line range sensor
The object localization algorithm based on line-segment matching is presented. The method is very simple and computationally fast. In most cases, closed-form formulas are used to derive the solution. The method is also quite flexible, because only few surfaces (one or two) need to be accessed (sensed) to gather necessary range data. For example, if the line-segments are extracted from boundaries of a planar surface, only parameters of one surface and two of its boundaries need to be extracted, as compared with traditional point-surface matching or line-surface matching algorithms which need to access at least three surfaces in order to locate a planar object. Therefore, this method is especially suitable for applications when an object is surrounded by many other work pieces and most of the object is very difficult, is not impossible, to be measured; or when not all parts of the object can be reached. The theoretical ground on how to use line range sensor to located an object was laid. Much work has to be done in order to be really useful
Distributed and parallel Ada and the Ada 9X recommendations
Recently, the DoD has sponsored work towards a new version of Ada, intended to support the construction of distributed systems. The revised version, often called Ada 9X, will become the new standard sometimes in the 1990s. It is intended that Ada 9X should provide language features giving limited support for distributed system construction. The requirements for such features are given. Many of the most advanced computer applications involve embedded systems that are comprised of parallel processors or networks of distributed computers. If Ada is to become the widely adopted language envisioned by many, it is essential that suitable compilers and tools be available to facilitate the creation of distributed and parallel Ada programs for these applications. The major languages issues impacting distributed and parallel programming are reviewed, and some principles upon which distributed/parallel language systems should be built are suggested. Based upon these, alternative language concepts for distributed/parallel programming are analyzed
Optical diode based on the chirality of guided photons
Photons are nonchiral particles: their handedness can be both left and right.
However, when light is transversely confined, it can locally exhibit a
transverse spin whose orientation is fixed by the propagation direction of the
photons. Confined photons thus have chiral character. Here, we employ this to
demonstrate nonreciprocal transmission of light at the single-photon level
through a silica nanofibre in two experimental schemes. We either use an
ensemble of spin-polarised atoms that is weakly coupled to the nanofibre-guided
mode or a single spin-polarised atom strongly coupled to the nanofibre via a
whispering-gallery-mode resonator. We simultaneously achieve high optical
isolation and high forward transmission. Both are controlled by the internal
atomic state. The resulting optical diode is the first example of a new class
of nonreciprocal nanophotonic devices which exploit the chirality of confined
photons and which are, in principle, suitable for quantum information
processing and future quantum optical networks
Lifetime Measurement of the 6s Level of Rubidium
We present a lifetime measurements of the 6s level of rubidium. We use a
time-correlated single-photon counting technique on two different samples of
rubidium atoms. A vapor cell with variable rubidium density and a sample of
atoms confined and cooled in a magneto-optical trap. The 5P_{1/2} level serves
as the resonant intermediate step for the two step excitation to the 6s level.
We detect the decay of the 6s level through the cascade fluorescence of the
5P_{3/2} level at 780 nm. The two samples have different systematic effects,
but we obtain consistent results that averaged give a lifetime of 45.57 +- 0.17
ns.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure
The origin of hysteresis in resistive switching in magnetite is Joule heating
In many transition metal oxides the electrical resistance is observed to
undergo dramatic changes induced by large biases. In magnetite, FeO,
below the Verwey temperature, an electric field driven transition to a state of
lower resistance was recently found, with hysteretic current-voltage response.
We report the results of pulsed electrical conduction measurements in epitaxial
magnetite thin films. We show that while the high- to low-resistance transition
is driven by electric field, the hysteresis observed in curves results
from Joule heating in the low resistance state. The shape of the hysteresis
loop depends on pulse parameters, and reduces to a hysteresis-free "jump" of
the current provided thermal relaxation is rapid compared to the time between
voltage pulses. A simple relaxation time thermal model is proposed that
captures the essentials of the hysteresis mechanism.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure
Towards reliable diagnostics of prostate cancer via breath
Early detection of cancer is a key ingredient for saving many lives. Unfortunately, cancers of the urogenital system are difficult to detect at early stage. The existing noninvasive diagnostics of prostate cancer (PCa) suffer from low accuracy (< 70%) even at advanced stages. In an attempt to improve the accuracy, a small breath study of 63 volunteers representing three groups: (1) of 19 healthy, (2) 28 with PCa, (3) with 8 kidney cancer (KC) and 8 bladder cancer (BC) was performed. Ultrabroadband mid-infrared Fourier absorption spectroscopy revealed eight spectral ranges (SRs) that differentiate the groups. The resulting accuracies of supervised analyses exceeded 95% for four SRs in distinguishing (1) vs (2), three for (1) vs (3) and four SRs for (1) vs (2) + (3). The SRs were then attributed to volatile metabolites. Their origin and involvement in urogenital carcinogenesis are discussed
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