9 research outputs found
Distillable Protic Ionic Liquid 2‑(Hydroxy)ethylammonium Acetate (2-HEAA): Density, Vapor Pressure, Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium, and Solid–Liquid Equilibrium
Recently it has been found that certain
ionic liquids (ILs) have
notable vapor pressures (Earle et al. <i>Nature</i> <b>2006</b>, <i>439</i>, 831–834). These ILs may
be important in various novel technologies, but they may also be important
in postcombustion carbon captures as side products. In this work a
distillable protic ionic liquid (PIL) 2-(hydroxy)Âethylammonium acetate
(2-HEAA) was prepared from monoethanolamine (MEA) and acetic acid
(HAc) and it was purified with a Vigreaux type distillation column
under vacuum. Density was measured for the MEA + 2-HEAA and HAc +
2-HEAA systems with a DMA HP densimeter from 293 to 363 K. The Redlich–Kister
polynomial was used to model the density data. Vapor–liquid
equilibrium was measured for the H<sub>2</sub>O + HAc + 2-HEAA system
with a static total pressure apparatus at 347 K. Solid–liquid
equilibrium was measured for the H<sub>2</sub>O + HAc + 2-HEAA system
with a visual method. The NRTL activity coefficient model was used
to model the vapor–liquid and solid–liquid equilibrium
Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium of Ethanol + Sulfur Dioxide and Ethanol + Water + Sulfur Dioxide at Six Temperatures
Binary isothermal vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE)
of ethanol
and sulfur dioxide (SO2) at six temperatures (303–353
K) was measured. The systems were modeled using the non-random two-liquid
(NRTL)–Hayden–O’Connell (HOC) model. The NRTL
parameters were optimized using Barker’s data reduction method.
Ternary isothermal VLE of ethanol, water, and SO2 at six
temperatures (303–353 K) was measured. The binary isothermal
VLE of SO2 and water in the dilute range of SO2 and liquid–liquid equilibrium (LLE) were found in the literature,
and the NRTL parameters were optimized for the system. In addition,
the isothermal VLE for ethanol and water found in the literature was
used to evaluate the default parameters of Aspen Plus and found accurate.
The binary LLE of water and SO2 was essential in modeling
the phenomenologically proper phase behavior. With the optimized parameters,
it was possible to calculate the LLE and vapor–liquid–liquid
equilibrium (VLLE) regions of the ternary system. The comparison of
the model and measurements to the literature were presented, and very
good accuracy was found
Physicochemical Modeling for Hot Water Extraction of Birch Wood
paper presents a model developed for hot water extraction of birch
wood meal. Besides solids, two liquid phases are assumed in the system:
liquid bound to a wood fiber wall and the other remaining external
liquid. True chemical species, their reactions, and diffusion between
the liquid phases are considered in the model. The breakdown of hemicellulose
into short-chain polymers and monomeric sugar units is modeled by
applying an accurate and computationally efficient population balance
approach. State-of-the-art correlations and equations are used, thus
aiming for a truly predictive model. Several thermodynamic and kinetic
submodels are integrated to achieve additional information compared
to models already presented in the literature. The presented model
is capable of reproducing the measured concentration profiles of chemical
species and molecular weight distribution of hemicellulose polymers
as a function of the process conditions. The output concentration
data are further utilized to calculate the dissolved species and pH
in the two liquid phases. Eventually, it could be utilized in optimizing
a batch hot water extraction process to maximize either the yield
of long-chain hemicelluloses or their monomeric sugars
Reactive Extraction of Levulinic Acid from Aqueous Solutions Using Trioctylamine with Diluents 2‑Ethyl-1-hexanol, 4‑Methylpentan-2-one, and Isoamyl Alcohol
Separating carboxylic
acids from aqueous solutions is a challenge,
and reactive extraction has been examined as an attractive alternative.
This study investigates the reactive extraction of levulinic acid
(LA) using trioctylamine (TOA) in various diluents, such as 2-ethyl-1-hexanol,
4-methylpentan-2-one (MIBK), and isoamyl alcohol. For this purpose,
liquid–liquid equilibrium (LLE) data was experimentally obtained
for the mix of LA + TOA + H2O + diluents at T = 293.15 K and atmospheric pressure. From the obtained data, the
ability of various TOA/diluent mixtures was evaluated in terms of
distribution coefficient (KD). Isoamyl
alcohol was found to be an effective diluent at the diluted region
(wLAaq KD value of
9.4. However, increasing the concentration of LA resulted in approximately
the same extraction ability as the other tested diluents with TOA.
Furthermore, the nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) excess Gibbs energy model
was applied to correlate the tie lines. The root-mean-square deviations
(RMSD) in liquid mass fraction obtained with the NRTL model for the
experimental data of the above-mentioned different LLE systems of
2-ethyl-1-hexanol, MIBK, and isoamyl alcohol were 0.013, 0.018, and
0.016, respectively. Additionally, the KD values of the systems were also computed
Vapor–Liquid Equilibria, Excess Enthalpy, and Density of Aqueous γ‑Valerolactone Solutions.
Thermodynamic measurements
were made for the binary mixture of
water + γ-valerolactone (GVL) and for pure GVL to facilitate
the development of the technology of lignin removal from lignocellulosic
biomass (Fang, W.; Sixta, H. Advanced Biorefinery based
on the Fractionation of Biomass in γ - Valerolactone and Water. ChemSusChem 2015, 8, 73−76). The density
and vapor pressure of pure GVL as a function of temperature were measured
and correlated for a wide range of the temperatures and pressures.
Isothermal vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE) data of the binary
mixture of water + GVL were measured at 350.2 K with a static total
pressure apparatus. Absence of an azeotrope was confirmed by circulation
still measurements with diluted GVL solutions. Excess molar enthalpy
(<i>h</i><sup>E</sup>) of the mixture for the whole range
of mole fractions including infinite dilution was measured using a
SETARAM C80 calorimeter equipped with a flow mixing cell at 322.6
and 303.2 K. The VLE and <i>h</i><sup>E</sup> data were
used for the optimization of UNIQUAC and NRTL activity coefficient
model parameters. The experimental results are compared herein with
those predicted by COSMO-RS and UNIFAC-Dortmund models. The water
+ GVL binary mixture shows positive deviation from Raoult’s
Temperature and Pressure Dependence of Density of a Shale Oil and Derived Thermodynamic Properties
temperature and pressure dependence of density was measured
experimentally from 293 to 473 K and 0.1 to 12 MPa for a shale oil
produced from Kukersite oil shale in Estonia. The shale oil sample
was a fuel oil fraction of a whole oil produced in a commercial plant
that uses solid heat carrier retorting technology. The fraction had
a boiling range of approximately 460 to 780 K and contained significant
quantities of polar phenolic compounds (hydroxyl group content of
5.3 wt %). The effect of these compounds on the properties of the
oil was investigated by removing most of the phenolic compounds via
extraction to create the second sample (dephenolated sample with hydroxyl
group content of 1.1 wt %). The dephenolation resulted in a shale
oil with a composition being more similar to that of other shale oils
from well explored deposits. On the basis of a review of the literature,
these are the first experimental data on the pressure dependence of
density for this shale oil, and shale oils generally. Thermal expansion
coefficients, isothermal compressibilities, and speeds of sound were
calculated from the experimental data. Empirical relationships describing
the temperature dependence of the heat capacities between 288 and
423 K at atmospheric pressure are also presented here
Design of Equilibrium Cells for Phase Equilibria and <i>PVT</i> Measurements in Large Ranges of Temperatures and Pressures. I. Vapor–Liquid–Liquid Equilibria
accurate experimental thermodynamic data is very useful
for the development of models and chemical processes. Although there
are plenty of data in the scientific literature, there are still many
missing. In fact, many of the easier measurements have been made,
and far more of the remaining ones deal with either complex systems
or extreme conditions. Clearly new adequate equipment for acquiring
such data are welcome. For these purposes, advice coming from several
decades of equipment design experience are exposed herein. After defining
the aim pursued and consequently the type of desired thermodynamic
quantity, it is necessary to take into account all physical and chemical
constraints: viscosity, density, corrosive power of studied chemical
systems, temperature, pressure together with other important points
such as miniaturization, efficient stirring, avoiding both dead volume
and polymer sealing. The other aim of this paper is to present a high
temperature and high pressure apparatus capable of measuring the phase
equilibria of systems exhibiting vapor–liquid–liquid
behavior. The apparatus designed and built consists mainly of an equilibrium
cell (70 cm<sup>3</sup>), novel high temperature, and high pressure
samplers and a gas chromatograph. A detailed description of the apparatus
is presented. Preliminary measurements are presented for propane in
water, cyclohexane in water, and water in cyclohexane up to 498.8
K. In addition the solubility of 2-methylfuran in water up to 413
K and 1548 kPa was measured
Temperature and Pressure Dependence of Density of a Shale Oil and Derived Thermodynamic Properties
temperature and pressure dependence of density was measured
experimentally from 293 to 473 K and 0.1 to 12 MPa for a shale oil
produced from Kukersite oil shale in Estonia. The shale oil sample
was a fuel oil fraction of a whole oil produced in a commercial plant
that uses solid heat carrier retorting technology. The fraction had
a boiling range of approximately 460 to 780 K and contained significant
quantities of polar phenolic compounds (hydroxyl group content of
5.3 wt %). The effect of these compounds on the properties of the
oil was investigated by removing most of the phenolic compounds via
extraction to create the second sample (dephenolated sample with hydroxyl
group content of 1.1 wt %). The dephenolation resulted in a shale
oil with a composition being more similar to that of other shale oils
from well explored deposits. On the basis of a review of the literature,
these are the first experimental data on the pressure dependence of
density for this shale oil, and shale oils generally. Thermal expansion
coefficients, isothermal compressibilities, and speeds of sound were
calculated from the experimental data. Empirical relationships describing
the temperature dependence of the heat capacities between 288 and
423 K at atmospheric pressure are also presented here
Experimental and Theoretical Thermodynamic Study of Distillable Ionic Liquid 1,5-Diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-5-enium Acetate
A thermochemical
study of the protic ionic liquid 1,5-diazabicycloÂ[4.3.0]Ânon-5-enium
acetate ([DBNH]Â[OAc]), a prospective cellulose solvent considered
for the Ioncell-F process, was carried out. The heat capacities of
1,5-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]Ânon-5-ene (DBN) and [DBNH]Â[OAc] were measured
by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) at 223–323 and 273–373
K temperature ranges, respectively. The enthalpies of fusion and synthesis
reaction of [DBNH]Â[OAc] were measured by DSC and reaction calorimetry,
respectively. The gas-, liquid-, and solid-phase enthalpies of formation
of [DBNH]Â[OAc] and DBN were determined using calorimetric and computational
methods. The enthalpy of vaporization of [DBNH]Â[OAc] was estimated
from the formation enthalpies. The activity coefficients at infinite
dilution of 17 and the enthalpies of solution at infinite dilution
of 25 organic solutes in [DBNH]Â[OAc] were measured by gas chromatography
and solution calorimetry methods, respectively. The obtained data
will be used in the design and optimization of the Ioncell-F process