12 research outputs found
The two D6R4 type invariants and their higher order generalisation
We show that there are two distinct classes of D6R4 type supersymmetry
invariants in maximal supergravity. The second class includes a coupling in
F2D4R4 that generalises to 1/8 BPS protected F2kD4R4 couplings. We work out the
supersymmetry constraints on the corresponding threshold functions, and argue
that the functions in the second class satisfy to homogeneous differential
equations for arbitrary k>0, such that the corresponding exact threshold
functions in type II string theory should be proportional to Eisenstein series,
which we identify. This analysis explains in particular that the exact D6R4
threshold function is the sum of an Eisenstein function and a solution to an
inhomogeneous Poisson equation in string theory.Comment: 53 page
Minimal unitary representations from supersymmetry
We compute the supersymmetry constraints on the R^4 type corrections in
maximal supergravity in dimension 8, 6, 4 and 3, and determine the tensorial
differential equations satisfied by the function of the scalar fields
multiplying the R^4 term in the corresponding invariants. The second order
derivative of this function restricted to the Joseph ideal vanishes in
dimension lower than six. These results are extended to the d^4 R^4 and the d^6
R^4 corrections, based on the harmonic superspace construction of these
invariants in the linearised approximation. We discuss the solutions of these
differential equations and analysis the consequences on the non-perturbative
type II low energy string theory effective action.Comment: 84 pages, Corrected version for publication in JHEP, additional
comment on d^6 R^4 in four dimension
From Six to Four and More: Massless and Massive Maximal Super Yang-Mills Amplitudes in 6d and 4d and their Hidden Symmetries
A self-consistent exposition of the theory of tree-level superamplitudes of
the 4d N=4 and 6d N=(1,1) maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories is
provided. In 4d we work in non-chiral superspace and construct the
superconformal and dual superconformal symmetry generators of the N=4 SYM
theory using the non-chiral BCFW recursion to prove the latter. In 6d we
provide a complete derivation of the standard and hidden symmetries of the
tree-level superamplitudes of N=(1,1) SYM theory, again using the BCFW
recursion to prove the dual conformal symmetry. Furthermore, we demonstrate
that compact analytical formulae for tree-superamplitudes in N=(1,1) SYM can be
obtained from a numerical implementation of the supersymmetric BCFW recursion
relation. We derive compact manifestly dual conformal representations of the
five- and six-point superamplitudes as well as arbitrary multiplicity formulae
valid for certain classes of superamplitudes related to
ultra-helicity-violating massive amplitudes in 4d. We study massive tree
superamplitudes on the Coulomb branch of the N=4 SYM theory from dimensional
reduction of the massless superamplitudes of the six-dimensional N=(1,1) SYM
theory. We exploit this correspondence to construct the super-Poincare and
enhanced dual conformal symmetries of massive tree superamplitudes in N=4 SYM
theory which are shown to close into a finite dimensional algebra of Yangian
type. Finally, we address the fascinating possibility of uplifting massless 4d
superamplitudes to 6d massless superamplitudes proposed by Huang. We confirm
the uplift for multiplicities up to eight but show that finding the uplift is
highly non-trivial and in fact not of a practical use for multiplicities larger
than five.Comment: 77 pages, 1 figure. v2: Reference adde