16 research outputs found
Non-canonical role for the BAF complex subunit DPF3 in mitosis and ciliogenesis.
peer reviewedDPF3, along with other subunits, is a well-known component of the BAF chromatin remodeling complex that plays a key role in regulating chromatin remodeling activity and gene expression. Here, we elucidated a non-canonical localization and role for DPF3. We showed that DPF3 dynamically localizes to the centriolar satellites in interphase and in centrosome, spindle midzone/bridging fiber area and midbodies during mitosis. Loss of DPF3 causes K-fiber instability, unstable kinetochore-microtubules attachment and defects in chromosome alignment, thus resulting in altered mitotic progression, cell death and genomic instability. In addition, we also demonstrated that DPF3 localizes in centriolar satellites at the basis of primary cilia and is required for ciliogenesis by regulating axoneme extension. Together, these findings uncover a moonlighting dual function for DPF3 during mitosis and ciliogenesis
Revealing Intrinsic Disorder and Aggregation Properties of the DPF3a Zinc Finger Protein.
Double PHD fingers 3 (DPF3) is a human epigenetic factor found in the multiprotein BRG1-associated factor (BAF) chromatin remodeling complex. It has two isoforms: DPF3b and DPF3a, but very little is known about the latter. Despite the lack of structural data, it has been established that DPF3a is involved in various protein-protein interactions and that it is subject to phosphorylation. These features are typical of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) for which the disorder is essential to their functionality. IDPs are also prone to aggregation and can assemble into cytotoxic amyloid fibrils in specific pathological contexts. In the present work, the DPF3a disordered nature and propensity to aggregation have been investigated using a combination of disorder predictors and biophysical methods. The DPF3a-predicted disordered character has been correlated to a characteristic random coil signal in far-UV circular dichroism (CD) and to a fluorescence emission band typical of Trp residues fully exposed to the solvent. After DPF3a purification and 24 h of incubation at room temperature, dynamic light scattering confirmed the presence of DPF3a aggregates whose amyloid nature have been highlighted by a specific deep-blue autofluorescence signature, as well as by an increase in thioflavin T fluorescence upon binding. These results are supported by an enrichment in twisted β-sheets as observed in far-UV CD and a blue shift in intrinsic Trp fluorescence. Both indicate that DPF3a spontaneously tends to orderly aggregate into amyloid fibrils. The diversity of optical signatures originates from dynamical transitions between the disordered and aggregated states of the protein during the incubation. Transmission electron microscopy micrographs reveal that the DPF3a fibrillation process leads to the formation of short needle-shape filaments