118 research outputs found
Testing and comparing tachyon inflation to single standard field inflation
We compare the standard single scalar field inflationary predictions with
those of an inflationary phase driven by a tachyon field. A slow-roll formalism
is defined for tachyon inflation and we derive the spectra of scalar and tensor
perturbations as well as the consistency relations. At lowest order the
predictions of standard and tachyon inflation are the same. Higher order
deviations are present and their observational relevance is discussed. We
discuss the observational consequences of some typical inflationary tachyon
potentials and compare them with recent data. All the models predict a negative
and very small running of the scalar spectral index, and they consistently lie
within the 1 contour of the data set. However, the regime of blue
scalar spectral index and large gravity waves is not explored by these models.Comment: Proceedings of the 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rio de Janeiro,
July 2003, 6 pages, 1 figur
Effective Field Theory of Cosmological Perturbations
The effective field theory of cosmological perturbations stems from
considering a cosmological background solution as a state displaying
spontaneous breaking of time translations and (adiabatic) perturbations as the
related Nambu-Goldstone modes. With this insight, one can systematically
develop a theory for the cosmological perturbations during inflation and, with
minor modifications, also describe in full generality the gravitational
interactions of dark energy, which are relevant for late-time cosmology. The
formalism displays a unique set of Lagrangian operators containing an
increasing number of cosmological perturbations and derivatives. We give an
introductory description of the unitary gauge formalism for theories with
broken gauge symmetry---that allows to write down the most general
Lagrangian---and of the Stueckelberg "trick"---that allows to recover gauge
invariance and to make the scalar field explicit. We show how to apply this
formalism to gravity and cosmology and we reproduce the detailed analysis of
the action in the ADM variables. We also review some basic applications to
inflation and dark energy.Comment: 27 pages, references added, matches published version as special
issue article in Classical and Quantum Gravit
A geometrical approach to nonlinear perturbations in relativistic cosmology
We give a pedagogical review of a covariant and fully non-perturbative
approach to study nonlinear perturbations in cosmology. In the first part,
devoted to cosmological fluids, we define a nonlinear extension of the
uniform-density curvature perturbation and derive its evolution equation. In
the second part, we focus our attention on multiple scalar fields and present a
nonlinear description in terms of adiabatic and entropy perturbations. In both
cases, we show how the formalism presented here enables one to easily obtain
equations up to second, third and higher orders.Comment: 16 pages; invited review article for Classical and Quantum Gravity
issue on non-linear cosmolog
Full-sky lensing shear at second order
We compute the reduced cosmic shear up to second order in the gravitational
potential without relying on the small angle or thin-lens approximation. This
is obtained by solving the Sachs equation which describes the deformation of
the infinitesimal cross-section of light bundle in the optical limit, and maps
galaxy intrinsic shapes into their angular images. The calculation is done in
the Poisson gauge without a specific matter content, including vector and
tensor perturbations generated at second order and taking account of the
inhomogeneities of a fixed redshift source plane. Our final result is expressed
in terms of spin-2 operators on the sphere and is valid on the full sky. Beside
the well known lens-lens and Born corrections that dominate on small angular
scales, we find new non-linear couplings. These are a purely general
relativistic intrinsic contribution, a coupling between the gravitational
potential at the source with the lens, couplings between the time delay with
the lens, couplings between two photon deflections, as well as non-linear
couplings due to the second-order vector and tensor components. The
inhomogeneity in the redshift of the source induces a coupling between the
photon redshift with the lens. All these corrections become important on large
angular scales and should thus be included when computing higher-order
observables such as the bispectrum, in full or partially full-sky surveys.Comment: 29 pages, discussion about the first-order convergence added, matches
published versio
formalism from superpotential and holography
We consider the superpotential formalism to describe the evolution of scalar
fields during inflation, generalizing it to include the case with non-canonical
kinetic terms. We provide a characterization of the attractor behaviour of the
background evolution in terms of first and second slow-roll parameters (which
need not be small). We find that the superpotential is useful in justifying the
separate universe approximation from the gradient expansion, and also in
computing the spectra of primordial perturbations around attractor solutions in
the formalism. As an application, we consider a class of models
where the background trajectories for the inflaton fields are derived from a
product separable superpotential. In the perspective of the holographic
inflation scenario, such models are dual to a deformed CFT boundary theory,
with mutually uncorrelated deformation operators. We compute the bulk power
spectra of primordial adiabatic and entropy cosmological perturbations, and
show that the results agree with the ones obtained by using conformal
perturbation theory in the dual picture.Comment: 37 page
Weakly Broken Galileon Symmetry
Effective theories of a scalar invariant under the internal
\textit{galileon symmetry} have been extensively
studied due to their special theoretical and phenomenological properties. In
this paper, we introduce the notion of \textit{weakly broken galileon
invariance}, which characterizes the unique class of couplings of such theories
to gravity that maximally retain their defining symmetry. The curved-space
remnant of the galileon's quantum properties allows to construct (quasi) de
Sitter backgrounds largely insensitive to loop corrections. We exploit this
fact to build novel cosmological models with interesting phenomenology,
relevant for both inflation and late-time acceleration of the universe.Comment: 26+8 pages, 2 figures, 2 table
Healthy theories beyond Horndeski
We introduce a new class of scalar-tensor theories that extend Horndeski, or
"generalized galileon", models. Despite possessing equations of motion of
higher order in derivatives, we show that the true propagating degrees of
freedom obey well-behaved second-order equations and are thus free from
Ostrogradski instabilities, in contrast to the standard lore. Remarkably, the
covariant versions of the original galileon Lagrangians-obtained by direct
replacement of derivatives with covariant derivatives-belong to this class of
theories. These extensions of Horndeski theories exhibit an uncommon,
interesting phenomenology: the scalar degree of freedom affects the speed of
sound of matter, even when the latter is minimally coupled to gravity.Comment: 5 pages, version accepted in PR
Resilience of the standard predictions for primordial tensor modes
We show that the prediction for the primordial tensor power spectrum cannot
be modified at leading order in derivatives. Indeed, one can always set to
unity the speed of propagation of gravitational waves during inflation by a
suitable disformal transformation of the metric, while a conformal one can make
the Planck mass time-independent. Therefore, the tensor amplitude unambiguously
fixes the energy scale of inflation. Using the Effective Field Theory of
Inflation, we check that predictions are independent of the choice of frame, as
expected. The first corrections to the standard prediction come from two parity
violating operators with three derivatives. Also the correlator
is standard and only receives higher derivative
corrections. These results hold also in multifield models of inflation and in
alternatives to inflation and make the connection between a (quasi)
scale-invariant tensor spectrum and inflation completely robust.Comment: 5 pages, reference added, version accepted in PR
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