5,561 research outputs found

    Stability of smectic phases in hard-rod mixtures

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    Using density-functional theory, we have analyzed the phase behavior of binary mixtures of hard rods of different lengths and diameters. Previous studies have shown a strong tendency of smectic phases of these mixtures to segregate and, in some circumstances, to form microsegregated phases. Our focus in the present work is on the formation of columnar phases which some studies, under some approximations, have shown to become thermodynamically stable prior to crystallization. Specifically we focus on the relative stability between smectic and columnar phases, a question not fully addressed in previous work. Our analysis is based on two complementary perspectives: on the one hand, an extended Onsager theory, which includes the full orientational degrees of freedom but with spatial and orientational correlations being treated in an approximate manner; on the other hand, we formulate a Zwanzig approximation of fundamental-measure theory on hard parallelepipeds, whereby orientations are restricted to be only along three mutually orthogonal axes, but correlations are faithfully represented. In the latter case novel, complete phase diagrams containing regions of stability of liquid-crystalline phases are calculated. Our findings indicate that the restricted-orientation approximation enhances the stability of columnar phases so as to preempt smectic order completely while, in the framework of the extended Onsager model, with full orientational degrees of freedom taken into account, columnar phases may preempt a large region of smectic stability in some mixtures, but some smectic order still persists.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures. To appear in JC

    Effect of particle geometry on phase transitions in two-dimensional liquid crystals

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    Using a version of density-functional theory which combines Onsager approximation and fundamental-measure theory for spatially nonuniform phases, we have studied the phase diagram of freely rotating hard rectangles and hard discorectangles. We find profound differences in the phase behavior of these models, which can be attributed to their different packing properties. Interestingly, bimodal orientational distribution functions are found in the nematic phase of hard rectangles, which cause a certain degree of biaxial order, albeit metastable with respect to spatially ordered phases. This feature is absent in discorectangles, which always show unimodal behavior. This result may be relevant in the light of recent experimental results which have confirmed the existence of biaxial phases. We expect that some perturbation of the particle shapes (either a certain degree of polydispersity or even bimodal dispersity in the aspect ratios) may actually destabilize spatially ordered phases thereby stabilizing the biaxial phase.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to appear in JC

    Demixing behavior in two-dimensional mixtures of anisotropic hard bodies

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    Scaled particle theory for a binary mixture of hard discorectangles and for a binary mixture of hard rectangles is used to predict possible liquid-crystal demixing scenarios in two dimensions. Through a bifurcation analysis from the isotropic phase, it is shown that isotropic-nematic demixing is possible in two-dimensional liquid-crystal mixtures composed of hard convex bodies. This bifurcation analysis is tested against exact calculations of the phase diagrams in the framework of the restricted-orientation two-dimensional model (Zwanzig model). Phase diagrams of a binary mixture of hard discorectangles are calculated through the parametrization of the orientational distribution functions. The results show not only isotropic-nematic, but also nematic-nematic demixing ending in a critical point, as well as an isotropic-nematic-nematic triple point for a mixture of hard disks and hard discorectangles.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures. To appear in PR

    Oryctes nasicornis

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    A Solid State Transformer model for power flow calculations

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    This paper presents the implementation of a Solid State Transformer (SST) model in OpenDSS. The goal is to develop a SST model that could be useful for assessing the impact that the replacement of the conventional iron-and-copper transformer with the SST can have on the distribution system performance. Test distribution systems of different characteristics and size have been simulated during different time periods. The simulations have been carried out assuming voltage-dependent loads and considering that power flow through either the HV/MV substation transformer or any of the MV/LV distribution transformers can be bidirectional. Simulation results prove that a positive impact should be expected on voltages at both MV and LV levels, but the efficiency of current SST designs should be improved.Postprint (author's final draft

    A virtual power plant model for time-driven power flow calculations

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    This paper presents the implementation of a custom-made virtual power plant model in OpenDSS. The goal is to develop a model adequate for time-driven power flow calculations in distribution systems. The virtual power plant is modeled as the aggregation of renewable generation and energy storage connected to the distribution system through an inverter. The implemented operation mode allows the virtual power plant to act as a single dispatchable generation unit. The case studies presented in the paper demonstrate that the model behaves according to the specified control algorithm and show how it can be incorporated into the solution scheme of a general parallel genetic algorithm in order to obtain the optimal day-ahead dispatch. Simulation results exhibit a clear benefit from the deployment of a virtual power plant when compared to distributed generation based only on renewable intermittent generation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Reliability analysis of distribution systems with photovoltaic generation using a power flow simulator and a parallel Monte Carlo approach

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    This paper presents a Monte Carlo approach for reliability assessment of distribution systems with distributed generation using parallel computing. The calculations are carried out with a royalty-free power flow simulator, OpenDSS (Open Distribution System Simulator). The procedure has been implemented in an environment in which OpenDSS is driven from MATLAB. The test system is an overhead distribution system represented by means of a three-phase model that includes protective devices. The paper details the implemented procedure, which can be applied to systems with or without distributed generation, includes an illustrative case study and summarizes the results derived from the analysis of the test system during one year. The goal is to evaluate the test system performance considering different scenarios with different level of system automation and reconfiguration, and assess the impact that distributed photovoltaic generation can have on that performance. Several reliability indices, including those related to the impact of distributed generation, are obtained for every scenario.Postprint (published version

    Must Original Sin Cause Macroeconomic Damnation?

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    Original sin, coupled with other financial imperfections, causes macroeconomic penance of two kinds: adverse shocks have larger and more persistent effects and monetary policy becomes less effective as a shock absorber. But macroeconomic damnation is not inevitable: in some cases, suitable changes in money and exchange rates can still partially stabilize output, investment and consumption.

    Balance Sheets and Exchange Rate Policy

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    We study the relation among exchange rates, balance sheets, and macroeconomic outcomes in a small open economy. Because liabilities are dollarized,' a real devaluation has detrimental effects on entreprenurial net worth, which in turn constrains investment due to financial frictions. But there is an offsetting effect, int hat devaluation expands home output and the return to domestic investment, which are also components of net worth. We show that the impact of an adverse foreign shock can be strongly magnified by the balance sheet effect of the associated real devaluation. But the fall in output employment, and investment is stronger under fixed exchange rates than under flexible rates. Hence the conventional wisdom, that flexible exchange rates are better absorbers of real foreign shocks than are fixed rates, holds in spite of potentially large balance sheet effects.

    Intertemporal and Spatial Location of Disposal Facilities

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    The optimal capacity and location of a sequence of landfills are studied, and the interactions between both decisions are pointed out. Deciding the capacity of a landfill has some spatial implications, because it effects the feasible region for the rest of the landfills, and some temporal implications because the capacity determines the lifetime of the landfill and hence the instant of time where the next landfills will need to be constructed. Some general mathematical properties of the solution are provided and interpreted from an economic point of view. The resulting problem turns out to be nonconvex and, therefore, it can not be solved by conventional optimization techniques. Some global optimization methods are used to solve the problem in a particular case to illustrate the behavior of the solution depending on the parameter values.Landfilling, Optimal Capacity, Optimal Location, Global Optimization.