11 research outputs found
Influence of weld stiffness on buckling strength of laser-welded web-core sandwich plates
This paper investigates the influence of weld rotation stiffness on the global bifurcation buckling strength of laser-welded web-core sandwich plates. The study is carried out using two methods, the first is the equivalent single-layer theory approach solved analytically for simply supported plates and numerically for clamped plates. First-order shear deformation theory is used. The second method is the three-dimensional model of a sandwich plate solved with finite element method. Both approaches consider the weld through its rotation stiffness. The weld rotation stiffness affects the transverse shear stiffness. Plates are loaded in the web plate direction. Four different cross-sections are considered. Weld stiffness is taken from experimental results presented in the literature. The results show a maximum of 24% decrease in buckling strength. The strength was affected more in plates with high reduction of transverse shear stiffness and high bending stiffness. Furthermore, clamped plates were influenced more than simply supported. The intersection between buckling modes shifted towards higher aspect ratios, in the maximum case by 24%. The results show the importance of considering the deforming weld in buckling analysis.Peer reviewe
Elementtimenetelmän soveltamisesta laivatekniikassa esiintyvien vääntöprobleemien ratkaisemiseen
Design space for bifurcation buckling of laser-welded web-core sandwich plates as predicted by classical and micropolar plate theories
| openaire: EC/H2020/745770/EU//SANDFECHThe strength of laser-welded web-core sandwich plates is often limited by buckling. In design of complex thin-walled structures the combination of possible structural and material combinations is basically infinite. The feasibility of these combinations can be assessed by using analytical, numerical and experimental methods. At the early design stages such as concept design stage, the role of analytical methods is significant due to their capability for parametric description and extremely low computational efforts once the solutions have been established for prevailing differential equations. Over the recent years significant advances have been made on analytical strength prediction of web-core sandwich panels. Therefore, aim of the present paper is to show impact of this development to the design space of web-core sandwich panels in buckling. The paper reviews first, briefly the differential equations of a 2-D micropolar plate theory for web-core sandwich panels and the Navier buckling solution for biaxial compression recently derived by Karttunen et al. (Int J Solids Struct 170(1):82–94, 2019) by exploiting energy methods. By comparing the micropolar and widely-used classical first-order shear deformation plate theory (FSDT) solutions, it is shown that the different equivalent single layer (ESL) formulations and plate aspect ratios have a significant impact on the practical outcomes of the feasible design space and this way motivating further developments for micropolar formulations from practical structural engineering viewpoint.Peer reviewe
A review on non-classical continuum mechanics with applications in marine engineering
| openaire: EC/H2020/745770/EU//SANDFECHMarine structures are advanced material and structural assemblies that span over different length scales. The classical structural design approach is to separate these length scales. The used structural models are based on classical continuum mechanics. There are multiple situations where the classical theory breaks down. Non-classical effects tend arise when the size of the smallest repeating unit of a periodic structure is of the same order as the full structure itself. The aim of the present paper is to discuss representative problems from different length scales of ship structural design.Peer reviewe
Factors affecting the fatigue strength of thin-plates in large structures
This paper studies the main factors affecting the fatigue strength assessment of thin plates in large structures. The first part of study includes the influence of initial distortions, joints' flexibility and surrounding structure on structural stress analysis of welded joint. The second part covers the influence of joint and its geometrical properties on fatigue strength modelling. The third part includes also the material elastic-plastic behaviour and the influence of crack propagation. The results show that if the structural analysis considers secondary bending properly, the local elastic fatigue damage parameters such as J-integral range can be used to model fatigue strength at 2-5. million load cycles. However, to explain the slope variation of the fatigue resistance curve, the consideration of material elastic-plastic behaviour and short crack growth is needed. The strain-based crack growth simulations indicate that longer short crack growth period is the reason for the higher slope value. The importance of short crack growth is dependent on the weld notch geometry and plate thickness.Peer reviewe