19 research outputs found
Snyder Geometry and Quantum Field Theory
We find that, in presence of the Snyder geometry, the notion of translational
invariance needs to be modified, allowing a momentum dependence of this
symmetry. This step is necessary to build the maximally localized states and
the Feynman rules of the corresponding quantum field theory.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, no figure
Matrix model for noncommutative gravity and gravitational instantons
We introduce a matrix model for noncommutative gravity, based on the gauge
group . The vierbein is encoded in a matrix ,
having values in the coset space , while the spin
connection is encoded in a matrix , having values in . We show how to recover the Einstein equations from the
limit of the matrix model equations of motion. We stress the necessity of a
metric tensor, which is a covariant representation of the gauge group in order
to set up a consistent second order formalism. We finally define noncommutative
gravitational instantons as generated by valued
quasi-unitary operators acting on the background of the Matrix model. Some of
these solutions have naturally self-dual or anti-self-dual spin connections.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX, no figure
Ads spacetime in Lorentz covariant gauges
We show how to generate the AdS spacetime metric in general Lorentz covariant
gauges. In particular we propose an iterative method for solving the Lorentz
gauge.Comment: 9 pages, no figure
Remarks on the harmonic oscillator with a minimal position uncertainty.
We show that this problem gives rise to the same differential equation of a
well known potential of ordinary quantum mechanics. However there is a subtle
difference in the choice of the parameters of the hypergeometric function
solving the differential equation which changes the physical discussion of the
spectrum.Comment: 5 pages, no figure
Dirac's Observables for the SU(3)XSU(2)XU(1) Standard Model
The complete, missing, Hamiltonian treatment of the standard SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)
model with Grassmann-valued fermion fields in the Higgs phase is given. We
bypass the complications of the Hamiltonian theory in the Higgs phase,
resulting from the spontaneous symmetry breaking with the Higgs mechanism, by
studying the Hamiltonian formulation of the Higgs phase for the gauge
equivalent Lagrangian in the unitary gauge. A canonical basis of Dirac's
observables is found and the reduced physical Hamiltonian is evaluated. Its
self-energy part is nonlocal for the electromagnetic and strong interactions,
but local for the weak ones. Therefore, the Fermi 4-fermion interaction
reappears at the nonperturbative level.Comment: 90 pages, RevTeX, no figure
Scalar field conformally coupled to a charged black hole
We study the Klein-Gordon equation of a scalar field conformally coupled to a
charged BTZ black hole. The background metric is obtained by coupling a
non-linear and conformal invariant Maxwell field to (2+1) gravity. We show that
the radial part is generally solved by a Heun function and, in the pure gravity
limit, by a hypergeometric function.Comment: 9 pages, no figure