2,079 research outputs found

    Synthesis, Growth and characterization of semi-organic zinc (tris) thiourea chloride crystal

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    Zinc (Tris) Thiourea chloride (ZTTC) a semi organic nonlinear optical material has been grown by slow evaporation process from its aqueous solution. The grown crystals were subjected to characterize by Single crystal X-ray diffraction, Powder X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, optical transmission spectrum and Dielectric studies. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies confirm the orthorhombic structure. The FTIR spectrum analysis has confirmed the functional groups in the ZTTC. Its optical behavior was examined by UV-Vis and found that the crystal is transparent in the region between 841-2000 nm. Dielectric study shows that the dielectric constant decreases with increase in frequency

    High-risk corneal allografts : A therapeutic challenge

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    Comparison of model predictions and speed trial results for a group of 32' wooden trawlers

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    Speed trial results of six 32' wooden stern, trawlers built to the same design are analyzed to determine the EHP ship Froude number curves in each case and are compared with the model test results of the same design and for the corresponding, displacement, conditions

    Feminism in the view of tamil women writers

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    Feminism is a movement which intends to solve the problems of women in all spheres of life. Through feminism significant change can be brought about in politics, culture, economy, spirituality etc at world level. Feminism does not mean ensuring the rights of women. It means readically changing the society for the betterment of all the human beings. Women are very much oppressed in society, office and family. Mutual understanding of men and women in all dimensions is indispensable to foil the insult and injustice meted out to the women fold to a significant extent. Feminism refers to the struggle of women for equal rights in a peaceful way. Bama’s first noval Karukku is the first Dalit Novel in Tamil literature. Women endowed with education along can come out from the darkness of ignorance to the radiant light of radical thoughts. Only such women can ignite the spark of reformation in the women oppressed society. This is the consensus of the Tamil women writers

    Unusual heavy landings of Caranx carangus along Cuddalore Coast

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    An unusual bunper catch of Caranx carangus was observed in Cuddalore fishing harbour on 26-03-2004.Three fibreglass boats fitted with 9HPp outboard engine of 9m length and 2m width landed a heavy catch of 5.2 tonnes of fish

    Change in the room temperature magnetic property of ZnO upon Mn doping

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    We present in this paper the changes in the room temperature magnetic property of ZnO on Mn doping prepared using solvo-thermal process. The zero field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) magnetisation of undoped ZnO showed bifurcation and magnetic hysteresis at room temperature. Upon Mn doping the magnetic hysteresis at room temperature and the bifurcation in ZFC-FC magnetization vanishes. The results seem to indicate that undoped ZnO is ferromagnetic while on the other hand the Mn doped ZnO is not a ferromagnetic system. We observe that on addition of Mn atoms the system shows antiferromagnetism with very giant magnetic moments.Comment: 5 figure


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    Purpose: To study the use of smart phones for academic purpose by faculty member of Bharathiar university. The Smartphone has become an indispensable device for effective communication and information-gathering. Aim: The study aims to assess the level of use of smart phones for academic purpose by the faculty members of Bharathiar University. Design/Methodology/Approach: Data has been collected through questionnaire from faculty members of Bharathiar University using a random sample technique. The data were analyzed using SPSS and MS Excel. Findings: The finding of the study shows that everybody uses a Smartphone. The top three reasons for using a Smartphone are communication, browsing, and academic purpose. Majority of the respondents reported that they use smart phones for reading academic papers. Overall, the significance of smart phones helps to generate and exchange information, improve the learning and assist in projects

    Information technologies for libraries and information centres

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    For the past few years, the tremendous strides taken in the fields of information technologies have changed the society into an information conscious society. There is little doubt that the impact of these technologies on the day-to-day functions of information centres is an everlasting one. The innumerable advances in different fields such as computers, communi- cations, electronic mail, voice mail, teletext, videotext, telefax, videodisc, CD-ROM, electronic publishing, etc have left no area in the library, and information field immune for their application. And many areas still remain undiscovered. This paper, first in a series, makes an attempt to overview the impact of the information technologies on the library and information services. A brief discussion of electronic message and documentdelivery systems,and electronic mail are also presented

    Advanced Magnetostrictive Materials for Sonar Applications

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    Piezoelectric or magnetostrictive materials can be utilised as active materials for electroacoustic underwater transducers. Piezoceramic materials gained edge over the conventional magnetostrictive materials during 1940s due to their unique electro-acoustic properties. At present, inspite of passive sonars there is a need of low-frequency high-power active sonars for the Navy. This led toresearch for new activematerials with competing characteristics to that of the existing piezo transducers. The discovery of a giant magnetostrictive material, commercially known as Terfenol-D, led to a breakthrough in the development of a new generation of sonar transducers. Now, the materials (including composites) as well as sensors are commercially available. A new generation of transducers have emerged in ocean-related areas like acoustic tomography, longrange underwater communication, geophysical exploration, oil well exploration, etc.Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, has also developed the basic material technology a few years back. At present, in India, National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai, is developing underwater transducers utilising giant magnetostrictive materials as well as piezoelectric materials for marine applications like sub-bottom profiling (seafloor mapping) and long-range underwater communications. A prototype of a portable, low-frequency medium power transmitter operating over a wide-frequency range has been developed. The main advantage of this transducer is its simplicity in design. In this paper, (he recent developments in material processes, importance of device-oriented material characterisation, and transducer design aspects have been emphasised. Some results on the underwater performance of a wide-band transducer have also been presented. These materials also have ultrasonic applications, capable of revolutionising the processing industry

    Correlation between cardiovascular diseases and periodontitis - a retrospective study

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    Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by bacterial colonization, which results in destruction of the tissues between the tooth surface and gingiva, loss of connective tissue attachment, erosion of alveolar bone, and tooth loss. There is much evidence stating that prevalent periodontitis is associated with increased coronary heart disease risk. Thus there is a need to evaluate the extent to which the strength of this association has been established. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between cardiovascular diseases and periodontitis. A retrospective study was conducted using the patient records from a private dental college from June 2019 - March 2020. The study population included the case records of cardiovascular disease patients, selected by non-probability purposive sampling. Data was collected and then subjected to statistical analysis. Microsoft Excel 2016 (Microsoft office 10) data spreadsheet was used to collect data and later exported to SPSS IBM (version 20.0). Descriptive statistics and chi square test were employed with a level of significance set at p<0.05. The prevalence of periodontitis among cardiovascular patients was 81.47%. Among patients with CVD, 78.06% of hypertension patients, 3.41% of MI patients and 0.22% patients with other cardiac diseases had periodontitis. Within the limits of this study, there was a significant correlation between CVD and periodontitis (p=0.000), with a higher prevalence among hypertension patients. Patients with periodontitis are at an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. The systemic inflammatory or immune response to periodontal infection may increase cardiovascular risk. Thus proper oral hygiene practices are important in maintaining overall health