10 research outputs found
Spearman correlation coefficients of selected fasting serum NEFA species with parameters of body composition.
<p>All nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) species with a Spearman correlation coefficient ρ≥0.3 with any of the listed parameters of body composition are shown in the table. The post-GDM and the control group were combined for this analysis. n = 106 for BMI, WC and percent body fat measured by BIA. n = 62 for the MRI substudy.</p><p>*Correlation is significant with p<0.05.</p><p>**Correlation is significant with p<0.01.</p><p>***Correlation is significant with p<0.001.</p><p>Spearman correlation coefficients of selected fasting serum NEFA species with parameters of body composition.</p
Clinical and biochemical characteristics of the study cohort.
<p>The values are represented as the medians with interquartile ranges. If not stated otherwise n = 62 for the cases and n = 49 for the controls.</p><p><sup>*</sup>Chi-Square test.</p><p><sup>#</sup>(n = cases/controls).</p><p><sup>a</sup>abdominal.</p><p><sup>b</sup>Adipocyte-IR Index = fasting total NEFA<sub>LC-MS/MS</sub> (μM) * fasting insulin (μU/ml).</p><p>Clinical and biochemical characteristics of the study cohort.</p
Altered NEFA pathways in cases compared to controls.
<p>At an exploratory level of significance (p<0.05), the women after GDM exhibited reduced levels of 12:0, 14:0, 16:0, 18:0, 26:0 and total SFA and elevated levels of 18:1, the essential fatty acid 18:2, total n-6 NEFA and the proportion of total n-6/n-3 NEFA. Calculated SCD-1 activity was significantly increased in the post-GDM group. Only total SFA remained significantly different after Bonferroni correction. The red arrows in the diagram represent upregulation, and the blue arrows represent downregulation in the post-GDM group.</p
Stability of metabolites in serum during shipment simulation.
<p>Example of (A)-(C) increasing and (D) decreasing metabolite concentration during transportation simulation of serum samples on cool packs (CP). Stars in boxplots indicate significant difference in concentration compared to baseline (0 h). (Wilcoxon signed rank test, significance level p<0.01).</p
Impact of transportation simulation on metabolite concentrations in serum samples.
<p>* Metabolites with coefficient of variance across all plates above 25% in reference samples.</p><p>Metabolites that showed significant changes in serum concentration on cool packs for 3, 6 or 24 h compared to baseline (0 h) (Friedman test, p<0.01) and acceptable delay time for each metabolite during transportation (Wilcoxon signed rank test, p<0.01).</p
Stability of metabolites in plasma during shipment simulation.
<p>Example of (A), (D) decreasing and (B), (C) increasing metabolite concentration of plasma samples at room temperature (RT) and on cool packs (CP). Stars in boxplots indicate significant difference in concentration compared to baseline (0 h). (Wilcoxon signed rank test, significance level p<0.01).</p
Effect of tube type on serum metabolites.
<p>Stars in boxplots indicate significant differences in concentration between methionine sulfoxide in serum W tubes with clotting activator and serum gel-barrier tubes. (Friedman test, significance level p<0.01).</p
Median ICC with confidence intervals of serum metabolites.
<p>(A) Metabolites with median ICC-values below 0.65 and (B) metabolites with median ICC values above 0.65 are displayed.</p
Plasma concentrations of selected biomarkers.
<p>The values are represented as the medians with interquartile ranges.</p><p>Plasma concentrations of selected biomarkers.</p
Fasting serum NEFA profiles and total NEFA concentrations.
<p>Percentage concentrations (mol%) and absolute concentrations of NEFA are given as medians with interquartile ranges. n = 62 for the cases and n = 49 for the controls.</p><p>*Mann-Whitney U tests.</p><p>**Logistic regression analyses were adjusted for BMI and HbA1c when p<0.05 from Mann-Whitney U test.</p><p>#Significant after Bonferroni correction.</p><p>Fasting serum NEFA profiles and total NEFA concentrations.</p