237 research outputs found
Contamination Analysis of Escherichia coli on Broiler Chicken Meat in Traditional Markets of Medan City
Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a gram-negative bacteria that can reduce meat quality and cause diarrhea if the amount is too much. This study investigates the presence of E. coli contamination in chicken meat sold in traditional markets in Medan. This research was conducted using the purposive sampling method and collected samples from 30% of each nine traditional markets with 32 samples. The traditional markets in Medan, namely Petisah, Central, Sei Kambing, Kampung Lalang, Kwala Bekala, Helvetia, Kampung Baru, Kemiri and Padang Bulan. Research was conducted by using the CFU / ml method with chromocult media. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory of the Regional Veterinary Disease Investigation Center Region 1 Medan. The results showed 32 samples of chicken meat had exceeded the maximum limit of microbial contamination. The highest total microbial average was in the Kampung Lalang market, 3.49 Log CFU / g, and the lowest was in the Kemiri market of 2.79 Log CFU / g. Based on the research results, it was found that the meat in the traditional markets of Medan was all contaminated with E. coli and had passed the maximum limit of bacterial contamination
ARI ANDANI NASUTION, 2018: The Use Of Cassava Peel (Manihot Utilisima) Fermentation In The Ration On The Fat Of Male Local Sheep Under supervised by HASNUDI and NURZAINAH GINTING. This study aims to determine how much influence the use of cassava peel (Manihot utilisima) fermentation in the rations on fat percentage of male local sheep. The research was conducted at the farm of Mr. Praditya located in Medan, in September-December 2017. The treatmen design used Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. Using 20 local rams with an average of 10.18 ± 1 kg. The treatment provided is P0 (Cassava peel Non Fermentation), P1 (Cassava peel Fermentation 20%), P2 (Cassava peel Fermentation 40%), and P3 (Cassava peel Fermentation60%). The results showed that the average the percentage of subcutaneous fat of sheep of highest P3= 2.04 dan low P0= 1.10 (kg/head). Average percentage of abdomen fat of highest P0= 2.364 and low P3= 2.148 (kg/head). Average percentage of heart of highest P0P2P3= 0.204 and low P1= 0.198 (kg/head). Average percentage of kidneys fat of highest P2= 0.300 and low P0= 0.24 (kg/head). Average percentage of pelvis fat of highest P3= 0.284 and low P0= 0.262 (kg/head). The conclusion of this research is the high use of fermented cassava peel in the ration can increase the percentage of subcutaneous fat and percentage of pelvis fat, butcauses the percentage of abdo men fat percentage of heart, and percentage of kidneys fat
Influence of unconventional monetary policy on agricultural commodities futures: network connectedness and dynamic spillovers of returns and volatility
Our research examines connectedness landscape and the dynamic spillovers of volatility and returns in the network comprising eleven agricultural commodities and US shadow short rate in a quality of inflation indicator, observed in monetary policymaking. We use daily data from November 2000 to May 2021. We document monetary policy as a net transmitter of spillover for both return and volatility of agricultural commodities. We find significant volatility connectedness among agricultural commodities. The connectedness is shown to be of a time-varying nature, exhibiting considerable increases during periods of market turmoil. The results of this paper provide relevant insights into the interrelations of US monetary policy and agricultural commodity prices, being, hence, potentially useful for commodity investors, brokers and dealers, as well as for market regulators designing policy solutions for financial stability enhancements
The Use of Various Media on Hatchability, Hatching Time and The Vitality of Honey Cricket Tillers (Gryllus mitratus)
Crickets are the most demanded commodity because there have the most interest in ornamental livestock such as birds, while the presence of crickets in nature has diminwashed because their natural habitat has been increasingly eroded by city development. The important thing to consider in cricket farms was when incubating cricket eggs which requires special treatment to maintain their temperature and humidity. Thwas study aims toknow the hatching ability of cricket, egg hatching duration and the vitality of honey cricket age 0-10 days, in different media. The research was conducted at the Biology Laboratory of Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. A. Sofyan No. 3 Medan, which started from November 2018 until December 2018. The design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) 4 treatments (Q0: river sand hatch media; Q1: sand hatch media; Q2: kapok hatch media; Q3: rice straw hatch, and 5 replications (each conswasting of 100 honey cricket eggs Grylus mitratus).The use of various media for honey cricket hatching eggs has a positive influence on the hatchability of eggs, the duration of hatching eggs and the vitality of honey crickets tillers. River sand hatching media (P0) is the best hatching media for the parameters of hatching eggs of honey cricket and the vitality of honey crickets tillers
Percentage of Local Sheep Carcases: Feed by Fermented Cassava Peel
This study aimed to determine the effect of giving various doses of fermented cassava peel by local microorganisms (MOL) on the percentage of carcasses of local male sheep. The research was carried out at Mr. Praditya Raharja's Ranch, Jalan Bunga Rinte, Simpang Selayang, Medan, from December 16, 2019 to March 8, 2020 using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. This study used 20 male local sheep with an average initial body weight of 12.59 ± 1.22 kg. The treatments were: P0 (without fermented cassava peel in the ration), P1 (25% fermented cassava peel in the ration), P2 (50% fermented cassava peel in the ration), and P3 (75% fermented cassava peel in the diet). ration). The parameters studied were final weight, slaughter weight, empty body weight, and carcass percentage.
The results showed that the application of cassava peel fermented by MOL in the ration had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the final weight (P0=26.17 kg/head, P1=23.34 kg/head, P2=24.50 kg/head, P3=23.43 kg/head), slaughter weight (P0=26.10 kg/head, P1=22.67 kg/head, P2=24.23 kg/head, P3=22.38 kg/head), body weight empty (P0=18.81 kg/head, P1=17.20 kg/head, P2=18.37 kg/head, P3=16.64 kg/head), carcass weight (P0=11.31 kg/head , P1=9.55 kg/head P2=10.15 kg/head, P3=9.27 kg/head), and carcass percentage (P0=60.17%, P1=55.16%, P2=55, 17%, P3=55,70%). The conclusion of this study was that giving fermented cassava peel to sheep still had a positive effect, as it did not reduce the body weight of the sheep's carcass and the percentage of carcass produced was more than 50%
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi subtitusi rumput lapang dengan pelepah daun kelapa sawit fermentasi menggunakan mikro organisme lokal (MOL) terhadap kecernaan nutrien dan total digestible nutrient (TDN) pada sapi jantan peranakan. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 3 kelompok. Materi yang digunakan sebanyak 12 ekor sapi jantan peranakan berumur (12-18 bulan) dengan rata-rata bobot badan masing-masing 141 kg - 269 kg. Parameter yang diamati adalah kecernaan nutrien dan TDN. Penggunaan pelepah sawit fermentasi dalam berbagai level berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap nilai kecernaan nutrien dan TDN. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan terbaik terdapat pada P3 yaitu konsentrat + 45 % pelepah daun kelapa sawit fermentasi, mampu menggantikan rumput lapang sebagai bahan pakan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pemberian pakan pelepah sawit fermentasi MOL dapat menjadi bahan pakan alternatif pengganti rumput lapang dalam pemeliharaan sapi jantan peranakan. Kata kunci : Fermentasi, Kecernaan nutrien, Pelepah Daun Kelapa Sawit, Rumput Lapang, Total digestible nutrien
Financial Analysis of Broiler Farm Business in Batu Penjamuran Village Sub District Namorambe (Case Studies on farms Andarias with partnership patterns)
This research was conducted Batu Penjamuran Village Namorambe sub district. The research was conducted in June until December 2016. Research method used was case study at broiler farm Andarias. The location determination in this study was conducted directly on the basis that livestock farming Andarias was a potential farm and has had never been analyzed its business feasibility. This research was used data collection method by observation and direct interview to farmer Andarias. This research showed the income earned by breeder Andarias, in the year 2014 to 2016 sequantially each month as much as Rp. 9.327.568, Rp. 5.508.219, and Rp. 9.023.066.NPV value of 250,784,644, IRR of 66.58% and R / C of 1.08% which could then be declared as a reasonable information. Therefore, the conclusions generated by the researcher was a livestock business by Mr. Andarias expressed could be continued and developed
SUPLEMENTASI CHITOSAN DERIVAT KARAPAS UDANG TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN KADAR TOTAL KOLESTEROL DARAH PADA ITIK LOKAL: Supplementation of Chitosan as the Shrimp Shell Derivatives In rations on Growth and Blood Total Cholesterol Levels in Local Duck
Kadar total kolesterol yang tinggi menjadi faktor pembatas yang menyebabkan konsumsisecara bebas terhadap daging maupun telur itik dihindari oleh masyarakat. Untuk itu telah dilakukansuatu penelitian pada Mei _ September 2015 untuk mengamati suplementasi chitosan derivat karapasudang di dalam ransum terhadap pertumbuhan dan kadar total kolesterol darah pada itik lokalmenggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Keempat perlakuan terdiriatas T0 = ransum basal tanpa suplementasi; T1 = ransum basal + 9,05% tepung karapas udang; T2 =ransum basal + 1,5% chitosan derivat karapas udang; T3 = ransum basal + 1,5% chitosan BiotechSurindo. Peubah yang diteliti terdiri atas konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan, konversiransum dan kadar total kolesterol darah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi tepungkarapas udang, chitosan derivat karapas udang maupun chitosan komersial di dalam ransum dapatmenurunkan kadar total kolesterol darah dan performans itik (P<0.05). Total kolesterol darah (mg/dL)pada perlakuan T1; T2: T3; T4 adalah 252,4; 224; 153; 185,4. Sedangkan rata-rata pertambahan bobotbadan menurun 6,55%; 22,18%; dan 14,02% dibandingkan terhadap perlakuan kontrol. Hasil terbaikdiperoleh pada suplementasi 1,5% chitosan derivat karapas udang
PEMANFAATAN KULIT BUAH KAKAO (Theobroma cacao L.) FERMENTASI DENGAN CAIRAN RUMEN TERHADAP KONSUMSI DAN KECERNAAN BAHAN KERING DAN BAHAN ORGANIK PADA SAPI PERANAKAN ONGOLE (PO): Utilization of Cocoa Pod (Theobroma cacao L.) Fermented by Rumen Fluid on Consumption and Digestibility of Dry and Organic Matter in Ongole Crossbred Cattle
Kulit buah kakao fermentasi dengan cairan rumen dapat meningkatkan konsumsi dan kecernaan bahankering dan bahan organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh level penggunaan kulit buahkakao (Theobroma cacao L.) yang difermentasi dengan cairan rumen dalam konsentrat terhadap konsumsi dankecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO). Rancangan yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah rancangan bujur sangkar latin (RBSL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiriatas P0 (tanpa pemberian kulit buah kakao fermentasi); P1 (10% kulit buah kakao fermentasi dalam konsentrat);P2 (20% kulit buah kakao fermentasi dalam konsentrat); dan P3 (30% kulit buah kakao fermentasi dalamkonsentrat). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rataan konsumsi bahan kering (kg/ekor/hari) 7.78; 7.83; 7.95; dan7.87. Rataan konsumsi bahan organik (kg/ekor/hari) 7.43; 7.38; 7.51 dan 7.44. Rataan kecernaan bahan kering67.59; 66.73; 67.52 dan 66.68. Rataan kecernaan bahan organik 66.57; 65.94; 66.27; dan 65.77. AnalisaStatistik menunjukkan bahwa pemberian berbagai level kulit buah kakao fermentasi dalam konsentrat tidakberbeda nyata (P > 0.05) terhadap konsumsi bahan kering, konsumsi bahan organik, kecernaan bahan kering dankecernaan bahan organik pada sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO)
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