10,822 research outputs found
The First Differential of the Functor "Algebraic K-Theory of Spaces"
In his "Algebraic K-theory of topological spaces II" Waldhausen proved that
his functor A(X) splits: There is a canonical map from the stable homotopy of X
which has a retraction up to weak equivalence. We adapt Waldhausen's proof to
obtain a calculation of the Differential (in the sense of Goodwillie's
"Calculus I") of A(X) at any path-connected base space.Comment: The calculation of the differential in Section 7 contains a mistake
and it is not clear if the statement hold
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Keywords of written reflection - a comparison between reflective and descriptive datasets
This study investigates reflection keywords by contrasting two datasets, one of reflective sentences and another of descriptive sentences. The log-likelihood statistic reveals several reflection keywords that are discussed in the context of a model for reflective writing. These keywords are seen as a useful building block for tools that can automatically analyse reflection in texts
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An architecture for the automated detection of textual indicators of reflection
Manual annotation of evidence of reflection expressed in texts is time consuming, especially as fine-grained models of reflection require extensive training of coders, otherwise resulting in low inter-coder reliability. Automated reflection detection provides a solution to this problem. Within this paper, a new basic architecture for detecting evidence of reflection is proposed that allows for automated marking up of written accounts of certain, observable elements of reflection. Furthermore, three promising example annotators of elements of reflection are identified, implemented, and demonstrated: detecting reflective keywords, premise and conclusions of arguments, and questions. It appears that automated detection of reflections bears the potential to support learning with technology at least on three levels: it can foster creating awareness of the reflectivity of own writings, it can help in becoming aware of reflective writings of others, and it can make visible reflective writings of learning networks as a whole
Out of sight, out of mind - the state of mental healthcare in prison
Out of sight, Out of mind - The state of mental healthcare in priso
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The afterlife of 'living deliverables': angels or zombies?
Within the STELLAR project, we provide the possibility to use living documents for the collaborative writing work on deliverables. Compared to 'normal' deliverables, 'living' deliverables come into existence much earlier than their delivery deadline and are expected to 'live on' after their official delivery to the European Commission. They are expected to foster collaboration. Within this contribution we investigate, how these deliverables have been used over the first 16 months of the project. We therefore propose a set of new analysis methods facilitating social network analysis on publicly available revision history data. With this instrumentarium, we critically look at whether the living deliverables have been successfully used for collaboration and whether their 'afterlife' beyond the contractual deadline had turned them into 'zombies' (still visible, but no or little live editing activities). The results show that the observed deliverables show signs of life, but often in connection with a topical change and in conjunction with changes in the pattern of collaboration
The German employment protection act: How does it work in company practice?
The article describes the manner in which in companies make decisions about dismissals. It begins with the presentation of a number of theories, which attempt to depict the complexity of the employment relationship. This is followed by the presentation of the legal framework and the various options for action at the respective levels. The third section draws together empirical data that illuminates the relevance of the various steps involved in the termination of the employment relationship. It shows that the prevalent assumptions that companies hold regarding the effects of the KSchG are unfounded. --Employment Protection Legislation,Dismissal,Severance Payment
Comparing Direct and Indirect Taxation: The Influence of Framing on Tax Compliance
Standard theory of the optimal mix of direct and indirect taxation implicitly assumes that compliance is not influenced by the framing of the taxes. According to our findings, this is not the case. Using an experimental approach, we examine whether framing the tax payment decision as income tax or consumption tax influences compliance. We find that median compliance is 10.2 percentage points higher in the income tax framing. Further, we find that subjects' reaction to a change in tax rates is comparable, but reaction towards a change in detection rates is higher in the consumption tax scheme. We conclude that behavioral patterns should be taken into account when drawing conclusions about the direct-indirect tax mixComparative analysis of tax systems ; behavioral public finance ; optimal tax mix ; noncompliance ; framing
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