188 research outputs found
Improvement of Superior Genotypes from Anatolian Sage (Salvia Fruticosa Mill.) Populations By Clonal Selection
This research was conducted with the purpose of obtaining high quality plants by selection breeding of Anatolian sage (Salvi afruticosa Mill.) in different locations of Antalya province. In this research, clonal individual plants belong to Salvia fruticosa Mill. species, were collected from 15 different populations in the flora of Antalya. The clonal selection method was used in the breeding of this species, which is propagated clonally. Dry herbage yield was between 748.34 and 1135.15 kg%252Fda for A clones, while it was between 748.34 and 1135.15 kg%252Fda for B clones in terms of the population mean. The highest dry leaf yield was determined 534.36 and 605.867 kg%252Fda for A and B clones respectively. Furthermore, 1.8-cineole, camphor and caryophyllene were determined as the main components of essential oils. The proportion of 1.8-cineole was determined between 34.51-73.49%25. In this research, it was observed that there was a large variation between clonal lines, and some of them were determined as important in terms of morphological characteristics, yield and quality
Slag Types and Utilization Areas
DergiPark: 398010tujesThe utilization of slag in Turkey is behind of developed countries. The resulting slag mountains occupy space and cause environmental problems. Environmental problems such as air, soil and water pollution affect human health and plant growth. Increasing the use of slag is an important way to solve these problems. Metallurgical smelting slag is not only considered as waste, but it can also be considered as a valuable secondary raw material that can be used both in metallurgical processes and in other industrial applications. Blast furnace slag and steel slag constitute a significant portion of the total slag. Although iron-containing slags are usually used as a secondary building material, other non-iron slags are less frequently used due to their toxic character and environmental risks. Replacement of some or all of the natural aggregates with slag byproducts may provide significant environmental and economic benefits by protection raw materials and reducing waste materials. In this paper, slag types and their utilization areas were discussed.Cürufun kullanımı Türkiye’de gelişmiş ülkelerin gerisindedir. Oluşan cüruf dağları yer işgal etmekte ve çevresel problemlere neden olmaktadır. Hava, toprak ve su kirliliği gibi çevresel problemler insan sağlığı ve bitki büyümesini etkilemektedir. Cüruf kullanımının arttırılması bu problemleri çözmek için önemli bir yoldur. Metalürjik ergitme cürufu sadece bir atık olarak düşünülmez fakat aynı zamanda hem metalürjik proseslerde hem de diğer endüstri uygulamalarında kullanılabilen değerli ikincil bir hammadde olarak düşünülebilir. Yüksek fırın cürufu ve çelik cürufu toplam cürufun önemli bir kısmını oluşturmaktadır. Demir içeren cüruflar ikincil bir yapı malzemesi olarak kullanılmasına rağmen demir olmayan diğer cüruflar toksik özelliği ve çevresel riskler nedeniyle daha az sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Doğal agregaların bir kısmının ve tamamının cüruf yan ürünleriyle yer değiştirmesi, hammaddenin korunması ve atık malzemelerin azaltılmasıyla kayda değer çevresel ve ekonomik kazançlar sağlayabilecektir. Bu makalede cüruf çeşitleri ve kullanım alanları tartışılmıştır
Applicability of fetal renal artery Doppler values in determining pregnancy outcome and type of delivery in idiopathic oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios pregnancies
Aims: To investigate the relationship between fetal renal artery Doppler results and pregnancy outcomes in patients with idiopathic abnormal amniotic fluid indices. Material and method: A total of 110 patients without signs of fetal distress were included in the study: 31 idiopathic oligohydramnios and 29 idiopathic polyhydramnios pregnancies (study group) and 50 normal pregnancies (controls). Doppler investigation of the umbilical artery (UA), middle cerebral artery (MCA), fetal descendant thoracic aorta (DTA) and fetal renal artery (RA) was performed in all patients. Fetal RA resistive index (RI) and pulsatile index (PI) values were measured. Values pertaining to type of birth, newborn weight and APGAR scores were compared. Results: Average patient age, gravidity and week of pregnancy were 25±4, 1.6, and 37.4±1, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups as far as UA S/D, MCA S/D, DTA S/D, DTA RI, DTA PI, and RA S/D measurements were concerned. However, in the oligohydramnios group RA RI and RA PI values were significantly higher than the other two groups. Birth weight in the polyhydramnios group and cesarean section rate due to fetal distress in the oligohydramnios group were significantly higher. Conclusions: In the oligohydramnios group, without affecting fetal distress parameters, Doppler USG evaluation identified an increase in the RA resistance. Also in that group, cesarean rate due to fetal distress during labor was significantly higher than in the remaining two groups. Due to the predictive potential of values of fetal renal artery Doppler of fetal outcome further large sample-sized studies on the subject ought to be carried out
Evli kadınlarda premenstrual sendrom görülme durumu ve etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi
Objective:This study was done to determine affecting factors and premenstrual syndrome among married women.Method: This study was planned as cross-sectionaly. Population of this study was constituted from married women registered a Health Centre of Ordu province, in Turkey. The sample was composed of 302 married women who applied in this Health Centre and accepted to join. The study was made between the date 23rd of March-25th of May, 2007. Data were collected with the questionnaire form and Premenstrual Syndrome Scale (PMSS) by using face to face technique. The statisticaly evaluation of data were done by using SPSS 11.5.Results: PMSS score of women was found 88.61±30.05 (range 44-181). 68.5% of women who joined to the study were informed about menstruation before the menarche and 48.2% of them were informed by their mothers, 69.1% of them stated that marriage and giving birth don’t change their premenstrual problems, 49.4% of women reported that they experienced fewer or no dysmenorrhea after marriage and giving birth. PMSS scores of women who illiterate of their mother, “ inadequate” income, residence in the province and in the village with anemia were found higher than other women and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). It was found that women’s age, marital status, occupation, education level, family type, smoking, menarche age and knowledge about menstruation before menarche of women were no effected on premenstrual sydrome (p>0.05).Conclusion: As a result, premenstrual syndrome was found “mild level” among married women. However, it may be suggested that health personnels should give planned education about premenstrual syndrome to the women for less experienced of premenstrual sypmtoms. Amaç: Bu çalışma, evli kadınlarda premestrual sendrom ve etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek için yapıldı.Gereç ve Yöntem: Kesitsel tipte planlanan bu çalışmanın evrenini 4 nolu sağlık ocağına kayıtlı 15-49 yaşları arasındaki 11092 evli kadın oluşturdu. Örnekleme bu sağlık merkezine başvuran ve çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 302 evli kadın alındı. Çalışma 23 Mart- 25 Mayıs 2007 tarihleri arasında yapıldı. Veriler soru formu ve Premenstrual Sendrom Ölçeği (PMSÖ) ile yüz-yüze görüşme tekniği kullanılarak toplandı. Verilerin istatistiksel değerlendirmesi, SPSS 11.5 kullanılarak yapıldı.Bulgular: PMSÖ puan ortalaması 88.61±30.05 (44-181) bulundu. Çalışmaya katılan kadınların %68.5’i menstrual siklusun başlamasından önce menstruasyon hakkında bilgi almıştı. Kadınların % 48.2’si anneleri tarafından bilgilendirilmişti. Kadınların %69.1’si premenstrual sorunlarının evlenme ve doğum yapma ile değişmediğini belirtti. Kadınların %49.4’u evlenme ve doğum yapmalarının sonucunda menstruasyon ağrılarının daha az olduğunu ya da artık olmadığını belirtti. Araştırma kapsamına alınan kadınlardan; annesi okur-yazar olmayanların, gelir düzeyi yetersiz olanların, şehirde ve köyde yaşayanların ve anemisi olanların PMSÖ puanının diğerlerine göre daha yüksek olduğu ve farkın istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu belirlendi (p<0.05). Kadınların yaşı, medeni durumu, mesleği, eğitim seviyesi, aile tipi, sigara içme durumu, menarş yaşı ve menarştan önce menstruasyon hakkında bilgi almalarının premenstrual sendrom görülmesinde etkisi olmadığı saptandı (p>0.05). Sonuç: Bu çalışma sonucunda, evli kadınlar arasında premenstrual sendromun hafif düzeyde yaşandığı belirlendi. Bununla birlikte, premenstrual semptomların daha az yaşanması için sağlık personelinin kadınlara premenstrual sendrom konusunda planlı eğitim vermeleri önerilir.  
İlaç Bileşimlerinde İslam İnancına Göre Haram Olan Maddelerin Bulunma Durumu
The demandfor halal products by Muslim communities in Islamic and in foreign countrieshave been dealt with by civil society organizations. Moreover, initiatives havebeen made to convey this demand to official institutions. These initiativeshave led to the recognition by official authorities of the rights of muslimsand members of other religions to access health products that meet theirdefinition. The haram issue of drugs is mainly based on the use ofanimal-derived tissues and non-halal components interfered with the productionprocess. Substances derived from animals are used, directly or after treatment,in medicines and vaccines of various pharmaceutical forms, such as tablets,capsules, creams, and injectable solutions. These products can be activesubstances of the drug as well as adjuvants. Nowadays, it is possible toproduce active substances, adjuvants and excipients from alternative sources.Therefore, the necessity of the relevant authorities to ensure that Muslims arenot irrelevant to the demand for halal products and to establish the necessarylegal basis can be considered at least a human rights phenomenon. However,since the survival of people is a priority, it is a valid approach to use theproducts in which the alternative option is not available.İslamülkelerindeki ve ecnebi ülkelerdeki Müslüman toplulukların helal ürün taleplerisivil toplum kuruluşlarında önemle ele alınmış ve resmi kuruluşlar nezdindegirişimlerde bulunulmuştur. Yapılan girişimler resmi otoritelerin, Müslümanlarve diğer din mensupları için kendi tanımlarına uygun (helal) sağlık ürünlerineulaşma hakkını tanımasını sağlamıştır. İlaçlardaki haramlık meselesi, dahaziyade hayvansal dokuların üretimde kullanılmasına dayanmaktadır. Hayvanlardanelde edilen maddeler doğrudan veya işleme tabi tutulduktan sonra tablet,kapsül, krem, enjeksiyonluk çözeltiler gibi çeşitli farmasötik şekillerde, ilaçve aşılarda kullanılmaktadır. Bu ürünler ilacın etkin maddesi olabildiği gibiyardımcı maddeler de olabilmektedir. Günümüzde ilaç etkin ve yardımcımaddelerin alternatif kaynaklardan üretilmesi mümkündür. Dolayısıyla konuylailgili resmi otoritelerin Müslümanların helal ürün taleplerine kayıtsızkalmaması ve gerekli yasal zeminin oluşturulmasını sağlaması gerekliliği enazından bir insan hakları olgusu olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bununla birlikteinsanın yaşatılması öncelikli olduğundan, alternatif seçeneğin bulunmadığıürünlerin tedavide kullanılmaları geçerli bir yaklaşımdır.
Some morphological and biochemical properties of crataegus l. taxa of western mediterranean region
Yaygın olarak ‘alıçlar’ ismiyle bilinen Crataegus L. cinsi, Rosaceae Juss. familyasının bir üyesi olup, yaprak döken dikenli ağaç ve çalılardan
oluşmaktadır. Cinse ait türler meyve ağacı, peyzaj bitkisi ve tıbbi bitki olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Antalya, Isparta ve Burdur illerinde
doğal yayılış gösteren Crataegus taksonlarının genel dağılımı, bazı morfolojik ve biyokimyasal özelikleri incelenmiştir. Morfolojik özellikler olarak;
çiçek çapı (mm) ve kümedeki sayısı (adet),yaprak eni (mm), boyu (mm) ve rengi (L, a, b, c, H°), meyvede tohum sayısı (adet) ve tohum ağırlığı (g),
meyve eni (mm), boyu (mm), rengi (L, a, b, c, H°), ağırlığı (g) belirlenmiştir. Biyokimyasal özellikler olarak ise suda çözünen kuru madde (SÇKM %),
pH, toplam asitlik (%), nem (%) ve kül (%) değerleri belirlenmiştir. Bölgede doğada bolluk bakımından C. monogyna var. monogyna Jacq ve C. orentalis
Pall. Ex M. Bieb. subsp. orientalis(Sarı meyveli), gençleşme bakımından ise C. azarolus L. taksonları ön plana çıkmıştır. Ölçüm ve analizlerde
taksonlar/ genotipler bazında değişen sonuçlar alınmıştır ve veriler bölgede cins üzerine yapılacak çalışmalar için temel oluşturacaktır. Tanımlanan
Crataegus taksonlarının farklı alanlarda değerlendirilmesi ve sürdürülebilir şekilde korunması gerektiği düşünülmektedir.Crataegus is a member of Rosaceae family. They are deciduous trees or shrubs usually with thorns. The taxa of the genus are used for medical purposes,
fruit tree and landscaping. In this study, were determined Crataegus taxa, which are naturally distributed in the Isparta, Burdur and Antalya provinces,
and also were determined that general distribution properties, some morphological and biochemical properties. Morphological features; flower diameter (mm) and number in the cluster (pcs), leaf width (mm), length (mm) and color (L, a, b, c, H °), number of seeds in fruit (pcs) and seed weight (g), fruit
width (mm), length (mm), color (L, a, b, c, H °), weight (g) were determined. Biochemical properties; water soluble dry matter (%), pH, total acidity
(%), moisture (%) and ash (%) were determined. C. monogyna var. monogyna Jacq and C. orentalis subsp. orientalis Pall. Ex M. Bieb. (Yellow fruit)
in abundance in nature and C. azarolus taxa in terms of rejuvenation were prominent. Changing results were taken on the basis of taxa/ genotypes in
the measurements and analysis. The data obtained will form the basis to be held studies for the genus in region. It is thought that the defined Crataegus
taxa should be evaluated in different areas and protected in a sustainable way
Burnout in Turkish Adult Neurology Specialists
Aim:Burnout in medical doctors may worse affect patient care or physical performance of clinician. We aimed to investigate the burnout ratio and the factors associated with burnout in Turkish neurology specialists.Materials and Methods:The neurology specialists in Turkey were included in the study. The participants were asked to fill a questionnaire comprised of 33 questions regarding various thoughts and experiences. The participants gave a response to the questions as follows: strongly disagree, slightly agree, moderately agree, strongly agree, completely agree. According to the meaning value of the question (negative or positive meaning), the answer was given a point in a range of 1-5. Sum of points divided by the maximum point (165) gave a burnout ratio.Results:The mean age was 38.78 (±8.42) years, and the female/male ratio was 461/255. The mean burnout ratio was found to be 46.73% (±8.95). Male sex, academic membership, higher academic degree, working in medical faculty hospital, lower salary, being single or nonparent, nightshift, absence of on call work, or working in the intensive care unit were detected to be associated with a higher burnout ratio. Burnout ratio was in positive correlation with age, number of patients examined, and duration of working hours, but in negative correlation with number of auxiliary staff or neurologists in hospital.Conclusion:Our study is the first study to demonstrate a high burnout ratio in a large sample of Turkish adult neurology specialists. Being male, older, academician, professor, single or nonparent, working in medical faculty hospital or in intensive care, low salary, nightshift, and high patient number or working hours seem to be associated with burnout
Adsorption challenge in the PDMS-based microfluidic systems for drug screening application
Drug screening is one of the demand areas due to close and direct dependency on human health. On the other hand, recently microfluidic systems have been increasingly used for drug development and screening purposes. However, this system has some challenges such as adsorption issue which can effect pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) of the drugs. Thus, in this research, the issue was characterized and evaluated by UV-Vis spectrophotometry and FTIR spectroscopy devices as a model drug of cisplatin. Despite of strong relationship between logP and adsorption, and the very low value of logP in the drug candidate, the results for both apical and basal planes of the microfluidic chip confirmed the adsorption. In the UV-Vis spectrophotometry, the basal plane show 5%, and 10% higher adsorption compared to apical and control polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based microfluidic. Additionally, the FTIR patterns were a good coincide with UV-Vis results
Self-reported antibiotic stewardship and infection control measures from 57 intensive care units: An international ID-IRI survey
We explored the self-reported antibiotic stewardship (AS), and infection prevention and control (IPC) activities in intensive care units (ICUs) of different income settings. A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online questionnaire to collect data about IPC and AS measures in participating ICUs. The study participants were Infectious Diseases-International Research Initiative (IDI-IR) members, committed as per their institutional agreement form. We analyzed responses from 57 ICUs in 24 countries (Lower-middle income (LMI), n = 13; Upper-middle income (UMI), n = 33; High-income (HI), n = 11). This represented (similar to 5%) of centers represented in the ID-IRI. Surveillance programs were implemented in (76.9%-90.9%) of ICUs with fewer contact precaution measures in LMI ones (p = 0.02); (LMI:69.2%, UMI:97%, HI:100%). Participation in regional antimicrobial resistance programs was more significantly applied in HI (p = 0.02) (LMI:38.4%,UMI:81.8%,HI:72.2%). AS programs are implemented in 77.2% of institutions with AS champions in 66.7%. Infectious diseases physicians and microbiologists are members of many AS teams (59%&50%) respectively. Unqualified healthcare professionals(42.1%), and deficient incentives(28.1%) are the main barriers to implementing AS. We underscore the existing differences in IPC and AS programs' implementation, team composition, and faced barriers. Continuous collaboration and sharing best practices on APM is needed. The role of regional and international organizations should be encouraged. Global support for capacity building of healthcare practitioners is warranted. (C) 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences
Measurement of apparent diffusion coefficient in pediatric mitochondrial encephalopathy patients and the comparison of the follow-up measurements of diffusion coefficient with the parenchymal changes due to the disease course
AMAÇ: Manyetik rezonans görüntülemenin (MRG) beyaz cevher lezyonlarını saptamada duyarlılığı yüksektir ancak, altta yatan patoloji konusunda sınırlı seçiciliği vardır. Difüzyon ağırlıklı görüntüleme(DAG) yakın zamanda klinik kullanıma giren fonksiyonel bir görüntüleme yöntemidir. Bu yöntemde görüntü kontrastı suyun mikroskobik hareketine dayanır. DAG gibi ölçüme dayalı teknikler, beyaz cevher hastalıklarında altta yatan patolojik değişiklikler için daha fazla bilgi verir. Bizim çalışmamızın amacı pediyatrik yaş grubunda metabolik ensefalopati tanılı hastalarda DAG ve MRG'nin tanıya olan katkısının ortaya konması ve belirlenen 20 alandan ölçülen ‘apparent diffusion coefficent' (ADC= görünen difüzyon katsayısı) değerlerinin kontrol grupları ile karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmesidir. Ayrıca ADC katsayısı ölçümünün konvansiyonel sekanslara üstünlüğü ya da katkısının kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmesidir. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: 2004-2008 yılları arasında bölümümüz MRG ünitesinde nörometabolik hastalık ön tanısıyla MRG ve difüzyon MRG incelemesi yapılan, klinik, laboratuar ve/veya genetik çalışmalarla mitokondrial ensefalopati tanısı alan 10 hasta çalışmamıza alındı. Çalışmaya alınan 10 hastadan 6 tanesine 1 ile 4 yıl sonrasında kontrol MRG-DAG incelemeleri yapıldı. Üç hasta ex olduğundan kontrol incelemeleri yapılamadı. Tüm hastaların beyin MR incelemeleri 1,5 Tesla MR ile standart kafa koili kullanılarak yapıldı. Tüm konvansiyonel ve difüzyon MR görüntüleri biri deneyimli biri asistan olan 2 radyolog tarafından değerlendirildi. Bu değerlendirmede parankimal sinyal intensite değişiklikleri, lezyon lokalizasyonları ve sayıları, DAG'de ek lezyon saptanıp saptanmadığı ve lezyonların yaygınlığı dikkate alındı. DAG'de sinyal özellikleri görsel olarak değerlendirilip kontrol ve hasta grubundaki tüm hastalarda daha önceden belirlenen 20 ayrı ölçüm noktasından ADC değerleri standart ROI ile ölçüldü. Bulgular yaş ve cinsiyetleri uygun kontrol grubuyla karşılaştırıldı. Kontrol ve hasta gruplarından elde edilen ADC değerleri Mann Whitney U testi ile karşılaştırıldı. BULGULAR: Çalışmaya alınan mitokondrial ensefalopati tanılı 10 olgunun 3 tanesi ex olduğundan kontrol incelemesi mevcut değildi. Bu olgularda DAG'de difüzyon artışı mevcut olup ADC değerleri artmış olarak bulundu. İlk tetkiklerinde DAG'de difüzyon kısıtlanması ve ADC değerlerinde azalma bulunan 3 olgunun 1 tanesinde 4 yıl sonraki incelemede ADC değerlerinde artış saptanırken diğer 2 olguda ise 1 yıl sonraki incelemede ADC değerlerinde öncekine göre hafif artış izlenmekle birlikte kontrol grubuna göre halen düşük değerler mevcuttu. Bir olgunun ilk incelemesi normal iken 4 yıl sonraki incelemede ADC değerleri azalmış bulundu. Üç olguda ilk inceleme ve kontrol incelemede difüzyon artışı, ADC değerlerinde artış mevcuttu. İki hastada takip incelemede lezyon sayısında, 1 hastada da lezyon boyutlarında artış mevcuttu. Kardeş olan ikişer olguda benzer lokalizasyonlarda tutulum saptandı. TARTIŞMA VE SONUÇ: Çalışmamızda, DAG'nin ek lezyon saptayarak, lezyonları daha kesin sınırlarla demarke ederek ve SE T2 görüntülerde homojen hiperintens olan lezyonlardaki farklı difüzyon karakteristiklerini belirleyerek rutin incelemeye ek tanısal katkı sağladığı sonucuna ulaştık. ADC haritası üzerinde yapılan ölçümler normal kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırdığında, hastalığın evresine bağlı olarak ADC değerlerinde artış ya da azalma olması nedeniyle istatistiksel değerlendirmede anlamlı farklılık bulunamadı. Bu hastalığın nadir görülen bir hastalık olması ve çalışmada az sayıda hasta olması nedeniyle benzer evrelerdeki hastalardan yeterli sayıda hasta içeren homojen gruplar oluşturulamamasına bağlı olarak uygun istatistiksel analiz yapılamamıştır. Bu nedenle hastalar benzer yaş ve cinsiyetteki kontrol grubu hastaları ile tek tek karşılaştırılmıştır. Ancak DAG ve ADC ölçümü, konvansiyonel sekansta sinyal değişikliği bulunmayan alanlarda hastalık tutulumunun belirlenmesi, hastalık yaygınlığı ve evresinin saptanmasında önemlidir. Bu sonucun özellikle beyaz cevher hastalığı bulunan olgular için önemli olduğunu düşünüyoruz. Çünkü beyaz cevher hastalıklarında normal görünen beyaz cevherin etkilenip etkilenmediğinin belirlenmesi önemlidir. Difüzyon ağırlıklı MRG pediyatrik yaş grubunda mitokondrial ansefalopati hastalığında konvansiyonel MR sekanslarını tamamlayıcı bilgiler vermekte, lezyon yaşının, lezyonların dejenerasyon miktarının ve progresyonunun takibinde önemli katkılar sağlamaktadır. Bu yönü ile rutin beyin MR incelemesine eklenmesi gereken bir sekans olarak değerlendirilmelidir. PURPOSE: Although the sensitivity of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in detecting white matter lesions is high, its specificity in the identification of the underlying pathology is limited. Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) is a functional imaging method that has recently been introduced into clinical use. It visualizes the random microscopic motion of water molecules and thereby provides an image contrast. Methods such as DWI, which are based on measurement, offer more detailed information about the underlying pathologic alterations. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the contribution of DWI and MRI to the diagnosis of metabolic encephalopathy in pediatric patients and evaluate the patients' apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values measured in the 20 predetermined regions by comparing them with those of the individuals in the control group. Additionally, another purpose of the study was to evaluate the superiority of the ADC measurement over conventional imaging sequences or the extent of its contribution to those sequences, using control group comparison. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Ten patients who underwent MRI and DWI examinations with the preliminary diagnosis of neurometabolic disease in the magnetic resonance imaging unit of our department and were diagnosed with mitochondrial encephalopathy after clinical, laboratory and/or genetic examinations between 2004 and 2008 were included in the study. Of the 10 patients included in the study, 6 underwent MRI-DWI examinations 1 to 4 years after their first examinations. Since three of the patients died, their control examinations could not be performed. The brain MR examinations of all patients were performed via 1.5 Tesla MR and standard head coil. All conventional and diffusion MR images were evaluated by two radiologists, one of who was a veteran resident. The evaluation included parenchymal signal intensity changes, localization and number of lesions, the investigation of whether additional lesions could be detected via DWI and the diffusion of lesions. The signal characteristics on DWI were evaluated visually and the ADC values of all patients in the control and patient groups were measured in the predetermined regions using standard ROI. The findings were compared with those of the patients of similar age and gender in the control group. The ADC values obtained from the control and patient groups were compared by the Mann Whitney U test. RESULTS: Since 3 of the 10 patients diagnosed with mitochondrial encephalopathy had died, their control examinations could not be performed. In those three patients, an increase in diffusion and ADC values was determined using DWI. In one of the 3 patients in whom diffusion restriction on DWI scans and a decrease in ADC values were observed at the first examination, an increase in ADC values was determined at the control examination performed four years after the first one. Although a slight increase was observed in the ADC values of the remaining two patients at their control examination performed 1 year after the first one, the values were still low, compared to the control group. Although the ADC values of one patient was within the normal range at the first examination, they were found to be decreased at the second examination performed four years after the first one. In three patients, an increase in diffusion and ADC values was observed between the first examination and the control examination. The number of lesions and the size of the lesions were found to be increased in two and one patients, respectively, at the control examination. Involvement was determined in similar locations in two pairs of siblings. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In the present study, we concluded that DWI offered additional diagnostic contribution in routine examinations by detecting additional lesions, demarking lesions with clearer boundaries and determining the varying diffusion characteristics in homogeneous hyperintense lesions. As the results of the measurements performed on the ADC map were compared with those of the normal control group, a statistically significant difference was not determined because increases or decreases in ADC values associated with the acute or chronic stages of the disease were already present. Since the disease is rare and a small number of patients were included in the study, homogeneous groups involving a sufficient number of patients could not be performed and consequently, the statistical analysis could not be performed appropriately. Thus, the patients were compared individually with the patients of similar age and gender in the control group. However, DWI and ADC measurement play an important role in the determination of the involvement, diffusion and stage of the disease in regions where signal intensity alterations cannot be detected via conventional sequence imaging. We believe that this result is particularly important for patients with white matter disease. Because it is important to determine whether the white matter, which appears normal on conventional MRI in white matter diseases, is affected or not. Diffusion weighted MRI offers information that complements the findings obtained by conventional MR sequences in mitochondrial encephalopathy and make great contributions to the determination of lesion stage, extent of lesion-induced degeneration and progression of lesions. Given this aspect of the imaging method, it should be evaluated as a sequence that needs to be integrated into routine brain MR examinations
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