70 research outputs found

    Networking development by Boolean logic

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    Eric Davidson at Caltech has spent several decades investigating the molecular basis of animal development using the sea urchin embryo as an experimental system ( 1) (,) ( 2) although his scholarship extends to all of embryology as embodied in several editions of his landmark book. ( 3) In recent years his laboratory has become a leading force in constructing gene regulatory networks (GRNs) operating in sea urchin development. ( 4) This axis of his work has its roots in this laboratory\u27s cDNA cloning of an actin mRNA from the sea urchin embryo (for the timeline see ref. 1)-one of the first eukaryotic mRNAs to be cloned as it turned out. From that point of departure, the Davidson lab has drilled down into other genes and gene families and the factors that regulate their coordinated regulation, leading them into the GRN era (a field they helped to define) and the development of the computational tools needed to consolidate and advance the GRN field

    PFB-Diff: Progressive Feature Blending Diffusion for Text-driven Image Editing

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    Diffusion models have showcased their remarkable capability to synthesize diverse and high-quality images, sparking interest in their application for real image editing. However, existing diffusion-based approaches for local image editing often suffer from undesired artifacts due to the pixel-level blending of the noised target images and diffusion latent variables, which lack the necessary semantics for maintaining image consistency. To address these issues, we propose PFB-Diff, a Progressive Feature Blending method for Diffusion-based image editing. Unlike previous methods, PFB-Diff seamlessly integrates text-guided generated content into the target image through multi-level feature blending. The rich semantics encoded in deep features and the progressive blending scheme from high to low levels ensure semantic coherence and high quality in edited images. Additionally, we introduce an attention masking mechanism in the cross-attention layers to confine the impact of specific words to desired regions, further improving the performance of background editing. PFB-Diff can effectively address various editing tasks, including object/background replacement and object attribute editing. Our method demonstrates its superior performance in terms of image fidelity, editing accuracy, efficiency, and faithfulness to the original image, without the need for fine-tuning or training.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figure

    A non-Gaussian factor analysis approach to transcription Network Component Analysis

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    Transcription factor activities (TFAs), rather than expression levels, control gene expression and provide valuable information for investigating TF-gene regulations. Network Component Analysis (NCA) is a model based method to deduce TFAs and TF-gene control strengths from microarray data and a priori TF-gene connectivity data. We modify NCA to model gene expression regulation by non-Gaussian Factor Analysis (NFA), which assumes TFAs independently comes from Gaussian mixture densities. We properly incorporate a priori connectivity and/or sparsity on the mixing matrix of NFA, and derive, under Bayesian Ying-Yang (BYY) learning framework, a BYY-NFA algorithm that can not only uncover the latent TFA profile similar to NCA, but also is capable of automatically shutting off unnecessary connections. Simulation study demonstrates the effectiveness of BYY-NFA, and a preliminary application to two real world data sets shows that BYY-NFA improves NCA for the case when TF-gene connectivity is not available or not reliable, and may provide a preliminary set of candidate TF-gene interactions or double check unreliable connections for experimental verification. ? 2012 IEEE.EI

    The TRIM-NHL protein NHL-2 is a co-factor in the nuclear and somatic RNAi pathways in C. elegans

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    Proper regulation of germline gene expression is essential for fertility and maintaining species integrity. In the C. elegans germline, a diverse repertoire of regulatory pathways promote the expression of endogenous germline genes and limit the expression of deleterious transcripts to maintain genome homeostasis. Here we show that the conserved TRIM-NHL protein, NHL-2, plays an essential role in the C. elegans germline, modulating germline chromatin and meiotic chromosome organization. We uncover a role for NHL-2 as a co-factor in both positively (CSR-1) and negatively (HRDE-1) acting germline 22G-small RNA pathways and the somatic nuclear RNAi pathway. Furthermore, we demonstrate that NHL-2 is a bona fide RNA binding protein and, along with RNA-seq data point to a small RNA independent role for NHL-2 in regulating transcripts at the level of RNA stability. Collectively, our data implicate NHL-2 as an essential hub of gene regulatory activity in both the germline and soma

    Comparative functional characterization of the CSR-1 22G-RNA pathway in Caenorhabditis nematodes

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    As a champion of small RNA research for two decades, Caenorhabditis elegans has revealed the essential Argonaute CSR-1 to play key nuclear roles in modulating chromatin, chromosome segregation and germline gene expression via 22G-small RNAs. Despite CSR-1 being preserved among diverse nematodes, the conservation and divergence in function of the targets of small RNA pathways remains poorly resolved. Here we apply comparative functional genomic analysis between C. elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae to characterize the CSR-1 pathway, its targets and their evolution. C. briggsae CSR-1-associated small RNAs that we identified by immunoprecipitation-small RNA sequencing overlap with 22G-RNAs depleted in cbr-csr-1 RNAi-treated worms. By comparing 22G-RNAs and target genes between species, we defined a set of CSR-1 target genes with conserved germline expression, enrichment in operons and more slowly evolving coding sequences than other genes, along with a small group of evolutionarily labile targets. We demonstrate that the association of CSR-1 with chromatin is preserved, and show that depletion of cbr-csr-1 leads to chromosome segregation defects and embryonic lethality. This first comparative characterization of a small RNA pathway in Caenorhabditis establishes a conserved nuclear role for CSR-1 and highlights its key role in germline gene regulation across multiple animal species
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