3,880 research outputs found
Topology of Boundary Surfaces in 3D Simplicial Gravity
A model of simplicial quantum gravity in three dimensions(3D) was
investigated numerically based on the technique of dynamical triangulation
(DT). We are concerned with the genus of surfaces appearing on boundaries
(i.e., sections) of a 3D DT manifold with topology. Evidence of a
scaling behavior of the genus distributions of boundary surfaces has been
found.Comment: 3 pages, latex, 4 ps figures, uses espcrc2.sty. Talk presented at
Grand-canonical simulation of two-dimensional simplicial gravity
The string susceptibility exponents of dynamically triangulated 2-dimensional
surfaces with various topologies, such as a sphere, torus and double-torus,
were calculated by the grand-canonical Monte Carlo method. These simulations
were made for surfaces coupled to -Ising spins (=0,1,2,3,5). In each
simulation the area of surface was constrained to within 1000 to 3000 of
triangles, while maintaining the detailed-balance condition. The numerical
results show excellent agreement with theoretical predictions as long as .Comment: 9 pages, Latex include 5 postscript figures, using psfig.sty and
Random Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Simplicial Gravity
A model of simplicial quantum gravity in three dimensions is investigated
numerically based on the technique of the dynamical triangulation (DT). We are
concerned with the surfaces appearing on boundaries (i.e., sections) of
three-dimensional DT manifold with topology. A new scaling behavior of
genus distributions of boundary surfaces is found.Furthermore, these surfaces
are compared with the random surfaces generated by the two-dimensional DT
method which are well known as a correct discretized method of the
two-dimensional quantum gravity.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, 7 Postscript figures, uses psfig.sty and cite.st
Common Structures in 2,3 and 4D Simplicial Quantum Gravity
Two kinds of statistical properties of dynamical-triangulated manifolds (DT
mfds) have been investigated. First, the surfaces appearing on the boundaries
of 3D DT mfds were investigated. The string-susceptibility exponent of the
boundary surfaces () of 3D DT mfds with topology
near to the critical point was obtained by means of a MINBU (minimum neck baby
universes) analysis; actually, we obtained .
Second, 3 and 4D DT mfds were also investigated by determining the
string-susceptibility exponent near to the critical point from measuring the
MINBU distributions. As a result, we found a similar behavior of the MINBU
distributions in 3 and 4D DT mfds, and obtained . The existence of common structures in simplicial
quantum gravity is also discussed.Comment: 3 pages, latex, 3 ps figures, uses espcrc2.sty. Talk presented at
One-Dimensional Quantum Transport Affected by a Background Medium: Fluctuations versus Correlations
We analyze the spectral properties of a very general two-channel
fermion-boson transport model in the insulating and metallic regimes, and the
signatures of the metal-insulator quantum phase transition in between. To this
end we determine the single particle spectral function related to
angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, the momentum distribution function,
the Drude weight and the optical response by means of a dynamical (pseudo-site)
density-matrix renormalization group technique for the one-dimensional
half-filled band case. We show how the interplay of correlations and
fluctuations in the background medium controls the charge dynamics of the
system, which is a fundamental problem in a great variety of advanced
materials.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, final versio
Scaling Structures in Four-dimensional Simplicial Gravity
Four-dimensional(4D) spacetime structures are investigated using the concept
of the geodesic distance in the simplicial quantum gravity. On the analogy of
the loop length distribution in 2D case, the scaling relations of the boundary
volume distribution in 4D are discussed in various coupling regions i.e.
strong-coupling phase, critical point and weak-coupling phase. In each phase
the different scaling relations are found.Comment: 4 pages, latex, 4 ps figures, uses espcrc2.sty. Talk presented at
LATTICE96(gravity). All figures and its captions have been improve
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