118 research outputs found


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    Digital elevation mode (DEM) is important data for supporting many activities. One of DEM generation methods is photogrametry of optical stereo data based on image matching and collinear correlation. The problem of DEM from optical stereo data is bullseye due to low contrast in relatively flat area and cloud cover. The research purpose is to generate DEM from ALOS PRISM stereo data level 1B2R and improve the quality of the DEM. DEM was generated using Leica Photogrametry Suite (LPS) software. The study area is located in Sragen district and its vicinity. The process needed three dimension of Ground Control Point (GCP) XYZ, as input data for collinear correlation. Ground measurement was conducted using differential GPS to collect 30 GCPs that used for input (21 GCPs) and for accuracy evaluation (9 GCPs). The generated DEM has good detail (10 m), but it has bullseye which mostly occurred in relatively flat area. The quality improvement was carried out by combining the DEM with SRTM DEM (30 m) using DEM fusion method. Both DEMs were processed for geoids correction (EGM 2008), co-registration and histogram normalization. The fusion method was conducted by considering height error map (HEM) of each DEM. The quality of fused DEM was evaluated by comparing HEM, the number of bullseye, and vertical accuracy before and after the fusion. The result shows that DEM fusion can preserve detail information of the DEM and significantly reduce the bullseye (decreasing more than 66% of bullseye). It also shows the improvement (from 7.6 m to 7.3 m) of vertical accuracy. Keywords: Digital Elevation model, Optical stereo data, ALOS PRISM, DEM fusion, Bullsey


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    Kerusakan Daerah Tangkapan Air (DTA) dan penurunan kualitas perairan danau telah banyak terjadi di wilayah Indonesia sehingga Pemerintah Indonesia membuat program pengelolaan dan penyelamatan bersama ekosistem danau prioritas. Kegiatan ini mengkaji pendugaan laju erosi tanah di DTA Danau Kerinci menggunakan data satelit multi temporal Landsat TM/ETM+ dan SPOT-4. Standarisasi data dilakukan untuk menjaga konsistensi nilai Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) karena pengaruh perbedaan waktu perekaman, sensor perekaman dan pengaruh tutupan awan. Informasi NDVImin dan NDVImax diekstrak dari 19 data Landsat TM/ETM+ periode 2000-2009, kemiringan lahan diekstrak dari data Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Sebaran spasial laju erosi tanah di DTA dipetakan dengan menggunakan metode NDVI-slope untuk tahun 2009 dan 2012. Laju erosi tanah di DTA yang dihasilkan dianalisis perubahannya dan diverifikasi dengan membandingkan perubahan laju erosi tanah dengan perubahan koefisien aliran permukaan. Hasil memperlihatkan bahwa laju erosi tanah di DTA mempunyai kecenderungan meningkat, yang sama dengan kecenderungan peningkatan koefisien aliran permukaan selama periode 2009-2012. DTA Danau Kerinci diperkirakan mengalami peningkatan laju erosi tanah, dari 0,39 mm/tahun pada tahun 2009 menjadi 0,46 mm/tahun pada tahun 2012. Kata kunci: Laju erosi tanah, Ekosistem danau, Data satelit multi temporal, Metode NDVI-slop


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    Landsat data used for monitoring activities to land cover because it has spatial resolution and high temporal. To monitor land cover changes in an area, atmospheric correction is needed to be performed in order to obtain data with precise digital value picturing current condition. This study compared atmospheric correction methods namely Quick Atmospheric Correction (QUAC), Dark Object Subtraction (DOS) and Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes (FLAASH). The correction results then were compared to Surface Reflectance (SR) imagery data obtained from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) satelite. The three atmospheric correction methods were applied to Landsat OLI data path/row126/62 for 3 particular dates. Then, sample on vegetation, soil and bodies of water (waterbody) were retrieved from the image. Atmospheric correction results were visually observed and compared with SR sample on the absolute value, object spectral patterns, as well as location and time consistency. Visual observation indicates that there was a contrast change on images that had been corrected by using FLAASH method compared to SR, which mean that the atmospheric correction method was quite effective. Analysis on the object spectral pattern, soil, vegetation and waterbody of images corrected by using FLAASH method showed that it was not good enough eventhough the reflectant value differed greatly to SR image. This might be caused by certain variables of aerosol and atmospheric models used in Indonesia. QUAC and DOS made more appropriate spectral pattern of vegetation and water body than spectral library. In terms of average value and deviation difference, spectral patterns of soil corrected by using DOS was more compatible than QUAC

    Pengaruh Laju Alir Biogas dan Ukuran Partikel Pembentuk Pelet terhadap Penyisihan Karbon Dioksida (CO2) dalam Biogas dengan Proses Adsorpsi - Desorpsi Menggunakan Adsorben Berbasis Zeolit Alam untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Biogas

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    Adsorption is the process of fluid molecules contacting the surface of a solid material. This study aims to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) gas in biogas using natural zeolite-based adsorbent pellets by adsorption and desorption of CO2 from the adsorbent using air. CO2 removal was carried out to determine the percentage of CO2 removal efficiency with variations in biogas flow rates (100 mL/minute, 300 mL/minute, and 500 mL/minute) and variations in the type of adsorbent pellets (particle size, activation time, calcination time, and dealumination activation treatment). Determination of the percentage of CO2 removal is carried out by flowing the biogas into the column and contacting it with the adsorbent continuously for 30 minutes and the output gas is collected in a gas collector to analyze the remaining CO2 content. The results showed that the best CO2 removal was 97.7% using an adsorbent with a particle size of 140 mesh, 4 hours of calcination, 90 minutes of activation time, and dealumination activation at a flow rate of 100 mL/minute. The breakthrough characteristic curve presents the characteristic “S” profile at constant flow rate (100 mL/minute)


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    Abstract. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was generated from Advanced LandObservation Satellite - The Panchromatic Remote-Sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping(ALOS PRISM) stereo data using image matching and collinear correlation based on LeicaPhotogrametry Suite (LPS) software. The process needs three dimension of Ground ControlPoint (GCP) or Control Point (CP) XYZ as input data for collinear correlation to determineexterior orientation coefficient. The main problem of the DEM generation is the difficultyto obtain the accurate field measurement GCP in many areas. Therefore, another alternativeCP sources are needed. The aim of this research was to study the possibility of (IKONOS)image and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) X-C band to be used as CPreference for ALOS PRISM DEM generation. The study area was Sragen and Bandungregion. The DEM of each study area was generated using 2 methods: generated using fieldmeasurement GCPs taken by differential GPS and generated using CPs from IKONOSimage (XY coordinat) and SRTM for (Z elevation). The generated DEMs were compared.The accuracy of both DEMs were evaluated using another field measurement GCPs. Theresult showed that the generated DEM using CPs from IKONOS and SRTM X-C hadrelatively same height pattern and height distribution along transect line with the DEMusing GCPs. The absolute accuracy of the DEM using CPs was about 60% - 80% lessaccuracy comparing to the DEM using GCPs. This research showed that IKONOS imageand SRTM X-C band can be considered as good alternative CP source to generate highaccuracy DEM from ALOS PRISM stereo data


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    Lake Singkarak in west Sumatera is currently in very poor condition and become one of the priorities in the government lake rescue program. High sedimentation rate from soil erosion has caused siltation, decreasing of quality and quantity of lake water. Monitoring of the environment quality changes of the lake and its surrounding are required. This study used Landsat and SPOT satellite data in periods of 2000-2011 to evaluate environmental quality parameters of the lake such as land cover, lake water quality (total suspended solid), water run-off, and water discharge in Singkarak lake catchment area. Maximum likelihood classifier was used to obtain land cover. Total suspended solid was extracted using Doxaran algorithm. The look up table and rational method were used to estimate run-off and water discharge. The results showed that the decreasing of forest area and the increasing of settlement were consistent with the increasing of average run-off and water discharge in Paninggahan and Sumpur sub-catchment area. The results were also consistent with the increasing of TSS in Singkarak lake, where TSS increased from around 2-3 mg/l up to 5-6 mg/l in the periods of 2000-2011


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    During the last two decades, forest and land fire is a catastrophic event that happens almost every year in Indonesia.  Therefore, it is necessary to develop a technic to monitor forest fires using satellite data to obtain the latest information of burned area in a large scale area. The objective of this research is to develop a method for burned area mapping that happened between two Landsat 8 data recording on August 13rd and September 14th 2015. Burned area was defined as a burned area of vegetation. The hotspot distribution during the period August - September 2015 was used to help visual identification of burned area on the Landsat image and to verify the burned area resulted from this research. Samples were taken at several land covers to determine the spectral pattern differences among burned area, bare area and other land covers, and then the analysis was performed to determine the suitable spectral bands or indices and threshold values that will be used in the model. Landsat recorded on August 13rd before the fire was extracted for soil, while Landsat recorded on September 14th after the fire was extracted for burned area. Multi-temporal analysis was done to get the burned area occurring during the certain period. The results showed that the clouds could be separated using combination of ocean blue and cirrus bands, the burned area was extracted using a combination of NIR and SWIR band, while soil was extracted using ratio SWIR / NIR. Burned area obtained in this study had high correlation with the hotspot density of MODIS with the accuracy was around 82,4 %


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    Land conversion occurred in the lake catchment area caused the decreasing of water quality in many lakes of Indonesia. According to Lake Ecosystem Management Guidelines from Ministry of Environment, tropic state of lake water is one of parameters for assessing the lake ecosystem status. Tropic state can be indicated by the quantity of nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorophyll, and water clarity. The objective of this research is to develop the water quality algorithm and map the water clarity of lake water using Landsat 8 data. The data were standardized for sun geometry correction and atmospheric correction using Dark Object Subtraction method. In the first step, Total Suspended Solid (TSS) distributions in the lake were calculated using a semi empirical algorithm (Doxaran et al., 2002), which can be applied to a wide range of TSS values. Secchi Disk Transparency (SDT) distributions were calculated using our water clarity algorithm that was obtained from the relationship between TSS and SDT measured directly in the lake waters. The result shows that the water clarity algorithm developed in this research has the determination coefficient that reaches to 0,834. Implementation of the algorithm for Landsat 8 data in 2013 and 2014 showed that the water clarity in Kerinci Lake waters was around 2 m or less, but the water clarity in Tondano Lake waters was around 2 – 3 m. It means that Kerinci Lake waters had lower water clarity than Tondano Lake waters which is consistent with the field measurement results


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    Most lakes in Indonesia have suffered (decrease in quality) caused by land conversion in the catchment area, soil erosion, and water pollution from agriculture and households. This study utilizes remote sensing data to monitor several parameters used as ecosystem status assessors in accordance with the guidelines of Lake Ecosystem Management provided by the Ministry of Environment. The monitoring was done at Lake Rawa Pening using Landsat TM/ETM+ satellite data over the period of 2000-2013. The data standardization was done for sun angle correction and also atmospheric correction by removing dark pixels using histogram adjustment method. RGB color composites (R: NIR + SWIR, G: NIR, B: NIR-RED) were used for water hyacinth identification; thus, the lake water surface area can be delineated. Further samples were collected for water hyacinth and water classification with Maximum Likelihood method. Total Suspended Matter (TSM) by Doxaran model and the water clarity from field measurement was correlated to build water clarity algorithm. The results show that Lake Rawa Pening was deterioting in term of quality during the period of 2000-2013; it can be seen from the dynamic rate of the shrinkage and the expansion of the lake water surface area, the uncontrolled distribution of water hyacinth which it covered 45% of the lake water surface area in 2013, the increased of TSM concentration, and the decreased of water clarity. Most parts of Rawa Pening’s water have clarity less than 2.5 m which indicated that the thropic status is hypertrophic class