57 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Problem Solving Ability at Number Pattern Material During Online Learning in terms of Polya Step

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    During the current pandemic, the development of information and communication technology is very much needed in daring learning. The problem this study is how to describe the level of problem-solving abilities carried out by students in solving math problems on the number pattern material according to Polya during daring learning. This study aims to describe the problem-solving abilities according to Polya during daring learning on number pattern material for class VIII MTs. Hasanuddin Semboro with the subjects studied were 6 out of 23 students.This research method type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. The results showed that the, students tended to be incomplete in writing down known and asked data and students are able to describe number pattern problems using symbols. At the stage, students are able to recall the number pattern problems that have been resolved. At the stage of carrying out, students are able to carry out their plans and check for the previous steps to have been carried out. At the re-checking stage, some students are able to re-examine and steps that have been carried out.   Keywords: problem solving, number pattern, online learning

    Kolaborasi Model Problem Centered Learning (PCL) dan Numbered Head Together (NHT) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Pokok Bahasan Pecahan

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    Learning is a key activity of the educational process. Researchers conducted observations in class VII MTs. SA Nurul Qona’ah Mumbulsari and approximately 46% of the data obtained shows student scores ≤ 70. The type of research used is classroom action research (PTK). Based on the results of research, the percentage of student learning activities in the first cycle of 52,39% and cycle II of 87,72%. While the results of daily test of students on the cycle I obtained an average value of 71,3 while in the second cycle of 76,42. It proves that the result of student learning can be increased by applying type Numbered Head Together (NHT) Collaboration Problem Centered Learning (PCL). Keywords : Problem Centered Learning (PCL), Numbered Head Together (NHT), Learning Outcomes


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    The aim of the research to determine the effectiveness of the Problem Based Learning learning model on sains process skills in improving cognitive content on environmental change material at SMAN 3 Sampang. This research uses a quantitative approach in analysis and calculations with a significance value of 0.003 < 0.05, which means there is a significant correlation, has a correlation percentage of 65.1%, and has an effectiveness percentage of 42.4%. Data processing from SPSS assistance significantly the value is 0.047 < 0.05, meaning that significantly there is a correlation relationship, then by calculation the correlation value is 52.1% and  there is an effectiveness percentage of 27.1%, while from partial calculations for the variable (X) against the variable (Y1) the value the effectiveness percentage is 42.4% and for variable (X) against variable (Y2) the effectiveness percentage is 27.1%


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    Kecanggihan TIK dalam pembelajaran membuat transfer informasi begitu cepat. Kondisi seperti ini memaksa guru untuk beralih menggunakan teknologi digital untuk menyampaikan materi pembelajaran. Hal ini menyebabkan guru belum memiliki kesiapan dari pembelajaran daring semenjak pandemi Covid-19 beralih ke pembelajaran blended learning. Untuk itu perlu adanya pelatihan dan pendampingan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan para guru dalam merancang dan memanfaatkan bahan ajar elektronik. Sebuah upaya kegiatan pendampingan pembuatan bahan digital bagi guru-guru dalam sebuah program pengabdian masyarakat guna meningkatkan literasi digital sudah dilakukan tahun sebelumnya. Tahun ini ditindaklanjuti dengan evaluasi pemanfaatannya sebagai kontribusi mendasar pada khalayak sasaran. Jika pengabdian masyarakat tahun pertama membekali guru-guru SD pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam perancangan, pengembangan, bahan ajar digital. Tahun kedua lebih fokus bagaimana evaluasi pemanfaatan bahan ajar digital dalam pembelajaran oleh guru di kecamatan Ciater Subang Jawa Barat. Saat proses evaluasi, hasil guru mengelola proses pembelajaran dan pembuatan produk menunjukkan hasil di rentang nilai 75 hingga 100. Pada rentang tersebut menerangkan bahwa para guru sangat baik dalam melakukan proses pembelajaran dan pembuatan produk. Selain itu, para guru mengisi kuisioner kepuasan untuk kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Hasil dari kuisioner kepuasan para guru menunjukkan bahwa para guru sangat puas dengan adanya kegiatan ini.  Adapun manfaat yang diharapkan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mengaplikasikan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di perguruan tinggi kepada masyarakat secara langsung dan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru sekolah dasar. Rencana luaran yang ditargetkan adalah meningkatnya literasi digital pembelajaran digital guru SD,  video dokumentasi kegiatan, artikel yang terbit pada media online, dan artikel yang terbit pada Jurnal Nasional Jurnal Karya Abdi Masyarakat

    Community empowerment through training on healthy carrot-based brownies

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    Carrots are the main vegetable and are very loved because of their fresh and sweet taste and very diverse content. The efficacy of carrots that have been studied with this content is that it can help reduce high blood pressure. The purpose of this dedication is to conduct training in making healthy carrot-based brownies. The method used in this training is a direct practice method. Based on the results of data collection on the number of participants who participated in the training, which was as many as 30 respondents and the concept carried out was to make a video of the process of making carrot-based brownies and then broadcast using LCD, then given posters about the steps to make brownies, and practice directly at residents' homes. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the quality of brownies with carrot mixture is quite satisfactory in terms of colour, taste, aroma, and texture. The people of Bontolebang Hamlet, Kanreapia Village were very enthusiastic when we conducted training and practice in making carrot-based brownie

    Pengembangan e-modul fliphtml menggunakan media aplikasi cymath untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi matematika dan pengaruhnya terhadap antusiasme Mahasiwa dalam belajar materi aljabar

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    This research is a development research that develops modules that are used as e-modules using fliphtml and inside the module is inserted cymath which is an application that can help solve linear algebra tasks. It is hoped that from this research students can improve their mathematical literacy skills and can have an interest in learning linear algebra. Mixed method research research that combines qualitative and quantitative research types. The validity of the e-module 4.5 is in the very valid category, the Student Worksheet 4.7 is in the very valid category and the learning achievement test 4.6 is in the very valid category and for the learning outcomes test it is not only tested through a validator but also tested for validity and statistical reliability and shows data valid and reliable. Practical is said to be practical from activity observer data in the teacher's criteria obtained a score of 3.8 and meets good criteria. Effectively it is said that practically from student activity analysis is in good criteria. % of students who gave a positive response. There is an influence on the enthusiasm of students who are taught using e-modufliphtml using the cymath application medi

    Pengaruh Sandal Bakiak Terhadap Keterampilan Sosial Anak Di Tk S Melati Surabaya

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    Abstrak: Permainan sandal bakiak merupakan jenis permainan berkelompok, sehingga anak dapat memperlihatkan penampakan aspek-aspek sosial yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan anak dalam suatu keterampilan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sandal bakiak terhadap keterampilan sosial anak. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain one group pretest posttest karena hanya menggunakan satu kelas sebagai sampel penelitian dan adanya tahapan pretest, posttest sebagai proses pemerolehan data. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon yang memiliki kriteria jika T hitung < T tabel maka Ha diterima. Hasil analisis data memperoleh nilai T hitung 0 dan nilai T tabel 40, karena 0<40 maka hasil penelitian meyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh permainan sandal bakiak terhadap keterampilan sosial anak.Kata kunci: Sandal Bakiak; Keterampilan Soial; Anak Usia Dini.Abstract: Clogs games are a type of group game, so children can show the appearance of social aspects that are related to children's abilities in a social skill. This study aims to determine the effect of clogs on children's social skills. The research methodology uses a quantitative type of research with the design of one group pretest posttest because it only uses one class as a research sample and the pretest stage, posttest as the process of obtaining data. The data analysis technique uses the Wilcoxon test which has criteria if T count <T table then Ha is accepted. The results of the data analysis obtained a T value of 0 and a value of T table 40, because 0 <40 then the results of the study stated that there was an influence of clogs playing on children's social skills.Keywords: Clogs Sandals; Skills; Early childhood

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Problem Based Learning (PBL) pada Materi Gelombang Bunyi untuk Siswa SMA Kelas XII

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    The 2013 curriculum emphasizes on Scientific Approach taht tie topic with real context. Either learning model that leads to Scientific Approach that is Problem Based Learning (PBL). So that need to prepare appropriate teaching material to support learning model PBL one of them module independent teaching topic for learners. The aim of these research is describe the Learning Module which is developed that is physic learning module based on PBL of the topic sound wave for senior high school grade XII and examine its feasibility. This development research used 4-D Thiagarajan with modified model. This research has been done in three stages such as define, design, and develop which are restricted until the limited try out. The data collection is used questionnaire. The module validation by 4 validators and limited try out to 10 students. The result of research drawn that material aspect is 3,59 with the suitable criterion, presentation aspect is 3,9 with the suitable criterion, language aspect is 3,41 with the suitable criterion, and the limited try out result got 3,6 with an appropriate criterion. In conclusion, physic learning module based on PBL in sound wave material for senior high school grade XII is applicable.   Keywords: Physic Learning Module, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Topic sound wave   Pada kurikulum 2013 menekankan pada Scientific Approach yang mengaitkan materi dengan konteks dunia nyata. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang mengarah ke Scientific Approach yaitu Problem Based Learning (PBL). Sehingga perlu dipersiapkan bahan ajar yang tepat untuk mendukung model pembelajaran PBL salah satunya modul yang merupakan bahan ajar mandiri bagi peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan pengembangan modul yaitu modul pembelajaran fisika berbasis PBL pada materi Gelombang Bunyi untuk siswa SMA kelas XII dan menguji kelayakannya.Penelitian pengembangan menggunakan model 4-D Thiagarajan yang sudah di modifikasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu pendefinisian (define), perancangan (design) dan pengembangan (develop) yang dibatasi sampa uji coba terbatas. Validasi modul oleh 4 validator dan uji coba terbatas  kepada 10 orang siswa. Dari hasil penelitan diperoleh skor segi  materi sebesar 3,59 dengan kriteria layak, segi penyajian sebesar 3,9 dengan kriteria layak, segi bahasa sebesar 3,41 dengan kriteria layak dan hasil uji coba terbatas mendapat rerata skor sebesar  3,6 dengan kriteria sesuai. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul pembelajaran fisika berbasis PBL pada materi Gelombang Bunyi untuk siswa SMA kelas XII layak digunakan.   Kata Kunci: Modul Pembelajaran Fisika, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Gelombang Buny

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Problem Based Learning (PBL) pada Materi Gelombang Bunyi untuk Siswa SMA Kelas XII

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    The 2013 curriculum emphasizes on Scientific Approach taht tie topic with real context. Either learning model that leads to Scientific Approach that is Problem Based Learning (PBL). So that need to prepare appropriate teaching material to support learning model PBL one of them module independent teaching topic for learners. The aim of these research is describe the Learning Module which is developed that is physic learning module based on PBL of the topic sound wave for senior high school grade XII and examine its feasibility. This development research used 4-D Thiagarajan with modified model. This research has been done in three stages such as define, design, and develop which are restricted until the limited try out. The data collection is used questionnaire. The module validation by 4 validators and limited try out to 10 students. The result of research drawn that material aspect is 3,59 with the suitable criterion, presentation aspect is 3,9 with the suitable criterion, language aspect is 3,41 with the suitable criterion, and the limited try out result got 3,6 with an appropriate criterion. In conclusion, physic learning module based on PBL in sound wave material for senior high school grade XII is applicable. Keywords: Physic Learning Module, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Topic sound wave Pada kurikulum 2013 menekankan pada Scientific Approach yang mengaitkan materi dengan konteks dunia nyata. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang mengarah ke Scientific Approach yaitu Problem Based Learning (PBL). Sehingga perlu dipersiapkan bahan ajar yang tepat untuk mendukung model pembelajaran PBL salah satunya modul yang merupakan bahan ajar mandiri bagi peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan pengembangan modul yaitu modul pembelajaran fisika berbasis PBL pada materi Gelombang Bunyi untuk siswa SMA kelas XII dan menguji kelayakannya.Penelitian pengembangan menggunakan model 4-D Thiagarajan yang sudah di modifikasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu pendefinisian (define), perancangan (design) dan pengembangan (develop) yang dibatasi sampa uji coba terbatas. Validasi modul oleh 4 validator dan uji coba terbatas  kepada 10 orang siswa. Dari hasil penelitan diperoleh skor segi  materi sebesar 3,59 dengan kriteria layak, segi penyajian sebesar 3,9 dengan kriteria layak, segi bahasa sebesar 3,41 dengan kriteria layak dan hasil uji coba terbatas mendapat rerata skor sebesar  3,6 dengan kriteria sesuai. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul pembelajaran fisika berbasis PBL pada materi Gelombang Bunyi untuk siswa SMA kelas XII layak digunakan. Kata Kunci: Modul Pembelajaran Fisika, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Gelombang Buny

    Initiatives of Urban Agriculture in Semarang City: Pathways for Sustainability

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    Urban agriculture (UA) has become a popular concept to bridge growth of urban areas with adequate provision of agricultural land, cheap and healthy food. UA in Semarang began to be encouraged by Semarang City Government since 2015 and involves family welfare groups for its implementation. Most of the people involved in UA activities are often based on hobbies whereas some of them start reaching out to businesses. This study aims to elaborate the initiatives from government, community/individual, university, and corporation to promote UA in Semarang. The methods were conducted by using interactive analysis model which is presented by Miles, Huberman, and Saldaña. By elaborate the initiatives of urban agriculture in Semarang, the study shows that initiatives from communities/individual are more promising to promote sustainability rather than initiatives which comes from the government. The major difference among initiatives is due to community eagerness to do UA activities if it comes from their interests and desires, whereas initiatives from the government are more likely to encourage community participation and as part of social innovation