59 research outputs found
A Low-Density Closed Universe
Matter with an equation of state p = -ρ/3 may arise in certain scalar field theories, and the energy density of this matter decreases as a-2 with the scale factor a of the Universe. In this case, the Universe could be closed but still have a nonrelativistic-matter density Ω0<1. Furthermore, the cosmic microwave background could come from a causally connected region at the other side of the Universe. This model is currently viable and might be tested by a host of forthcoming observations
Invasion of the Giant Gravitons from Anti-de Sitter Space
It has been known for some time that the AdS/CFT correspondence predicts a
limit on the number of single particle states propagating on the compact
spherical component of the AdS-times-sphere geometry. The limit is called the
stringy exclusion principle. The physical origin of this effect has been
obscure but it is usually thought of as a feature of very small distance
physics. In this paper we will show that the stringy exclusion principle is due
to a surprising large distance phenomenon. The massless single particle states
become progressively less and less point-like as their angular momentum
increases. In fact they blow up into spherical branes of increasing size. The
exclusion principle is simply understood as the condition that the particle
should not be bigger than the sphere that contains it.Comment: 13 pages, latex; v2: spelled correctly the name of an eminent
relativist; v3: comments about AdS_3 corrected, analysis of spherical branes
improved, references added; v4: JHEP versio
Marginal Deformations of Vacua with Massive boson-fermion Degeneracy Symmetry
Two-dimensional string vacua with Massive Spectrum boson-fermion Degeneracy
Symmetry (MSDS) are explicitly constructed in Type II and Heterotic superstring
theories. The study of their moduli space indicates the existence of large
marginal deformations that connect continuously the initial d=2, MSDS vacua to
higher-dimensional conventional superstring vacua, where spacetime
supersymmetry is spontaneously broken by geometrical fluxes. We find that the
maximally symmetric, d=2, Type II MSDS-vacuum, is in correspondence with the
maximal, N=8, d=4, gauged supergravity, where the supergravity gauging is
induced by the fluxes. This correspondence is extended to less symmetric cases
where the initial MSDS symmetry is reduced by orbifolds. We also exhibit and
analyse thermal interpretations of some Euclidean versions of the models and
identify classes of MSDS vacua that remain tachyon-free under arbitrary
marginal deformations about the extended symmetry point. The connection between
the two-dimensional MSDS vacua and the resulting four-dimensional effective
supergravity theories arises naturally within the context of an adiabatic
cosmological evolution, where the very early Universe is conjectured to be
described by an MSDS-vacuum, while at late cosmological times it is described
by an effective N=1 supergravity theory with spontaneously broken
The IR/UV Connection in the Non-Commutative Gauge Theories
Quantum field theory on non-commutative spaces does not enjoy the usual
ultraviolet-infrared decoupling that forms the basis for conventional
renormalization. The high momentum contributions to loop integrations can lead
to unfamiliar long distance behavior which can potentially undermine naive
expectations for the IR behavior of the theory. These "anomalies" involve
non-analytic behavior in the noncommutativity parameter Theta making the limit
Theta goes to zero singular.
In this paper we will analyze such effects in the one loop approximation to
gauge theories on non-commutative space. We will see that contrary to
expectations poles in Theta do occur and lead to large discrepancies between
the expected and actual infrared behavior. We find that poles in Theta are
absent in supersymmetric theories. The "anomalies" are generally still present,
but only at the logarithmic level. A notable exception is non-commutative super
Yang Mills theory with 16 real supercharges in which anomalous effects seem to
be absent altogether.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, Appendi
Comments on the entropic gravity proposal
Explicit tests are presented of the conjectured entropic origin of the
gravitational force. The gravitational force on a test particle in the vicinity
of the horizon of a large Schwarzschild black hole in arbitrary spacetime
dimensions is obtained as entropic force. The same conclusion can be reached
for the cases of a large electrically charged black hole and a large slowly
rotating Kerr black hole. The generalization along the same lines to a test
mass in the field of an arbitrary spherical star is also studied and found not
to be possible. Our results thus reinforce the argument that the entropic
gravity proposal cannot account for the gravitational force in generic
situations.Comment: v2, 20pp, 1fig; added references and discussions; improved
presentation; accepted in EPJ
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