615 research outputs found
Generalized Symmetries, Gravity, and the Swampland
Generalized global symmetries are a common feature of many quantum field
theories decoupled from gravity. By contrast, in quantum gravity / the
Swampland program, it is widely expected that all global symmetries are either
gauged or broken, and this breaking is in turn related to the expected
completeness of the spectrum of charged states in quantum gravity. We
investigate the fate of such symmetries in the context of 7D and 5D vacua
realized by compact Calabi-Yau spaces with localized singularities in M-theory.
We explicitly show how gravitational backgrounds support additional dynamical
degrees of freedom which trivialize (i.e.,"break") the higher symmetries of the
local geometric models. Local compatability conditions across these different
sectors lead to gluing conditions for gauging higher-form and (in the 5D case)
higher-group symmetries. This also leads to a preferred global structure of the
gauge group and higher-form gauge symmetries. In cases based on a genus-one
fibered Calabi-Yau space, we also get an F-theory model in one higher dimension
with corresponding constraints on the global form of the gauge group.Comment: 62 pages + appendices + ref
Reflections on the Matter of 3d Vacua and Local Compactifications
We use Higgs bundles to study the 3d vacua obtained from
M-theory compactified on a local space given as a four-manifold
of ADE singularities with further generic enhancements in the singularity type
along one-dimensional subspaces. There can be strong quantum corrections to the
massless degrees of freedom in the low energy effective field theory, but
topologically robust quantities such as "parity" anomalies are still
calculable. We show how geometric reflections of the compactification space
descend to 3d reflections and discrete symmetries. The "parity" anomalies of
the effective field theory descend from topological data of the
compactification. The geometric perspective also allows us to track various
perturbative and non-perturbative corrections to the 3d effective field theory.
We also provide some explicit constructions of well-known 3d theories,
including those which arise as edge modes of 4d topological insulators, and 3d
analogs of grand unified theories. An additional result of
our analysis is that we are able to track the spectrum of extended objects and
their transformations under higher-form symmetries.Comment: 85 pages, 4 figure
IIB Explored: Reflection 7-Branes
The Swampland Cobordism Conjecture successfully predicts the supersymmetric
spectrum of 7-branes of IIB / F-theory. Including reflections on the F-theory
torus, it also predicts the existence of new non-supersymmetric objects, which
we dub reflection 7-branes (R7-branes). We present evidence that these
R7-branes only exist at strong coupling. R7-branes serve as end of the world
branes for 9D theories obtained from type IIB asymmetric orbifold and
Dabholkar-Park orientifold backgrounds, and an anomaly inflow analysis suggests
the existence of a gapless Weyl fermion, which would have the quantum numbers
of a goldstino. Using general arguments, we conclude that different kinds of
branes are able to end on the R7, and accounting for their charge requires
exotic localized degrees of freedom, for which the simplest possibility is a
massless 3-form field on the R7-brane worldvolume. We also show how to
generalize the standard F-theory formalism to account for reflections.Comment: 44 pages, 3 figure
The Branes Behind Generalized Symmetry Operators
The modern approach to -form global symmetries in a -dimensional
quantum field theory (QFT) entails specifying dimension topological
generalized symmetry operators which non-trivially link with -dimensional
defect operators. In QFTs engineered via string constructions on a non-compact
geometry , these defects descend from branes wrapped on non-compact cycles
which extend from a localized source / singularity to the boundary . The generalized symmetry operators which link with these defects arise from
magnetic dual branes wrapped on cycles in . This provides a
systematic way to read off various properties of such topological operators,
including their worldvolume topological field theories, and the resulting
fusion rules. We illustrate these general features in the context of 6D
superconformal field theories, where we use the F-theory realization of these
theories to read off the worldvolume theory on the generalized symmetry
operators. Defects of dimension 3 which are charged under a suitable 3-form
symmetry detect a non-invertible fusion rule for these operators. We also
sketch how similar considerations hold for related systems.Comment: v2: 21 pages + references, 1 figure; typos corrected, clarifications
added, references adde
Top Down Approach to Topological Duality Defects
Topological duality defects arise as codimension one generalized symmetry
operators in quantum field theories (QFTs) with a duality symmetry. Recent
investigations have shown that in the case of 4D Super
Yang-Mills (SYM) theory, an appropriate choice of (complexified) gauge coupling
and global form of the gauge group can lead to a rather rich fusion algebra for
the associated defects, leading to examples of non-invertible symmetries. In
this work we present a top down construction of these duality defects which
generalizes to QFTs with lower supersymmetry, where other 0-form symmetries are
often present. We realize the QFTs of interest via D3-branes probing a
Calabi-Yau threefold cone with an isolated singularity at the tip of the cone.
The IIB duality group descends to dualities of the 4D worldvolume theory.
Non-trivial codimension one topological interfaces arise from configurations of
7-branes "at infinity" which implement a suitable
transformation when they are crossed. Reduction on the boundary topology
results in a 5D symmetry TFT. Different realizations of duality
defects, such as the gauging of 1-form symmetries with certain mixed anomalies
and half-space gauging constructions, simply amount to distinct choices of
where to place the branch cuts in the 5D bulk.Comment: Comments: 41+8 pages, 22 figure
Simultaneous Bilateral Patellar Tendon Rupture in a Young Adult Male: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.
A bilateral patellar tendon rupture is extremely rare and has only been documented in case reports. Although the etiology remains unknown, predisposing factors include steroid usage, systemic diseases, and tendinopathies. In the present case, a healthy 33-year-old male with a prior history of bilateral patellar tendonitis and a diagnosis of Osgood-Schlatter disease during adolescence experienced simultaneous bilateral patellar tendon rupture after playing volleyball. He underwent bilateral patellar repair without complications. In the absence of trauma, spontaneous bilateral patellar tendon ruptures are associated with several predisposing factors, including systemic diseases, prior corticosteroid or fluoroquinolone usage, and history of tendinopathy. Injuries can be classified based on the location of the rupture. Bilateral patellar tendon ruptures can be misdiagnosed due to the rarity of cases and the lack of a normal comparative knee. Radiographic techniques can aid in the diagnosis, leading to early surgical treatment and improved outcomes. Early diagnosis and prompt surgical repair contribute to good functional outcomes in this potentially debilitating injury pattern
T-Branes and Backgrounds
Compactification of M- / string theory on manifolds with structure
yields a wide variety of 4D and 3D physical theories. We analyze the local
geometry of such compactifications as captured by a gauge theory obtained from
a three-manifold of ADE singularities. Generic gauge theory solutions include a
non-trivial gauge field flux as well as normal deformations to the
three-manifold captured by non-commuting matrix coordinates, a signal of
T-brane phenomena. Solutions of the 3D gauge theory on a three-manifold are
given by a deformation of the Hitchin system on a marked Riemann surface which
is fibered over an interval. We present explicit examples of such backgrounds
as well as the profile of the corresponding zero modes for localized chiral
matter. We also provide a purely algebraic prescription for characterizing
localized matter for such T-brane configurations. The geometric interpretation
of this gauge theory description provides a generalization of twisted connected
sums with codimension seven singularities at localized regions of the geometry.
It also indicates that geometric codimension six singularities can sometimes
support 4D chiral matter due to physical structure "hidden" in T-branes.Comment: v2: 47 pages, 3 figures, references and clarifications added, typos
SymTrees and Multi-Sector QFTs
The global symmetries of a -dimensional QFT can, in many cases, be
captured in terms of a -dimensional symmetry topological field theory
(SymTFT). In this work we construct a -dimensional theory which governs
the symmetries of QFTs with multiple sectors which have connected correlators
that admit a decoupling limit. The associated symmetry field theory decomposes
into a SymTree, namely a treelike structure of SymTFTs fused along possibly
non-topological junctions. In string-realized multi-sector QFTs, these
junctions are smoothed out in the extra-dimensional geometry, as we demonstrate
in examples. We further use this perspective to study the fate of higher-form
symmetries in the context of holographic large averaging where the
topological sectors of different large replicas become dressed by
additional extended operators associated with the SymTree.Comment: 69 pages + appendices + ref
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Just Write Fortran: Experiences with a Language-Based Alternative to MPI+X
Fortran 2023, with its "do concurrent" and coarray parallel programming features, displaces many uses of extra-language parallel programming models such as MPI, OpenMP, and OpenACC. The Cray, Intel, LFortran, LLVM, and NVIDIA compilers automatically parallelize do concurrent in shared memory. The Cray, Intel, and GNU compilers support coarrays in shared- and distributed-memory, while the NAG compiler supports coarrays in shared memory. Thus, language-based parallelism is emerging as a portable alternative to MPI+X.
This talk will present experiences with automatic "do concurrent" parallelization in the deep learning library Inference-Engine and coarray communication in the Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research (ICAR), respectively
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