2,706 research outputs found

    L'excursionisme a Mollet (1878-1966)

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    Productes multimedia: disseny i anàlisi conceptual

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    Mercè Lleixà in memoriam

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    Paraules i nombres

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    Aquest article està pensat com un passeig on anireu trobant diferents reptes lingüístics. Com que el que resol reptes es deu dir "rèptil", us demano que us arrossegueu amb mi per aquestes pàgines, intentant superar els entrebancs (reptes) que us vindran al pas. Si us fatiguen, sempre trobareu un banc (solucions) per a descansar. I un cop recuperats, ja ho sabeu: entre banc i banc, entrebancs. Comencem, doncs..

    Per què una arquitectura sostenible?

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    Genomic imprinting in diabetes

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    Genomic imprinting refers to a class of transmissible genetic effects in which the expression of the phenotype in the offspring depends on the parental origin of the transmitted allele. The DNA from one parent may be epigenetically modified so that only a single allele of the imprinted gene is expressed in the offspring. Although imprinting has an important role in the regulation of growth and development through its role in regulating gene expression, its contribution to susceptibility to common complex disorders is not well understood. We summarize current views on the role of imprinting in diabetes and in particular chromosome 6q24-related transient neonatal diabetes mellitus, the best known example of an imprinted genetic disorder that leads to diabetes