4,011 research outputs found

    Analysis Marketing Strategy and Plan at PT. Pratama Graha Semesta

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    This study focuses on "Analysis Marketing Strategy and Plans at PT. Pratama Graha Semesta ". Based on the formulation of the problem, this study aims to determine what strategies and plans have been implemented and can be developed at PT. Pratama Graha Semesta.  This type of research is qualitative descriptive, using informants to conduct interviews and observations using a case study approach. The data source used is primary data, namely information that comes from direct observation of the research location after making observations and interviews. Meanwhile, secondary sources are data obtained from documentation or literature study to complement primary data.  The results of this study indicate that PT. Pratama Graha Semesta has implemented a marketing strategy and plan. At the end of each year the company will conduct a SWOT analysis to determine the marketing plan that will be implemented and the marketing strategy that is carried out is the seven P (7P) marketing mix concept, namely: 1) Product factor 2) Price factor 3) Place factor 4) Promotion factors 5) Process factors 6) People factors and 7) Physical factors.Keywords: marketing strategy, marketing plan, SWOT analysis, marketing mi


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan melalui penerapan  Model Pembelajaran Metode Demontrasi dan Pemberian Tugas  pada siswa kelas II  SD Negeri  Darmaga II Kecamatan Kasomalang Kabupaten Subang semester ganjil tahun pelajaran  2018/2019. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 22 orang siswa yang heterogen. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus sertiap siklus terdiri dari 3 kali pertemuan , pada pertemuan ke 1 dan ke 2 tentang pembahaasan materi pelajaran, sedangkan pertemuan  ke 3 dilaksanakan tes formatif. Rata- rata hasil tes formatif siklus 1 adalah 69,75 dan rata- rata hasil tes formatif siklus 2 adalah 80,91. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya peningkatan nilai rata- rata sebesar 11,16 ( 16,13%). Dengan demikian pembelajaran Matematika  dengan Model Pembelajaran Metode Demontrasi dan Pemberian Tugas   dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil modalitas belajar mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi. Adanya informasi mengenai modalitas belajar mahasiswa akan mempengaruhi apa yang harus dilakukan dosen sebagai tolak ukur keberhasilan pembelajaran.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif.  Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa pendidikan biologi FKIP Universitas Tanjungpura berjumlah 95 orang.Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa angket/kuesioner modalitas belajar dalam bentuk skala likert. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mahasiswa kelas A didominasi modalitas belajar visual sebesar 61,76 %., kelas B didominasi modalitas belajar visual sebesar 96,55 % dan kelas PPAPK didominasi modalitas belajar visual sebesar 93,75 %. Secara keseluruhan modalitas belajar mahasiswa pendidikan biologi didominasi oleh modalitas belajar visual sebesar 83,16 %.Kata Kunci: modalitas belajar, mahasiswa, pendidikan biolog

    Pemanfaatan tanaman sebagai zat aditif alami oleh masyarakat di lingkungan kraton alwatzikhoebillah sambas kalimantan barat

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    Walaupun zat aditif sintetis mudah didapatkan karena diproduksi secara komersil namun masih ada masyarakat yang menggunakan zat aditif alami dalam proses pengolahan makanan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan masyarakat di lingkungan Kraton Alwatzikhoebillah Sambas sebagai zat aditif dalam proses pengolahan makanan. Penelitian dalam bentuk deskriptif menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi.  Hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi terdapat 22 spesies dari 18 famili tanaman, yang terdiri atas 6 spesies sebagai pemanis, 1 spesies sebagai pewarna, 1 spesies sebagai pengawet dan 14 spesies sebagai penyedap yang digunakan sebagai zat aditif oleh masyarakat di lingkungan Kraton Alwatzikhoebillah Sambas. Ada 2 spesies yang dimanfaatkan sebagai pewarna sekaligus penyedap. Organ tanaman yang dimanfaatkan sebagai zat aditif alami adalah umbi, rimpang, batang, daun, buah, dan bunga. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat menjadi upaya dalam melestarikan kearifan lokal tentang tumbuhan yang bermanfaat sebagai zat aditif Masyarakat di lingkungan Kraton Alwatzikhoebillah Sambas


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    The research aims to improve students' learning outcomes and learning motivation through the application of a Culturally Responsive Learning (CRT) approach to the learning process. This study is a two-cycle class action study, where one cycle meets through planning stages, evaluation and reflection. The subject of this study was the XI Ipa 2 class with 32 students. Cycle 1 students' learning results obtained an average score of 79.93 to 75% and cycle 2 students' learning results obtained an average score of  87.70 to 87.50%. The student's best learning motivation is to challenge indicators or to solve problems by showing positive statements as well as interesting learning activities. Based on the data results obtained from the 1st and 2nd cycle learning process, this CRT approach can improve the learning results and motivation of XI Ipa 2 class students from State High School 05 Pontianak


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    Indonesia have tropical climate and most of that fertile the land is generate natural \ud resources that able to be innovated. Among natural resources that able to be innovated is \ud kind of plant wich have medicine or supplement content. One of potential herb wich can be \ud developed and can be exploited, that herb is rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa). The consist of \ud calyx rosella is anthocyanin pigment, amino acid, and high nutrient C wich are natural \ud antioxidant resource that very effectively to preventing free radical that cause cancer \ud disease and more the other important things. Because of that, herb of rosella will processed \ud be high economic valuable as healthy product wich called as herb tea. The objecttive of this \ud research is to know the effect of dryer type and cutting slice form (intact and slice) to \ud quality of rosella tea also to know the making processed of herb tea. The hipotesis \ud estimated there are an interaction between treatment of dryer type and cutting form. \ud This research is conducted by using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) Factorial \ud with two factors wich were first factor rosella form (intact and slice). Second factor types \ud are sunshine dryer, light sun dryer, cabynet dryer and oven. Data obtained is analyzed by \ud various analysis method (Anava), continued by real difference test (DMRT) α= 5%, to \ud organoleptic test by hedonic scale. \ud The research result indicates that in rosella herb tea at de garmo test known the best \ud treatment there in treatment R2P4 (rosella abbrevation with oven dryer). 10,39% level of \ud water, 12,621% level of dust, nutrient C 0,320 mg, pH 2,75, 0,112% total of dissolve solid, \ud absorption 0,119, DPPH 0.923, level of brightness (L) 34,567, level of reddish (a+) 26,37, \ud level of yellowish (b+) 7,80, score of beverage taste 3,47 (rather like), score of beverage \ud color 1,93 (very dislike), score of aroma 1,73 (very dislike), score of dry color 3,20 (rather \ud like), score of dry rosella aroma 3,80 (rather like)


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    In 2016, instagram ranks fifth as the most popular social media platform by active users and third by millennials. Indonesia has reached 22 million users from 400 million worldwide. Among the million Indonesia users, what Sundanese people do to express their language, particularly to maintain it? Therefore, the paper aims to; first, find out the purposes of the use of instagram account by Sundanese users and the later, to find out the idea/thoughts shared by Sundanese users on instagram. The research used qualitative research method. Further, the writer used some quote pictures and meme pictures as the data and sourced it from some quotes accounts created by Sundanese users on instagram. The steps of the study begins with: 1) Choosing some relevant quotes accounts, 2) classifying the accounts based on the content, 3) taking the data sample, 4) analyzing the samples by classifying them based on the ideas/thoughts the users share/focus on. In sum, there are two mainly purposes of Sundanese users on instagram. The first one is to deliver jokes mostly expressed by meme pictures and they have hugely many followers. The second one is the accounts which aim to share something like knowledge on Sundanese language, for instance, Sundanese vocabularies/mini dictionary, paribasa Sunda, Sundanese script, forum, games and another information about Sunda


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    The objectives of this research entitled “Commodity Fetishism in Cosmetic Advertisement in Indonesia” were to find out how the phenomena of commodity fetishism appear in cosmetic advertisement in Indonesia and how consumers’ responses toward the phenomena of commodity fetishism. The research method was qualitative-interpretative method using text-analysis. The instrument of this research was the writer herself. The data samples of this research were the cosmetic advertisements; those were facial foam and whitening/lightening cream advertisements from some common brands in Indonesia. Based on the data analysis there were some phenomena of commodity fetishism appear in cosmetics advertisement which marked by the appearance of models, male or female who had white skin, flawless, spotless and no acnes. It seemed that was the result of the usage the product. Then the phenomenon also marked by using some hyperbolic texts, for example “ganteng maksimal”, “see results in 7 days or your money back”, “tampil terbaik”, “putih cerah hingga 3 tingkat” dan “komplit cerahnya”. The results of the interview showed that the responses from the respondents dominated by the lack of consumers’ credibility towards the products compared with the appearances in the advertisements. It could be concluded that the phenomena of commodity fetishism in cosmetics advertisements had a big impacts towards the people as the consumers and the viewers


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    Google Maps is web-mapping service developed by Google. It provides a satellite imagery, street maps, street 360°-views, Google traffic (real-time conditions), and route-planning. One of many Google Maps features is it allows the users to give a rating, add some photos and leave a review of some places where they might ever visited or have few information about the places. By sharing some information about some particular places on review such as hotel, tourist sites, stores, restaurant, etc. it can help people who intend to visit the places to get information about it. By this article, the writer aims to find out the language used by the Google Maps users particularly, Indonesian local guides in giving the review of some particular places. Do they use their native language, Indonesian or even foreign language? Therefore, the scopes of this writing cover: 1) classification of the local guides based on the language used to give review in Google Maps 2) analyzing the language used by local guides. The data of the article is limited only a hundred Indonesian Local Guides, chosen randomly and by the numbers, it obtained 6319 reviews. The writer would use the data from some reviews on Google Maps. The steps would take to reveal all issues in this paper as follows: 1) collecting and reducing the data by listing a hundred Indonesian Local Guides, 2) identifying the reviews given based on the language that is used, whether it is frequently in Indonesian, English or even native language; 3) analyzing the language used based on its content, and 4) concluding all the findings. It can be concluded that mostly, ILGs use English to review various places on Maps. They have tendency to write in English for possibly particular reasons. Some public places are often being reviewed using English, even it is certain that majority of people who are looking for some information from Maps are local people (Indonesian). Some reviews written by ILGs do not completely provide information about the details of the place
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