728 research outputs found

    Lifting the Gribov ambiguity in Yang-Mills theories

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    We propose a new one-parameter family of Landau gauges for Yang-Mills theories which can be formulated by means of functional integral methods and are thus well suited for analytic calculations, but which are free of Gribov ambiguities and avoid the Neuberger zero problem of the standard Faddeev-Popov construction. The resulting gauge-fixed theory is perturbatively renormalizable in four dimensions and, for what concerns the calculation of ghost and gauge field correlators, it reduces to a massive extension of the Faddeev-Popov action. We study the renormalization group flow of this theory at one-loop and show that it has no Landau pole in the infrared for some - including physically relevant - range of values of the renormalized parameters.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; published version (PLB), minor corrections, references adde

    An exact renormalization group approach to frustrated magnets

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    Frustrated magnets are a notorious example where usual perturbative methods fail. Having recourse to an exact renormalization group approach, one gets a coherent picture of the physics of Heisenberg frustrated magnets everywhere between d=2 and d=4: all known perturbative results are recovered in a single framework, their apparent conflict is explained while the description of the phase transition in d=3 is found to be in good agreement with the experimental context.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, invited talk at the Second Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group, Rome, September 2000, for technical details see http://www.lpthe.jussieu.fr/~tissie

    Two-loop study of the deconfinement transition in Yang-Mills theories: SU(3) and beyond

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    We study the confinement-deconfinement phase transition of pure Yang-Mills theories at finite temperature using a simple massive extension of standard background field methods. We generalize our recent next-to-leading-order perturbative calculation of the Polyakov loop and of the related background field effective potential for the SU(2) theory to any compact and connex Lie group with a simple Lie algebra. We discuss in detail the SU(3) theory, where the two-loop corrections yield improved values for the first-order transition temperature as compared to the one-loop result. We also show that certain one-loop artifacts of thermodynamical observables disappear at two-loop order, as was already the case for the SU(2) theory. In particular, the entropy and the pressure are positive for all temperatures. Finally, we discuss the groups SU(4) and Sp(2) which shed interesting light, respectively, on the relation between the (de)confinement of static matter sources in the various representations of the gauge group and on the use of the background field itself as an order parameter for confinement. In both cases, we obtain first-order transitions, in agreement with lattice simulations and other continuum approaches.Comment: 35 pages, 20 figure

    Deconfinement transition in SU(N) theories from perturbation theory

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    We consider a simple massive extension of the Landau-DeWitt gauge for SU(NN) Yang-Mills theory. We compute the corresponding one-loop effective potential for a temporal background gluon field at finite temperature. At this order the background field is simply related to the Polyakov loop, the order parameter of the deconfinement transition. Our perturbative calculation correctly describes a quark confining phase at low temperature and a phase transition of second order for N=2N=2 and weakly first order for N=3N=3. Our estimates for the transition temperatures are in qualitative agreement with values from lattice simulations or from other continuum approaches. Finally, we discuss the effective gluon mass parameter in relation to the Gribov ambiguities of the Landau-DeWitt gauge.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Yang-Mills correlators across the deconfinement phase transition

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    We compute the finite temperature ghost and gluon propagators of Yang-Mills theory in the Landau-DeWitt gauge. The background field that enters the definition of the latter is intimately related with the (gauge-invariant) Polyakov loop and serves as an equivalent order parameter for the deconfinement transition. We use an effective gauge-fixed description where the nonperturbative infrared dynamics of the theory is parametrized by a gluon mass which, as argued elsewhere, may originate from the Gribov ambiguity. In this scheme, one can perform consistent perturbative calculations down to infrared momenta, which have been shown to correctly describe the phase diagram of Yang-Mills theories in four dimensions as well as the zero-temperature correlators computed in lattice simulations. In this article, we provide the one-loop expressions of the finite temperature Landau-DeWitt ghost and gluon propagators for a large class of gauge groups and present explicit results for the SU(2) case. These are substantially different from those previously obtained in the Landau gauge, which corresponds to a vanishing background field. The nonanalyticity of the order parameter across the transition is directly imprinted onto the propagators in the various color modes. In the SU(2) case, this leads, for instance, to a cusp in the electric and magnetic gluon susceptibilities as well as similar signatures in the ghost sector. We mention the possibility that such distinctive features of the transition could be measured in lattice simulations in the background field gauge studied here.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures; published versio

    Yang-Mills correlators at finite temperature: A perturbative perspective

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    We consider the two-point correlators of Yang-Mills theories at finite temperature in the Landau gauge. We employ a model for the corresponding Yang-Mills correlators based on the inclusion of an effective mass term for gluons. The latter is expected to have its origin in the existence of Gribov copies. One-loop calculations at zero temperature have been shown to agree remarkably well with the corresponding lattice data. We extend on this and perform a one-loop calculation of the Matsubara gluon and ghost two-point correlators at finite temperature. We show that, as in the vacuum, an effective gluon mass accurately captures the dominant infrared physics for the magnetic gluon and ghost propagators. It also reproduces the gross qualitative features of the electric gluon propagator. In particular, we find a slight nonmonotonous behavior of the Debye mass as a function of temperature, however not as pronounced as in existing lattice results. A more quantitative description of the electric sector near the deconfinement phase transition certainly requires another physical ingredient sensitive to the order parameter of the transition.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures ; Published version (PRD

    Critical properties of a continuous family of XY noncollinear magnets

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    Monte Carlo methods are used to study a family of three dimensional XY frustrated models interpolating continuously between the stacked triangular antiferromagnets and a variant of this model for which a local rigidity constraint is imposed. Our study leads us to conclude that generically weak first order behavior occurs in this family of models in agreement with a recent nonperturbative renormalization group description of frustrated magnets.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, minor changes, published versio

    Frustrated magnets in three dimensions: a nonperturbative approach

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    Frustrated magnets exhibit unusual critical behaviors: they display scaling laws accompanied by nonuniversal critical exponents. This suggests that these systems generically undergo very weak first order phase transitions. Moreover, the different perturbative approaches used to investigate them are in conflict and fail to correctly reproduce their behavior. Using a nonperturbative approach we explain the mismatch between the different perturbative approaches and account for the nonuniversal scaling observed.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. IOP style files included. To appear in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. Proceedings of the conference HFM 2003, Grenoble, Franc