2,941 research outputs found
Theory of magnetic phases of hexagonal rare earth manganites
The magnetic phases of hexagonal perovskites RMnO_3 (R=Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Sc, Y)
are analysed using group theory and the Landau theory of phase transitions. The
competition between various magnetic order parameters is discussed in the
context of antiferromagnetic interactions. A phenomenological model based on
four one-dimensional magnetic order parameters is developed and studied
numerically. It is shown that coupling of the various order parameters leads to
a complex magnetic field-temperature phase diagram and the results are compared
to experiment.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures. Manuscript with higher quality figures can be
obtained here: http://www.physics.mun.ca/~curnoe/papers/RMnO3.submit.pd
Parity Effect in a mesoscopic superconducting ring
We study a mesoscopic superconducting ring threaded by a magnetic flux when
the single particle level spacing is not negligible. It is shown that, for a
superconducting ring with even parity, the behavior of persistent current is
equivalent to what is expected in a bulk superconducting ring. On the other
hand, we find that a ring with odd parity shows anomalous behavior such as
fluxoid quantization at half-integral multiples of the flux quantum and
paramagnetic response at low temperature. We also discuss how the parity effect
in the persistent current disappears as the temperature is raised or as the
size of the ring increases.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Europhys. Let
Delayed response of a fermion-pair condensate to a modulation of the interaction strength
The effect of a sinusoidal modulation of the interaction strength on a
fermion-pair condensate is analytically studied. The system is described by a
generalization of the coupled fermion-boson model that incorporates a
time-dependent intermode coupling induced via a magnetic Feshbach resonance.
Nontrivial effects are shown to emerge depending on the relative magnitude of
the modulation period and the relaxation time of the condensate. Specifically,
a nonadiabatic modulation drives the system out of thermal equilibrium: the
external field induces a variation of the quasiparticle energies, and, in turn,
a disequilibrium of the associated populations. The subsequent relaxation
process is studied and an analytical description of the gap dynamics is
obtained. Recent experimental findings are explained: the delay observed in the
response to the applied field is understood as a temperature effect linked to
the condensate relaxation time.Comment: 6 page
Long-Range Order of Vortex Lattices Pinned by Point Defects in Layered Superconductors
How the vortex lattice orders at long range in a layered superconductor with
weak point pinning centers is studied through a duality analysis of the
corresponding frustrated XY model. Vortex-glass order emerges out of the vortex
liquid across a macroscopic number of weakly coupled layers in perpendicular
magnetic field as the system cools down. Further, the naive magnetic-field
scale determined by the Josephson coupling between adjacent layers is found to
serve as an upperbound for the stability of any possible conventional vortex
lattice phase at low temperature in the extreme type-II limit.Comment: 13 pgs., 1 table, published versio
SU(2) gauge theory of the Hubbard model: Emergence of an anomalous metallic phase near the Mott critical point
We propose one possible mechanism for an anomalous metallic phase appearing
frequently in two spatial dimensions, that is, local pairing fluctuations.
Introducing a pair-rotor representation to decompose bare electrons into
collective pairing excitations and renormalized electrons, we derive an SU(2)
gauge theory of the Hubbard model as an extended version of its U(1) gauge
theory\cite{Florens,LeeLee} to allow only local density fluctuations. Since our
effective SU(2) gauge theory admits two kinds of collective bosons
corresponding to pair excitations and density fluctuations respectively, an
intermediate phase appears naturally between the spin liquid Mott insulator and
Fermi liquid metal of the U(1) gauge theory,\cite{Florens,LeeLee} characterized
by softening of density-fluctuation modes as the Fermi liquid, but gapping of
pair-excitation modes. We show that this intermediate phase is identified with
an anomalous metallic phase because there are no electron-like quasiparticles
although it is metallic
Quantum spin configurations in Tb2Ti2O7
Low energy collective angular momentum states of the Tb3+ ions in Tb2Ti2O7
are classified according to the irreducible representations of the octahedral
point group. Degeneracy lifting due to the exchange interaction is discussed.
Diffuse neutron scattering intensity patterns are calculated for each
collective angular momentum state and the ground state is inferred by comparing
to experiment.Comment: 5 pages, 1 colour figure. Slight corrections and additions to text
and figur
Vortex Lattice Melting of a NbSe2 single grain probed by Ultrasensitive Cantilever Magnetometry
Using dynamic cantilever magnetometry, we study the vortex lattice and its
corresponding melting transition in a micrometer-size crystallite of
superconducting NbSe2. Measurements of the cantilever resonance frequency as a
function of magnetic field and temperature respond to the magnetization of the
vortex-lattice. The cantilever dissipation depends on thermally activated
vortex creep motion, whose pinning energy barrier is found to be in good
agreement with transport measurements on bulk samples. This approach reveals
the phase diagram of the crystallite, and is applicable to other micro- or
nanometer-scale superconducting samples.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Spectrum of the Andreev Billiard and Giant Fluctuations of the Ehrenfest Time
The density of states in the semiclassical Andreev billiard is theoretically
studied and shown to be determined by the fluctuations of the classical
Lyapunov exponent . The rare trajectories with a small value of
give rise to an anomalous increase of the Ehrenfest time
and, consequently, to the appearance of
Andreev levels with small excitation energy. The gap in spectrum is obtained
and fluctuations of the value of the gap due to different positions of
superconducting lead are considered.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Crossed conductance in FSF double junctions: role of out-of-equilibrium populations
We discuss a model of Ferromagnet / Superconductor / Ferromagnet (FSF) double
junction in which the quasiparticles are not in equilibrium with the condensate
in a region of the superconductor containing the two FS contacts. The role of
geometry is discussed, as well as the role of a small residual density of
states within the superconducting gap, that allows a sequential tunneling
crossed current. With elastic quasiparticle transport and the geometry with
lateral contacts, the crossed conductances in the sequential tunneling channel
are almost equal in the normal and superconducting phases, if the distance
between the FS interfaces is sufficiently small. The sequential tunneling and
spatially separated processes (the so-called crossed Andreev reflection and
elastic cotunneling processes) lead to different signs of the crossed current
in the antiparallel alignment for tunnel interfaces.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
The diamagnetism above the superconducting transition in underdoped La(1.9)Sr(0.1)CuO(4) revisited: Chemical disorder or phase incoherent superconductivity?
The interplay between superconducting fluctuations and inhomogeneities
presents a renewed interest due to recent works supporting an anomalous [beyond
the conventional Gaussian-Ginzburg-Landau (GGL) scenario] diamagnetism above Tc
in underdoped cuprates. This conclusion, mainly based in the observation of new
anomalies in the low-field isothermal magnetization curves, is in contradiction
with our earlier results in the underdoped La(1.9)Sr(0.1)CuO(4) [Phys. Rev.
Lett. 84, 3157 (2000)]. These seemingly intrinsic anomalies are being presented
in various influential works as a 'thermodynamic evidence' for phase incoherent
superconductivity in the pseudogap regime, this last being at present a central
and debated issue of the cuprate superconductors' physics. Here we have
extended our magnetization measurements in La(1.9)Sr(0.1)CuO(4) to two samples
with different chemical disorder, in one of them close to the one associated
with the random distribution of Sr ions. For this sample, the corresponding
Tc-distribution may be approximated as symmetric around the average Tc, while
in the most disordered sample is strongly asymmetric. The comparison between
the magnetization measured in both samples provides a crucial check of the
chemical disorder origin of the observed diamagnetism anomalies, which are
similar to those claimed as due to phase fluctuations by other authors. This
conclusion applies also to the sample affected only by the intrinsic-like
chemical disorder, providing then a further check that the intrinsic
diamagnetism above the superconducting transition of underdoped cuprates is not
affected by the opening of a pseudogap in the normal state. It is also shown
here that once these disorder effects are overcome, the remaining precursor
diamagnetism may be accounted at a quantitative level in terms of the GGL
approach under a total energy cutoff.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Minor corrections include
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