23 research outputs found

    Bahasa Indonesia Di Thailand Menjadi Media Diplomasi Kebahasaan Dan Budayadi ASEAN Melalui Pengajaran Bipa

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    In the effort to introducing and consolidating Indonesian language to the world and ASEAN level, there are a few of options but teaching and mastering Bahasa Indonesia (BI). Through the teaching of Bahasa Indonesia for foreign speaker (BIPA), it can be a media of language and culture diplomacy and brings Indonesian language as lingua franca in ASEAN community, as happen in Thailand. Therefore, some efforts need to be done in order to realize that through the teaching of BIPA. to increase the interest in learning BI in abroad, to improve the image of the Indonesia as a nation and make BI as Lingua franca, which 1.System BIPA teaching abroad, 2) the material of BIPA, the BIPA learning is not always teach people about the language but also includes material about the culture and Indonesian literature. 3) the purposes of teaching BIPA, to prepare Indonesian language tobe lingua franca in the Asean community

    Correlation of mastering effective sentences and learning motivation to writing skills of explanation text for high school students

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    This article aims to describe and describe the relationship between effective sentence mastery and student motivation to write explanatory text skills. The results of data processing using multiple regression to the explanatory text writing variable (Y) resulted in a multiple regression coefficient (b) of 0.094 for effective sentence mastery (X1) and 0.791 for learning motivation (X2) and a constant (a) of 50.547. Thus, the form of the correlation between the three variables can be expressed by the multiple regression equation Ẏ = 50.547 + 0.094X1 + 0.791 X2. The results of the data obtained in the form of a correlation that has a significant value between effective sentence mastery and learning motivation on explanatory text writing skills at the coefficient of determination R2 = 0.375, effective sentence mastery and learning motivation affect explanatory text writing skills by 37.5%.Â


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    Subjects BIPA teaching materials require student skills to make BIPA learning materials (material) as creative as possible, where the BIPA learning material created must adjust to the level of material difficulty of BIPA learners. The material created is adjusted to the level of BIPA learning. The material drawn must pay attention to the gradation of the difficulty, the material must be arranged from easy to difficult and concrete to the abstract. Material that does not vary will regulate saturation. Variations are done well in the selection of game types and theme choices. This study aims to describe learning by using words at the user level on the text of BIPA Teaching Materials by students of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. This study uses descriptive qualitative method, using the method of triangulation, which is comparing and or matching data obtained from teaching material documents, and the application of BIPA material by students of Indonesian language and literature education program at STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat who are taking BIPA elective courses. From the results of the study, 1. The speaking skills used by students of STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat still do not vary in terms of technique, 2. The skills in the text of BIPA teaching materials can still be re-displayed and see


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    Asosiasi Pengajar Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (APBIPA) awal mulanya berdiri pada November 1999 setelah penyelenggaran konferensi Internasional pengajaran BIPA (KIPBIPA) ke-3 di IKIP Bandung. Seiring perkembangan waktu, APBIPA berubah menjadi Asosiasi Pengajar dan Pegiat Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (APPBIPA) pada rapat pengurusan APPBIPA pada periode 2015-2019 yang diselenggarakan di Jakarta. APPBIPA adalah organisasi profesi yang beranggotakan pengajar BIPA dan pegiat BIPA  baik di Indonesia maupun luar Indonesia. Misi utama APPBIPA adalah memartabatkan bahasa Indonesia dan memperkenalkan bahasa dan budaya Indonesia kepada orang asing. Dalam rangka perayaan hari jadi ke-21 APPBIPA pusat mengikutsertakan seluruh cabang (dalam dan luar negeri) untuk berpartisipasi dan berkolaborasi dalam rangka pesta akademia 21 tahun APPBIPA. APPBIPA Sumatera Barat berkolaborasi dengan APPBIPA Bali untuk mengikuti lomba pengajaran bahasa dan lomba pengajaran budaya dan pengetahuan umum tentang Indonesia dengan tema “Lingkungan hidup” untuk tingkatan pemelajar B1

    How the Language Competence of International Students is Culturally Oriented When Learning Indonesian Language

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    Language learning is often viewed as a task focused on the acquisition of linguistic skills, disregarding the cultural context in which the language is spoken. This approach to language learning often leads to ineffective communication and misunderstandings that arise due to cultural differences. The article discusses the challenges that BIPA students in West Sumatra face when attempting to develop their communicative abilities and cross-cultural understanding. The primary objective of this article is to explore the relationship between language learning and cultural awareness, particularly within the framework of BIPA instruction. The article aims to highlight the importance of integrating cultural knowledge with language learning to develop effective communication skills in a foreign language. The authors also seek to demonstrate how the Minangkabau tradition can be used as a foundation for fostering intercultural understanding and communication among BIPA learners. They conducted research using two instructional and conditional features of BIPA learners' knowledge to explore the impact of learning Indonesian with a focus on culture and the ability to communicate across cultures. They also used a qualitative approach to highlight strategies and methods for fostering intercultural understanding and communication grounded in the Minangkabau tradition. The data for this study were collected by using interviews with BIPA educators and students in West Sumatra. The study demonstrated that integrating cultural knowledge with language learning is essential for the development of effective communication skills in a foreign language. The research shows that BIPA students who are exposed to cultural elements along with language instruction demonstrated a higher level of communicative ability and cross-cultural understanding. It also pictures out various strategies and methods for fostering intercultural understanding and communication grounded in the Minangkabau tradition. However, the authors also note the serious challenges that West Sumatra's BIPA educators and students face in gaining this crucial understanding. In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of integrating cultural knowledge with language learning to develop effective communication skills in a foreign language. The research also demonstrates the positive impact of cultural elements in language instruction, particularly within the framework of BIPA instruction. It provides valuable insights for BIPA educators and students who seek to enhance their communicative abilities and cross-cultural understanding


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    Kegiatan berbahasa mencakup kegiatan yang produktif dan reseptif di dalam Keterampilan berbahasa yang mencakup aspek mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Empat keterampilan berbahasa ini merupakan keterampilan yang mutlak dikuasai oleh pembelajar ketika belajar bahasa. Karena empat keterampilan berbahasa ini sudah diajarkan berlahan pada saat mulai sekolah dasar sampai di perguruan tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan perencanaan pembelajaran BIPA tingkat pemula. Melihat bahan ajar yang digunakan, stragi pembelajaran yang dipilih dan ragam media pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa dalam menerapkan perencanaan pembelajaran BIPA untuk tingkat pemula atau dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif,  dengan  menggunakan metode triangulasi, yaitu membandingkan dan atau mencocokkan data yang diperoleh dari dokumen bahan ajar, observasi, dan penerapan materi BIPA oleh mahasiswa program studi pendidikan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia di STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah pilihan BIPA. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi bagi pengajar dan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah pilihan praktik BIPA


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    Because the purpose of learning a foreign language is the learning of Indonesian language for foreign speakers (BIPA) is diverse, then the learning materials and methods used by teachers to achieve certain goals also vary. This study aims to describe the form of local cultural material in Indonesian Language Learning for Foreign Speakers. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study are: 1. local cultural material that can be used in learning Indonesian for foreign speakers based on the level or level of learning such as pantun, minangkabau folklore, and minangkabau phrase. To be able to express feelings simply, describe the environment, and communicate daily needs and routine, 2. And methods that can be used in enriching learning materials BIPA, and 3. Media used in the presentation of local cultural materials such as video, film, pictures and surroundings. So the success of BIPA teachers is teaching material, teaching materials that must have certain characteristics, in the sense that Indonesian language teaching materials given to foreign learners must have and incorporate elements and values of Indonesian culture in them, and the methods and media used must be interesting