618 research outputs found

    Signatures of restarted activity in core-dominated, triple radio sources selected from the FIRST survey

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    Signatures of the re-occurrence of activity in radio-loud AGNs, indicated either by the so-called double-double or X-shaped structures, have been observed in a number of radio sources. All such objects known to date have linear sizes of the order of a megaparsec. A number of the sources that are appreciably more compact than this, but that exhibit hints of a past phase of activity, were found in the VLA FIRST survey. Their structures show symmetric relic lobes straddling relatively bright, unresolved cores. Observations of the cores of 15 such structures with MERLIN at 5 GHz have shown that four of them are doubles or core-jets on the subarcsecond scale. Misalignments of \Delta PA \ga 30 degr. between the axis of the inner structure and the line connecting the fitted maxima of the arcminute-scale relic lobes are clearly visible in three of the four sources. From these results, we can infer that a rapid repositioning of the central engine in each of these three radio sources is the most plausible interpretation of the observed morphology and that a merger is most likely the original cause of such a repositioning. In the case of TXS 1033+026, the optical image extracted from the SDSS archives clearly suggests that two objects separated by only 2.7 kpc (projected onto the sky plane) are indeed merging. The inner parts of TXS 0818+214 and TXS 1312+563 could be interpreted as double-lobed, and consequently, these sources could be of the double-double type; but further multifrequency observations are necessary to provide support for such an interpretation.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, matches the version printed in Astronomy & Astrophysics, very minor correction of Table

    MERLIN observations of Stephan's Quintet

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    We present MERLIN L-band images of the compact galaxy group, Stephan's Quintet. The Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC 7319, the brightest member of the compact group, is seen to have a triple radio structure typical of many extra-galactic radio sources which have a flat spectrum core and two steep spectrum lobes with hot spots. The two lobes are asymmetrically distributed on opposite sides of the core along the minor axis of the galaxy. Ultraviolet emission revealed in a high resolution HRC/ACS HST image is strongly aligned with the radio plasma and we interpret the intense star formation in the core and north lobe as an event induced by the collision of the north radio jet with over-dense ambient material. In addition, a re-mapping of archive VLA L-band observations reveals more extended emission along the major axis of the galaxy which is aligned with the optical axis. Images formed from the combined MERLIN and archive VLA data reveal more detailed structure of the two lobes and hot spots.Comment: Completely revised version with new HST data included, to appear in MNRA

    Compact steep-spectrum sources from the S4 sample

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    We present the results of 5-GHz observations with the VLA A-array of a sample of candidate Compact Steep Spectrum sources (CSSs) selected from the S4 survey. We also estimate the symmetry parameters of high-luminosity CSSs selected from different samples of radio sources, and compare these with the larger sources of similar luminosity to understand their evolution and the consistency of the CSSs with the unified scheme for radio galaxies and quasars. The majority of CSSs are likely to be young sources advancing outwards through a dense asymmetric environment. The radio properties of CSSs are found to be consistent with the unified scheme, in which the axes of the quasars are observed close to the line of sight, while radio galaxies are observed close to the plane of the sky.Comment: accepted for publication in mnras; 8 pages, figure 1 with 21 images, and two additional figures; 2 table

    Multi-frequency Studies of Massive Cores with Complex Spatial and Kinematic Structures

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    Five regions of massive star formation have been observed in various molecular lines in the frequency range 8589\sim 85-89 GHz. The studied regions possess dense cores, which host young stellar objects. The physical parameters of the cores are estimated, including kinetic temperatures (2040\sim 20-40 K), sizes of the emitting regions (0.10.6\sim 0.1-0.6 pc), and virial masses (40500M\sim 40-500 M_{\odot}). Column densities and abundances of various molecules are calculated in the local thermodynamical equilibrium approximation. The core in 99.982+4.17, associated with the weakest IRAS source, is characterized by reduced molecular abundances. Molecular line widths decrease with increasing distance from the core centers (bb). For b\ga 0.1~pc, the dependences ΔV(b)\Delta V(b) are close to power laws (bp\propto b^{-p}), where pp varies from 0.2\sim 0.2 to 0.5\sim 0.5, depending on the object. In four cores, the asymmetries of the optically thick HCN(1--0) and HCO+^+(1--0) lines indicate systematic motions along the line of sight: collapse in two cores and expansion in two others. Approximate estimates of the accretion rates in the collapsing cores indicate that the forming stars have masses exceeding the solar mass.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, 6 table

    3C254: MERLIN observations of a highly asymmetric quasar

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    Multifrequency, high-resolution radio observations of the quasar 3C254 using MERLIN are presented. The quasar has a highly asymmetric radio structure, with the eastern component of the double-lobed structure being much closer to the nucleus and significantly less polarized than the western one. However, the two lobes are more symmetric in their total flux densities. The observations show the detailed structure of the hotspots which are very different on opposite sides of the radio core, reveal no radio jet and suggest that the oppositely-directed jets may be intrinsically asymmetric.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Bunge’s Mathematical Structuralism Is Not a Fiction

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    In this paper, I explore Bunge’s fictionism in philosophy of mathematics. After an overview of Bunge’s views, in particular his mathematical structuralism, I argue that the comparison between mathematical objects and fictions ultimately fails. I then sketch a different ontology for mathematics, based on Thomasson’s metaphysical work. I conclude that mathematics deserves its own ontology, and that, in the end, much work remains to be done to clarify the various forms of dependence that are involved in mathematical knowledge, in particular its dependence on mental/brain states and material objects

    Monitoring of the prompt radio emission from the unusual supernova 2004dj in NGC2403

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    Supernova 2004dj in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC2403 was detected optically in July 2004. Peaking at a magnitude of 11.2, this is the brightest supernova detected for several years. Here we present Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN) observations of this source, made over a four month period, which give a position of R.A. = 07h37m17.044s, Dec =+65deg35'57.84" (J2000.0). We also present a well-sampled 5 GHz light curve covering the period from 5 August to 2 December 2004. With the exception of the unusual and very close SN 1987A, these observations represent the first detailed radio light curve for the prompt emission from a Type II-P supernova.Comment: (1) Jodrell Bank Observatory (2) University of Valencia (3) University of Sheffield 6 pages, 1 figure. To appear in ApJ letter

    VLA Observations of H I in the Helix Nebula (NGC 7293)

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    We report the detection of 21-cm line emission from H I in the planetary nebula NGC 7293 (the Helix). The observations, made with the Very Large Array, show the presence of a ring of atomic hydrogen that is associated with the outer portion of the ionized nebula. This ring is most probably gas ejected in the AGB phase that has been subsequently photodissociated by radiation from the central star. The H I emission spreads over about 50 km/s in radial velocity. The mass in H I is approximately 0.07 solar masses, about three times larger than the mass in molecular hydrogen and comparable with the mass in ionized hydrogen.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Extended Recurrence Plot Analysis and its Application to ERP Data

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    We present new measures of complexity and their application to event related potential data. The new measures base on structures of recurrence plots and makes the identification of chaos-chaos transitions possible. The application of these measures to data from single-trials of the Oddball experiment can identify laminar states therein. This offers a new way of analyzing event-related activity on a single-trial basis.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures; article for the workshop ''Analyzing and Modelling Event-Related Brain Potentials: Cognitive and Neural Approaches`` at November 29 - December 01, 2001 in Potsdam, German

    3C459: A highly asymmetric radio galaxy with a starburst

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    Multifrequency radio observations of the radio galaxy 3C459 using MERLIN, VLA and the EVN, and an optical HST image using the F702W filter are presented. The galaxy has a very asymmetric radio structure, a high infrared luminosity and a young stellar population. The eastern component of the double-lobed structure is brighter, much closer to the nucleus and is significantly less polarized than the western one. This is consistent with the jet on the eastern side interacting with dense gas, which could be due to a merged companion or dense cloud of gas. The HST image of the galaxy presented here exhibits filamentary structures, and is compared with the MERLIN 5-GHz radio map. EVN observations of the prominent central component, which has a steep radio spectrum, show a strongly curved structure suggesing a bent or helical radio jet. The radio structure of 3C459 is compared with other highly asymmetric, Fanaroff-Riley II radio sources, which are also good candidates for studying jet-cloud interactions. Such sources are usually of small linear size and it is possible that the jets are interacting with clouds of infalling gas that fuel the radio source.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 table