9 research outputs found
Scabies infestation status of human participants from a remote Aboriginal community in Northern Australia
Drug regimen for treatment of equivocal <i>Strongyloides</i> results.
<p>Drug regimen for treatment of equivocal <i>Strongyloides</i> results.</p
Optical density of <i>Strongyloides</i> serology for participants seen at baseline and month 12 by number of ivermectin doses and serology status (n = 504, excludes those treated at month 6).
<p>Optical density of <i>Strongyloides</i> serology for participants seen at baseline and month 12 by number of ivermectin doses and serology status (n = 504, excludes those treated at month 6).</p
Drug regimen for MDAs and treatment of <i>Strongyloides</i>.
<p>Drug regimen for MDAs and treatment of <i>Strongyloides</i>.</p
Participant’s age, gender, treatment and haematology results by diagnostic method at baseline and month 12.
<p>Participant’s age, gender, treatment and haematology results by diagnostic method at baseline and month 12.</p
<i>Strongyloides</i> seroprevalence at baseline and month 12, by age group.
<p><i>Strongyloides</i> seroprevalence at baseline and month 12, by age group.</p
Haemoglobin (Hb)[30] and eosinophil thresholds.
<p>[<a href="http://www.plosntds.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pntd.0005607#pntd.0005607.ref031" target="_blank">31</a>].</p
<i>Strongyloides</i> seroprevalence by month for the baseline cohort and new entrants (excludes results from those that had faecal microscopy/culture, n = 80).
<p><i>Strongyloides</i> seroprevalence by month for the baseline cohort and new entrants (excludes results from those that had faecal microscopy/culture, n = 80).</p