10,378 research outputs found
Cryptographic Methods with a Pli Cachete: Towards the Computational Assurance of Integrity
Unreproducibility stemming from a loss of data integrity can be prevented with hash functions, secure sketches, and Benford's Law when combined with the historical practice of a Pli Cacheté where scientific discoveries were archived with a 3rd party to later prove the date of discovery. Including the distinct systems of preregistation and data provenance tracking becomes the starting point for the creation of a complete ontology of scientific documentation. The ultimate goals in such a system--ideally mandated--would rule out several forms of dishonesty, catch computational and database errors, catch honest mistakes, and allow for automated data audits of large collaborative open science projects
Fracturing Jazz, Freeing Fusion: Miles Davisâs Role in Counterculture Rock
The paper details Miles Davis\u27s influence in the counterculture rock and roll movement through his development of jazz fusion and his personal connections with rock musicians of the period, as well the overlap in musical ideology that occurred when both rock and jazz began to incorporate elements of each others\u27 styles
Facilitating Tino Rangatiratanga in MÄori sport and recreation : a case study of MÄori Brazilian Jiu Jitsu WhÄtĆtĆ : 'Kaua e mate wheke, me mate Uroroa' Don't die like an octopus, die like a hammerhead shark : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in MÄori Studies at Massey University,Albany, New Zealand
This thesis examines Tino âRangÄtiratanga (self-determination) of MÄori Sport and
Recreation (MS&R) in Aotearoa (New Zealand) in particular MÄori Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
movement (MBJJ) WhÄtĆtĆ in Aotearoa. For the purpose of this thesis Sport and ârecreation
acts as a reference to all organized physical and recreational activities inclusive of WhÄtĆtĆ
MÄori BJJ movement. WhÄtĆtĆ is an ancient MÄori wrestling pastime; its origins go back to
the creation story of âRanginui and Papatuanuku sky father and earth mother. This research
does not examine the origins or history of WhÄtĆtĆ but explores the potential influence
WhÄtĆtĆ MÄori BJJ has on the development of MÄori sport and recreation and the role of
MÄori organizations as facilitators of MS&R development. Within the broader development
context MS&Râ development, MÄori development and MÄori Community Development will
be explored within a MÄori organizational framework. The theories of Community
Development and Empowerment are explored to counteract the further disenfranchising of
Tino Rangatiratanga. This will provide a historical context by which a review of multiple
challenges MS&R are confronted with in New Zealandâs political, economic, social and
cultural environment.
The Treaty of Waitangi will be explored as a primary tool to support the case for greater
investment and equal representation of MÄori not only on the playing field but on all levels
of sport and recreation development in Aotearoa. The literature will look at the impacts of
institutional racism and racism in sport in New Zealand and how Maori are reorganising and
strategizing to empower their whanau, hapu and Iwi aspirations.
The research explores MÄori philosophies and practices and how these are applied to Maori
sport and recreation development. The methodological processes used in this study are
Kaupapa MÄori theory and grounded theory.
The data will be analyzed using grounded theory and content analysis to provide the
researcher with themes from which to provide further discussion of the findings in the
Regulatory Agencies, the State and Markets: A Franco-British Comparison
The article examines whether and how independent regulatory agencies (IRAs) have altered the strategies, relationships and power of French policy makers in markets and whether they led to convergence with Britain in state-market relations. It relates these questions to broader debates about the extent to which previous policy-making systems have been transformed, whether Europe has one regulatory state or several, whether France has become a form of 'liberal market economy' and the power of the state after reform of markets. It argues that although, as in Britain, France has established IRAs with responsibilities for ensuring competition in key economic domains, French state strategies remained very different from British ones and markets operate very differently in the two countries. Moreover, the break with the past has been limited: public policy makers continue to have significant capacities to mould markets and delegation to IRAs has often reinforced the power of existing elites and aided the adaptation of traditional French industrial strategies to new conditions. Thus even if France has adopted the formal institutions of competitive markets, it has not converged with a liberal market economy such as Britain in terms of strategies and behaviour. State forms and instruments may have altered, but an activist French industrial policy is alive and well.regulation, independent regulatory agencies, electricity, 3G mobiles
The parasitic crustaceans of fishes from the Brazilian Amazon. 10 - Acusicola pellonidis n.sp. (Copepoda: Cyclopidae) from Pellona castelnaeana (VALENCIENNES)
The female of Acusicola pellonidis n. sp. (Copepoda : Cyclopidea) is described from the gills of an Amazonian fish, Pellona castelnaeana (VALENCIENNES). The new species is distinguished from all others known for the genus by its larger size, longer antennae, sparse pigmentation and by the presence of a Y-shaped reinforcing structure in the dorsal wall of the cephalothorax. Keywords : parasitism, Crustaceans, fishes, Amazo
A parasitic copepod, Perulernaea gamitanae gen. et sp. nov. (Cyclopoida: Lernaeidae), from the nasal fossae of a Peruvian Amazon food fish
The female of Perulernaea gamitanae gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Lernaeidae) is described from the nasal fossae of an important food fish, Colossoma macropomum (CUVIER), collected in the Peruvian Amazon near lquitos. The new genus differs from others in the family by having blunt head anchors, a well defined slender "neck", a fusiform hindbody, uropods, four pairs of well separated legs, genital pores which are post-equatorial in the hindbody and multiseriate egg sacs. The host is one of the largest freshwater fish of the Amazon region and is of considerable economic importance
The parasitic crustaceans from the Brazilian Amazon. 15. Gamispatulus schizodontis gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Vaigamidae) from the nasal fossae of Schizodon fasciatus AGASSIZ
The female of Gamispatulus schizodontis gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Vaigamidae) is described from the nasal fossae of an Amazonian fish, Schizodon fasciatus AGASSIZ. The new genus differs from the other genera of the family by having a lateral retrostylet with a medial spatulate process, a wide flat rostral projection and a S-segmented antennule
The parasitic crustaceans of fishes from the Brazilian Amazon. 12. Ergasilus hydrolycus n.sp. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida) from Hydrolycus scomberoides (CUVIER)
The female of Ergasilus hydrolycus n. sp. is described from specimens taken from the gills of an Amazonian fish, Hydrolycus scomberoides (CUVIER). The new species is similar to E. bryconis THATCHER, 1981, and to E. jaraquensis THATCHER & ROBERTSON, 1982, in the form of the body, antennae and legs, and in having a curved pectinate seta on the terminal segment of the first exopod. The new species is distinguished from the other two by having a single seta representing the fifth leg, instead of two, and by having a relatively larger antennal claw. Additionally, the pigmentation of E. hydrolycus n. sp., is limited to a single transverse band at the level of the mouth while in the other two species it is diffuse and distributed throughout the body. Also, the uropod of the new species has two main setae and that of E. bryconis has three. The new species is larger than E. jaraquensis
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