201 research outputs found

    Organic Design of Massively Distributed Systems: A Complex Networks Perspective

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    The vision of Organic Computing addresses challenges that arise in the design of future information systems that are comprised of numerous, heterogeneous, resource-constrained and error-prone components or devices. Here, the notion organic particularly highlights the idea that, in order to be manageable, such systems should exhibit self-organization, self-adaptation and self-healing characteristics similar to those of biological systems. In recent years, the principles underlying many of the interesting characteristics of natural systems have been investigated from the perspective of complex systems science, particularly using the conceptual framework of statistical physics and statistical mechanics. In this article, we review some of the interesting relations between statistical physics and networked systems and discuss applications in the engineering of organic networked computing systems with predictable, quantifiable and controllable self-* properties.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, preprint of submission to Informatik-Spektrum published by Springe

    System size stochastic resonance in a model for opinion formation

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    We study a model for opinion formation which incorporates three basic ingredients for the evolution of the opinion held by an individual: imitation, influence of fashion and randomness. We show that in the absence of fashion, the model behaves as a bistable system with random jumps between the two stable states with a distribution of times following Kramer's law. We also demonstrate the existence of system size stochastic resonance, by which there is an optimal value for the number of individuals N for which the average opinion follows better the fashion.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in Physica

    Synchronised firing induced by network dynamics in excitable systems

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    We study the collective dynamics of an ensemble of coupled identical FitzHugh--Nagumo elements in their excitable regime. We show that collective firing, where all the elements perform their individual firing cycle synchronously, can be induced by random changes in the interaction pattern. Specifically, on a sparse evolving network where, at any time, each element is connected with at most one partner, collective firing occurs for intermediate values of the rewiring frequency. Thus, network dynamics can replace noise and connectivity in inducing this kind of self-organised behaviour in highly disconnected systems which, otherwise, wouldn't allow for the spreading of coherent evolution.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Nestedness in Networks: A Theoretical Model and Some Applications

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    We develop a dynamic network formation model that can explain the observed nestedness in real-world networks. Links are formed on the basis of agents’ centrality and have an exponentially distributed life time. We use stochastic stability to identify the networks to which the network formation process converges and find that they are nested split graphs. We completely determine the topological properties of the stochastically stable networks and show that they match features exhibited by real-world networks. Using four different network datasets, we empirically test our model and show that it fits well the observed networks.Nestedness, Bonacich centrality, network formation, nested split graphs

    Quantifying the effects of social influence

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    How do humans respond to indirect social influence when making decisions? We analysed an experiment where subjects had to repeatedly guess the correct answer to factual questions, while having only aggregated information about the answers of others. While the response of humans to aggregated information is a widely observed phenomenon, it has not been investigated quantitatively, in a controlled setting. We found that the adjustment of individual guesses depends linearly on the distance to the mean of all guesses. This is a remarkable, and yet surprisingly simple, statistical regularity. It holds across all questions analysed, even though the correct answers differ in several orders of magnitude. Our finding supports the assumption that individual diversity does not affect the response to indirect social influence. It also complements previous results on the nonlinear response in information-rich scenarios. We argue that the nature of the response to social influence crucially changes with the level of information aggregation. This insight contributes to the empirical foundation of models for collective decisions under social influence.Comment: 3 figure

    Synchronization of extended chaotic systems with long-range interactions: an analogy to Levy-flight spreading of epidemics

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    Spatially extended chaotic systems with power-law decaying interactions are considered. Two coupled replicas of such systems synchronize to a common spatio-temporal chaotic state above a certain coupling strength. The synchronization transition is studied as a nonequilibrium phase transition and its critical properties are analyzed at varying the interaction range. The transition is found to be always continuous, while the critical indexes vary with continuity with the power law exponent characterizing the interaction. Strong numerical evidences indicate that the transition belongs to the {\it anomalous directed percolation} family of universality classes found for L{\'e}vy-flight spreading of epidemic processes.Comment: 4 revTeX4.0 pages, 3 color figs;added references and minor changes;Revised version accepted for pubblication on PR

    Hierarchical mutual information for the comparison of hierarchical community structures in complex networks

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    The quest for a quantitative characterization of community and modular structure of complex networks produced a variety of methods and algorithms to classify different networks. However, it is not clear if such methods provide consistent, robust and meaningful results when considering hierarchies as a whole. Part of the problem is the lack of a similarity measure for the comparison of hierarchical community structures. In this work we give a contribution by introducing the {\it hierarchical mutual information}, which is a generalization of the traditional mutual information, and allows to compare hierarchical partitions and hierarchical community structures. The {\it normalized} version of the hierarchical mutual information should behave analogously to the traditional normalized mutual information. Here, the correct behavior of the hierarchical mutual information is corroborated on an extensive battery of numerical experiments. The experiments are performed on artificial hierarchies, and on the hierarchical community structure of artificial and empirical networks. Furthermore, the experiments illustrate some of the practical applications of the hierarchical mutual information. Namely, the comparison of different community detection methods, and the study of the consistency, robustness and temporal evolution of the hierarchical modular structure of networks.Comment: 14 pages and 12 figure