14 research outputs found
Näyttötutkintomestariksi Oulussa
Videolla kerrotaan, miten näyttötutkintomestarikoulutus toteutetaan Oulussa. Videossa tuodaan esille muun muassa osaamisen tunnistamisen ja tunnustamisen sekä henkilökohtaistamisen käsitteet
A cross-cultural study of domestic luminous environment in the United Kingdom and Japan
Abstract not available
Additional file 4: of Genome-wide analysis of UDP-glycosyltransferase super family in Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea reveals its evolutionary history and functional characterization
Heat map representation of UGT genes in B. rapa and B. oleracea. A. Heat map representation of UGT in B. rapa. a–i represent the separate functional clusters of UGT genes. B. Heat map representation of UGT genes in B. oleracea. j–n represent separate functional clusters of UGT genes. The tissues are shown on the top of each column. The genes are designed on right expression bars. Color scale bars are designed on the top of each heat map. (JPEG 925 kb
Additional file 3: of Genome-wide analysis of UDP-glycosyltransferase super family in Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea reveals its evolutionary history and functional characterization
List of tandem arrays of UGT genes among A. thaliana, B. rapa, and B. oleracea. (XLSX 19 kb
Additional file 1: of Genome-wide analysis of UDP-glycosyltransferase super family in Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea reveals its evolutionary history and functional characterization
Chromosomal distribution of UGT genes in B. rapa and B. oleracea. Green bars represent pseudo-chromosomes in B. rapa and B. oleracea. A01–A10 represent pseudo-chromosomes in B. rapa. C01–C09 represent pseudo-chromosomes in B. oleracea. Red rectangles represent UGT gene clusters. (JPEG 2853 kb
Additional file 4: Table S2. of Evolutionary history and functional divergence of the cytochrome P450 gene superfamily between Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica species uncover effects of whole genome and tandem duplications
Orthologous genes pairs from different whole genome duplication events in A. thaliana compared with different subgenomes in B. rapa and B. oleracea. This file contained the orthologous genes pairs of cytochrome P450s in A. thaliana compared to BraLF, BraMF1, and BraMF2 subgenomes in B. rapa, and BolLF, BolMF1, and BolMF2 subgenomes in B. oleracea, respectively. (XLSX 24 kb
Multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis of <i>BnPRP1</i>.
<p>(A) Unrooted Phylogenetic tree of BnPRP1 and its homologous proteins. Dendrogram obtained using neighbor-joining analysis based on the proportion (p-distance) of aligned amino acid sites of the full-length peptide sequences. BnPRP1 is marked with a solid triangle. Numbers at the base of each clade correspond to the bootstrap means of 1000 replications. Organism’s common or taxonomic names are shown in parenthesis. The Genbank accession numbers/Database accession numbers for the proteins/peptides are as follows: <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> (NP_197850.2); <i>Capsella rubella</i> (XP_006289819); <i>Camelina sativa</i> (XP_010421292.1); <i>Arabidopsis lyrata</i> (XP_00287212); <i>Eutrema salsugineum</i> (XP_0063947); <i>Brassica napus</i> (<i>Brassica napus</i> Database accession No. GSBRNA2T00120298001); <i>Brassica oleracea</i> (bolbase accession No: Bol016440); <i>Brassica rapa</i> (brad accession No: XP_009130006.1); <i>Brassica napus</i> (<i>Brassica napus</i> Database accession No:GSBRNA2T00147553001); <i>Brassica rapa</i> (brad accession No: XP_009150986.1); <i>Brassica napus</i> (GSBRNA2T00133542001); <i>Brassica oleracea</i> (bolbase accession No: Bol022411); <i>Brassica napus</i> (<i>Brassica napus</i> Database accession No: GSBRNA2T00120360001); SP-B (APD accession No: AP00889); BacFL31(APD accession No: AP02346); bumblebee_Abaecins (APD accession No: AP01215); honeybee_Abaecins (APD accession No: AP00002). (B) Multiple alignments of BnPRP1 and its homologs. Multiple alignments of BnPRP1 and its homologs identical amino acid residues were black-shaded, PPT motif of BnPRP1 is shown in box.</p
Minimal concentrations of <i>BnPRP1</i> required for complete growth inhibition.
<p><sup>a</sup>Results are the mean values obtained from three independent measurements.</p><p>Minimal concentrations of <i>BnPRP1</i> required for complete growth inhibition.</p
Response of <i>BnPRP1</i> Expression to <i>S</i>. <i>sclerotiorum</i> inoculation.
<p>Quantitative real-time PCR was used to measure <i>BnPRP1</i> gene expression in the leaves and stems of six <i>Brassica napus</i> cultivars: four disease-resistant (Zhongshuang 9, M083, Zhongshuang 11, and Zhongyou 821) and two susceptible cultivars (84039 and 888–5). All values are the means obtained from three biological replicates and their respective standard deviations.</p
Agarose gel electrophoresis detection of the overlap PCR product from the <i>BnPRP1</i> gene and the recombinant plasmids pET30a/His-EDDIE-GFP and pET30a-EDDIE-BnPRP1.
<p>(A) Lane M, 100 bp DNA marker; Lanes 1–2, Overlap PCR products from the <i>BnPRP1</i> gene. (B) Lane M, 1 kb DNA marker; Lane 1, recombinant vector pET30a/His-EDDIE-BnPRP1; Lane 2, vector pET30a/His-EDDIE-GFP. <b>C:</b> Lane M, DL2000 DNA marker; Lane 1, positive control; Lane 2, negative control; Lanes 3 and 4, PCR detection of the <i>BnPRP1</i> gene.</p