97 research outputs found

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Import 23/08/2017Cílem této bakalářské práce je popsat absolvování odborné praxe ve firmě HS Interactive s.r.o. Praxe byla zaměřena na vývoj mobilní aplikace pro operační systém Android. Aplikace je mobilním klientem pro sociální síť MatchToMe. V úvodu popisuji důvody, které vedly k výběru odborné praxe. Dále se věnuji úkolům, které mi byly zadány s jejich implementací a postupem řešení problémů, které se objevily při vývoji. Závěr práce je věnován zhodnocení získaných zkušeností a dosažených výsledků.Purpose of this bachelor thesis is to describe a professional practice in company HS Interactive s.r.o. Practice was focused on the development of mobile application for the operating system Android. The application is a mobile client for social network MatchToMe. In the introduction I describe reasons that led to the selection of professional practice. Then I describe tasks that I have been awarded with their implementations and process of solution issues that have emerged during development. The conclusion of thesis is dedicated to the evaluation of the experience gained and the results achieved.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Urban expansion patterns of 291 Chinese cities, 1990–2015

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    <p>China has experienced rapid and massive urban expansion in recent decades. To address the opportunities and challenges posed by urbanization, it is important to investigate this process. Although many studies have characterized China’s urbanization, mainly based on individual cities or urban agglomerations, few studies have compared the urban expansion patterns among cities of different regions and sizes at a national scale. Additionally, the source of the newly developed urban land has largely been ignored in previous research. To fill these gaps, we provide a comprehensive view of the growth patterns of 291 Chinese cities during 1990–2015, quantifying the rates, spatial forms, and corresponding landscape characteristics of the urban expansion. More importantly, we further investigate what their new urban land is converted from. Key findings include: (1) the annual expansion (AE) and annual growth rate (AGR) of all 291 cities were 1869.81 km<sup>2</sup> and 4.81% during 1990–2015; (2) cropland and rural settlements were the predominant source, accounting for 65.22% and 17.49% of the new urban land during 1990–2015; (3) edge-expansion was the dominant growth form for most cities, followed by infilling and leapfrogging growth; and (4) the landscape characteristics of the occupied cropland differed across various cities.</p

    The effects of immune protein CD3ζ development and degeneration of retinal neurons after optic nerve injury

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    <div><p>Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules and their receptors play fundamental roles in neuronal death during diseases. T-cell receptors (TCR) function as MHCI receptor on T-cells and both MHCI and a key component of TCR, CD3ζ, are expressed by mouse retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and displaced amacrine cells. Mutation of these molecules compromises the development of RGCs. We investigated whether CD3ζ regulates the development and degeneration of amacrine cells after RGC death. Surprisingly, mutation of CD3ζ not only impairs the proper development of amacrine cells expressing CD3ζ but also those not expressing CD3ζ. In contrast to effects of MHCI and its receptor, PirB, on other neurons, mutation of CD3ζ has no effect on RGC death and starburst amacrine cells degeneration after optic nerve crush. Thus, unlike MHCI and PirB, CD3ζ regulates the development of RGCs and amacrine cells but not their degeneration after optic nerve crush.</p></div

    The MLEs of the QTL position and effect parameters based on 200 simulation replicates under different heritabilities and sample sizes.

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    <p>The squared roots of the mean squared errors (RMSE) of the MLEs are given in parentheses.</p><p>The locations of the QTL is described by the map distances (in cM) from the first marker of the linkage group. The hypothesized value is 3.81 for , 2.04 for and 1.26 for .</p

    QTL genotypes and corresponding genetic components under different backcross designs.

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    <p>QTL genotypes and corresponding genetic components under different backcross designs.</p