600 research outputs found
Analysis of the Lovemarks Concept in Sport Industry
Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou konceptu lovemarks ve sportovním průmyslu. Práce je rozdělena na dvě základní části, na část teoretickou a praktickou. V teoretické části práce jsou vymezeny pojmy nutné k pochopení dané problematiky. V praktické části byla pomocí metody dotazníkového šetření provedena analýza konceptu lovemarks. V závěrečné části jsou shrnuty výsledky šetření a doporučení.Bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of the lovemarks concept in sport industry. The thesis is structured into two fundamental sections, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical section are defined terms, which are necessary to understand given issue. In the practical section was used the questionnaire method to analyse lovemarks concept. In the final part are summarized results of research and recommendations.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn
Festividades sazonais e comunitárias no currículo em educação de infância
Relatório apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-EscolarO presente relatório engloba o percurso formativo ao longo da prática de ensino supervisionada em contexto de Creche e Jardim de Infância, refletindo as aprendizagens realizadas e as dificuldades sentidas, assim como a emergência de questões decorrentes da prática.
A problemática estudada, centrada nas valências de Creche e de Jardim de Infância, refere-se à Importância das festividades sazonais e comunitárias num currículo em Educação de Infância. A partir da abordagem do significado e importância das festividades feita por alguns autores, o presente estudo tem como objetivo geral compreender a importância atribuída pelas educadoras de infância à celebração das festividades, quais as datas que privilegiam, os motivos que justificam essas escolhas, assim como as implicações que identificam para as aprendizagens e para o desenvolvimento infantil.
O estudo, qualitativo e de carácter exploratório, utiliza para a recolha de dados a técnica do inquérito por entrevista. Conclui-se que nas duas valências as profissionais integram no trabalho educativo a comemoração de determinados dias festivos, garantindo a sua importância e considerando que promovem aprendizagens em todas as áreas do desenvolvimento.The present report covers the formative path along the supervised teaching practice in the context of Nursery and Kindergarten, reflecting the learning achieved and difficulties experienced as well as the emergence of issues arising from practice.
The studied problem, focusing on the valences of Nursery and Preschool, refers to the importance of seasonal and community festivities in a curriculum in Childhood Education. From the approach to the meaning and importance of the festivities by some authors, this study has the overall objective of understanding the importance given by the kindergarten teachers to the celebration of the festivities, which dates that privilege, the reasons for these choices, as well as identifying the implications for learning and child development.
The study, of qualitative and exploratory nature, uses for data collection technique interview survey. It is concluded that on both valences, the kindergarten teachers integrate on the educational work the celebration of certain festive days, ensuring their importance as promoters of learning in all areas of development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Label-Free Transient Absorption Microscopy for Red Blood Cell Flow Velocity Measurement <i>in Vivo</i>
Red blood cells have
intrinsic transient absorption property at
the near-infrared region, allowing for label-free detection and imaging.
We present a new approach to measure the blood flow velocity <i>in vivo</i> with a transient absorption microscope and correlation
analyses of signal sequences. With specific scan modes, we have quantitatively
obtained the flow velocity in capillaries, arteries, and veins in
a live zebrafish with accuracy of about 30 μm/s. In addition,
a high-resolution three-dimensional vessel network can be reconstructed
through this approach with spatial resolution of 1 μm
Native Contact Density and Nonnative Hydrophobic Effects in the Folding of Bacterial Immunity Proteins
<div><p>The bacterial colicin-immunity proteins Im7 and Im9 fold by different mechanisms. Experimentally, at pH 7.0 and 10°C, Im7 folds in a three-state manner via an intermediate but Im9 folding is two-state-like. Accordingly, Im7 exhibits a chevron rollover, whereas the chevron arm for Im9 folding is linear. Here we address the biophysical basis of their different behaviors by using native-centric models with and without additional transferrable, sequence-dependent energies. The Im7 chevron rollover is not captured by either a pure native-centric model or a model augmented by nonnative hydrophobic interactions with a uniform strength irrespective of residue type. By contrast, a more realistic nonnative interaction scheme that accounts for the difference in hydrophobicity among residues leads simultaneously to a chevron rollover for Im7 and an essentially linear folding chevron arm for Im9. Hydrophobic residues identified by published experiments to be involved in nonnative interactions during Im7 folding are found to participate in the strongest nonnative contacts in this model. Thus our observations support the experimental perspective that the Im7 folding intermediate is largely underpinned by nonnative interactions involving large hydrophobics. Our simulation suggests further that nonnative effects in Im7 are facilitated by a lower local native contact density relative to that of Im9. In a one-dimensional diffusion picture of Im7 folding with a coordinate- and stability-dependent diffusion coefficient, a significant chevron rollover is consistent with a diffusion coefficient that depends strongly on native stability at the conformational position of the folding intermediate.</p></div
Comprehensive analysis of nucleocytoplasmic dynamics of mRNA in <i>Drosophila</i> cells
<div><p>Eukaryotic mRNAs undergo a cycle of transcription, nuclear export, and degradation. A major challenge is to obtain a global, quantitative view of these processes. Here we measured the genome-wide nucleocytoplasmic dynamics of mRNA in <i>Drosophila</i> cells by metabolic labeling in combination with cellular fractionation. By mathematical modeling of these data we determined rates of transcription, export and cytoplasmic decay for 5420 genes. We characterized these kinetic rates and investigated links with mRNA features, RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and chromatin states. We found prominent correlations between mRNA decay rate and transcript size, while nuclear export rates are linked to the size of the 3'UTR. Transcription, export and decay rates are each associated with distinct spectra of RBPs. Specific classes of genes, such as those encoding cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins, exhibit characteristic combinations of rate constants, suggesting modular control. Binding of splicing factors is associated with faster rates of export, and our data suggest coordinated regulation of nuclear export of specific functional classes of genes. Finally, correlations between rate constants suggest global coordination between the three processes. Our approach provides insights into the genome-wide nucleocytoplasmic kinetics of mRNA and should be generally applicable to other cell systems.</p></div
Mathematical modeling of the nucleocytoplasmic dynamics of mRNA.
<p><b>(A)</b> Schematic illustration of the kinetic steps in the model. <b>(B, C)</b> Fitting of the model to experimental data for two example genes (<i>Arc1</i> and <i>Bacc</i>). Green dots and blue dots represent nuclear and cytoplasmic transcript abundance, respectively, normalized to yeast spike-in. Red curves depict the fitted kinetic model. <b>(D, E)</b> Global distribution of the goodness of fit scores for nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions, respectively, assessed by coefficient of determination (r<sup>2</sup>). Only genes with r<sup>2</sup> > 0.8 are used for downstream analyses. <b>(F, G, H)</b> Scatter plots showing the reproducibility of modeled rates of transcription, export and cytoplasmic decay of two biological replicates. Each dot represents one gene. Red lines indicate the perfect diagonals. <b>(I)</b> Contributions of the variance of the rates of transcription, export and cytoplasmic decay to the variance of steady state transcript abundance.</p
Auto-Switch Gaussian Process Regression-Based Probabilistic Soft Sensors for Industrial Multigrade Processes with Transitions
uncertainty has rarely been integrated into traditional
soft sensors in industrial processes. In this work, a novel autoswitch
probabilistic soft sensor modeling method is proposed for online quality
prediction of a whole industrial multigrade process with several steady-state
grades and transitional modes. It is different from traditional deterministic
soft sensors. Several single Gaussian process regression (GPR) models
are first constructed for each steady-state grade. A new index is
proposed to evaluate each GPR-based steady-state grade model. For
the online prediction of a new sample, a prediction variance-based
Bayesian inference method is proposed to explore the reliability of
existing GPR-based steady-state models. The prediction can be achieved
using the related steady-state GPR model if its reliability using
this model is large enough. Otherwise, the query sample can be treated
as in transitional modes and a local GPR model in a just-in-time manner
is online built. Moreover, to improve the efficiency, detailed implementation
steps of the autoswitch GPR soft sensors for a whole multigrade process
are developed. The superiority of the proposed method is demonstrated
and compared with other soft sensors in an industrial process in Taiwan,
in terms of online quality prediction
Structures and folding thermodynamics of Im7 and Im9.
<p>The ribbon diagrams (top) depict the PDB structures of (A) Im7 (PDB ID: 1AYI) and (B) Im9 (PDB ID: 1IMQ). The positions of four types of strongly hydrophobic residues (M, F, I, L) are shown in orange whereas those of four types of largely nonpolar residues but have weaker hydrophobicities (V, W, Y, A) are shown in yellow. Other residue positions are shown in black (for Im7) or blue (for Im9). Each structure contains four helices (I, II, III, and IV). The bottom panels show free energy profiles −ln <i>P</i>(<i>Q</i>) for Im7 (C) and Im9 (D) computed using three different models around each model’s transition midpoint.</p
Structural properties of the simulated Im7 folding intermediate in the db+MJ<i>hϕ</i> model.
<p>(A) Native (lower right) and nonnative (upper left) contact probability maps (color scale on right) for Im7 conformations with 0.8 < <i>Q</i> < 0.9 along folding trajectories simulated under the strongly folding conditions in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004260#pcbi.1004260.g004" target="_blank">Fig 4</a>. The maps provide occurrence probabilities of individual contacts in the putative intermediate-state ensemble that are normalized for the 0.8 < <i>Q</i> < 0.9 conformations along folding trajectories. The grey dotted lines mark the M, F, I, and L residues along the Im7 sequence. (B) One such Im7 conformation at <i>Q</i> = 0.844 (green <i>C</i><sub><i>α</i></sub> trace) is compared with the PDB structure (black trace). In the intermediate conformation (green trace), the N- and C-termini are marked, respectively, by the blue and red spheres. Hydrophobic residues that participate in significant nonnative interactions are marked as orange or yellow spheres (same color code as that in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004260#pcbi.1004260.g001" target="_blank">Fig 1A</a>). A significant nonnative interaction is marked by a gray line between a pair of residues if the pair is not a native contact yet their spatial separation in the conformation shown is less than 8.0 Å and their interaction energy is stronger (more negative) than −1.0. The marked nonnative contacts are M1–L18, L3–L34, I7–L37, F15–L37, F15–L38, V16–L38, L18–L34, L19–L38, V36–F41, V36–I44, L37–V69, L37–I72, L38–I68, and L38–V69. (C) A collection of randomly chosen Im7 intermediate conformations (green traces). Included for reference is the PDB structure (black trace).</p
The relationships between transcript length and kinetic rates of mRNA.
<p><b>(A, B, C)</b> Scatterplots showing the relationships between transcript length, intron length, number of exons and transcription rates on logarithmic scales. Red lines indicate fitting by linear regression. Spearman (ρ) correlations are indicated. <b>(D)</b> Relationship of 3’UTR length and export rates. <b>(E, F)</b> Correlations between transcript and 3’UTR length, respectively, and decay rates.</p
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