2,191 research outputs found
A Dynamics Driven by Repeated Harmonic Perturbations
We propose an exactly soluble W*-dynamical system generated by repeated
harmonic perturbations of the one-mode quantum oscillator. In the present paper
we deal with the case of isolated system. Although dynamics is Hamiltonian and
quasi-free, it produces relaxation of initial state of the system to the steady
state in the large-time limit. The relaxation is accompanied by the entropy
production and we found explicitly the rate for it. Besides, we study evolution
of subsystems to elucidate their eventual correlations and convergence to
equilibrium state. Finally we prove a universality of the dynamics driven by
repeated harmonic perturbations in a certain short-time interaction limit
Random point field approach to analysis of anisotropic Bose-Einstein condensations
Position distributions of constituent particles of the perfect Bose-gas
trapped in exponentially and polynomially anisotropic boxes are investigated by
means of the boson random point fields (processes) and by the spatial random
distribution of particle density. Our results include the case of
\textit{generalised} Bose-Einstein Condensation. For exponentially anisotropic
quasi two-dimensional system (SLAB), we obtain \textit{three} qualitatively
different particle density distributions. They correspond to the
\textit{normal} phase, the quasi-condensate phase (type III generalised
condensation) and to the phase when the type III and the type I Bose
condensations co-exist. An interesting feature is manifested by the type II
generalised condensation in one-directional polynomially anisotropic system
(BEAM). In this case the particle density distribution rests truly random even
in the \textit{macroscopic} scaling limit
Dynamics of an Open System for Repeated Harmonic Perturbation
We use the Kossakowski-Lindblad-Davies formalism to consider an open system
defined as the Markovian extension of one-mode quantum oscillator S, perturbed
by a piecewise stationary harmonic interaction with a chain of oscillators C.
The long-time asymptotic behaviour of various subsystems of S+C are obtained in
the framework of the dual W-dynamical system approach
A Model of Dynamics Driven by Repeated Harmonic Interactions
International audienceWe consider an exactly soluble W *-dynamical system driven by repeated harmonic interactions. Although dynamics is Hamiltonian and quasi-free, it leads in the large-time limit to relaxation of initial states to a steady state. We found explicitly the rate of the entropy production which accompanies this relaxation. Besides, we study evolution of subsystems to elucidate their eventual correlations and convergence to equilibrium states. Finally we prove a universality of dynamics driven by repeated harmonic perturbations in a short-time interaction limit
Large Deviation Principle for Non-Interacting Boson Random Point Processes
Limit theorems, including the large deviation principle, are established for
random point processes (fields), which describe the position distributions of
the perfect boson gas in the regime of the Bose-Einstein condensation. We
compare these results with those for the case of the normal phase
On July 30 and August 1, 2007, the International Symposium on Science & Technology at Kansai University 2007 was held at Kansai University Centenary Memorial Hall. It focused on collaboration with ASEAN Countries in Environment and Life Science. This Symposium was organized by the Graduate School of Engineering and three Faculties for Science & Technology (Faculty of Engineering Science, Faculty of Environmental & Urban Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Materials & Bioengineering). About 400 participants attended including about 40 foreigners from ASEAN countries. My report on the Symposium, as made Chairman of the Local Committee, follow.CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, 50th anniversary editio
Production of Fungal Chitosan by Enzymatic Method and Applications in Plant Tissue Culture and Tissue Engineering: 11 Years of Our Progress, Present Situation and Future Prospects
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