95 research outputs found
Long-distance distribution of time-bin entanglement generated in a cooled fiber
This paper reports the first demonstration of the generation and distribution
of entangled photon pairs in the 1.5-um band using spontaneous four-wave mixing
in a cooled fiber. Noise photons induced by spontaneous Raman scattering were
suppressed by cooling a dispersion shifted fiber with liquid nitrogen, which
resulted in a significant improvement in the visibility of two-photon
interference. By using this scheme, time-bin entangled qubits were successfully
distributed over 60 km of optical fiber with a visibility of 76%, which was
obtained without removing accidental coincidences.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure
Generation of 1.5-um band time-bin entanglement using spontaneous fiber four-wave mixing and planar lightwave circuit interferometers
This paper reports 1.5-um band time-bin entanglement generation. We employed
a spontaneous four-wave mixing process in a dispersion shifted fiber, with
which correlated photon pairs with very narrow bandwidths were generated
efficiently. To observe two-photon interference, we used planar lightwave
circuit based interferometers that were operated stably without feedback
control. As a result, we obtained coincidence fringes with 99 % visibilities
after subtracting accidental coincidences, and successfully distributed
entangled photons over 20-km standard single-mode fiber without any
deterioration in the quantum correlation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Quantum secret sharing based on modulated high-dimensional time-bin entanglement
We propose a new scheme for quantum secret sharing (QSS) that uses a
modulated high-dimensional time-bin entanglement. By modulating the relative
phase randomly by {0,pi}, a sender with the entanglement source can randomly
change the sign of the correlation of the measurement outcomes obtained by two
distant recipients. The two recipients must cooperate if they are to obtain the
sign of the correlation, which is used as a secret key. We show that our scheme
is secure against intercept-and-resend (I-R) and beam splitting attacks by an
outside eavesdropper thanks to the non-orthogonality of high-dimensional
time-bin entangled states. We also show that a cheating attempt based on an I-R
attack by one of the recipients can be detected by changing the dimension of
the time bin entanglement randomly and inserting two "vacant" slots between the
packets. Then, cheating attempts can be detected by monitoring the count rate
in the vacant slots. The proposed scheme has better experimental feasibility
than previously proposed entanglement-based QSS schemes.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.
Erasing Distinguishability Using Quantum Frequency Up-Conversion
The frequency distinguishability of two single photons was successfully
erased using single photon frequency up-conversion. A frequency non-degenerate
photon pair generated via spontaneous four-wave mixing in a dispersion shifted
fiber was used to emulate two telecom-band single photons that were in the same
temporal mode but in different frequency modes. The frequencies of these
photons were converted to the same frequency by using the sum frequency
generation process in periodically poled lithium niobate waveguides, while
maintaining their temporal indistinguishability. As a result, the two converted
photons exhibited a non-classical dip in a Hong-Ou-Mandel quantum interference
experiment. The present scheme will add flexibility to networking quantum
information systems that use photons with various wavelengths.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Effects of multiple pairs on visibility measurements of entangled photons generated by spontaneous parametric processes
Entangled photon-pair sources based on spontaneous parametric processes are
widely used in photonic quantum information experiments. In this paper, we
clarify the relationship between average photon-pair number and the visibility
of two-photon interference (TPI) using those entanglement sources. We consider
sources that generate distinguishable and indistinguishable entangled photon
pairs, assuming coincidence measurements that use threshold detectors. We
present formulas for the TPI visibility of a polarization entanglement that
take account of all the high-order multi-pair emission events. Moreover, we
show that the formulas can be approximated with simple functions of the average
pair number when the photon collection efficiency is small. As a result, we
reveal that an indistinguishable entangled pair provides better visibility than
a distinguishable one
Security of differential phase shift quantum key distribution against individual attacks
We derive a proof of security for the Differential Phase Shift Quantum Key
Distribution (DPSQKD) protocol under the assumption that Eve is restricted to
individual attacks. The security proof is derived by bounding the average
collision probability, which leads directly to a bound on Eve's mutual
information on the final key. The security proof applies to realistic sources
based on pulsed coherent light. We then compare individual attacks to
sequential attacks and show that individual attacks are more powerful
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