3,496 research outputs found
Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW Theory
In past decades the scientific community has been looking for a reliable
first-principles method to predict the electronic structure of solids with high
accuracy. Here we present an approach which we call the quasiparticle
self-consistent GW approximation (QpscGW). It is based on a kind of
self-consistent perturbation theory, where the self-consistency is constructed
to minimize the perturbation. We apply it to selections from different classes
of materials, including alkali metals, semiconductors, wide band gap
insulators, transition metals, transition metal oxides, magnetic insulators,
and rare earth compounds. Apart some mild exceptions, the properties are very
well described, particularly in weakly correlated cases. Self-consistency
dramatically improves agreement with experiment, and is sometimes essential.
Discrepancies with experiment are systematic, and can be explained in terms of
approximations made.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure
A basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor, PhFBH4, regulates flower senescence by modulating ethylene biosynthesis pathway in petunia.
The basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors (TFs) play important roles in regulating multiple biological processes in plants. However, there are few reports about the function of bHLHs in flower senescence. In this study, a bHLH TF, PhFBH4, was found to be dramatically upregulated during flower senescence. Transcription of PhFBH4 is induced by plant hormones and abiotic stress treatments. Silencing of PhFBH4 using virus-induced gene silencing or an antisense approach extended flower longevity, while transgenic petunia flowers with an overexpression construct showed a reduction in flower lifespan. Abundance of transcripts of senescence-related genes (SAG12, SAG29) was significantly changed in petunia PhFBH4 transgenic flowers. Furthermore, silencing or overexpression of PhFBH4 reduced or increased, respectively, transcript abundances of important ethylene biosynthesis-related genes, ACS1 and ACO1, thereby influencing ethylene production. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed that the PhFBH4 protein physically interacted with the G-box cis-element in the promoter of ACS1, suggesting that ACS1 was a direct target of the PhFBH4 protein. In addition, ectopic expression of this gene altered plant development including plant height, internode length, and size of leaves and flowers, accompanied by alteration of transcript abundance of the gibberellin biosynthesis-related gene GA2OX3. Our results indicate that PhFBH4 plays an important role in regulating plant growth and development through modulating the ethylene biosynthesis pathway
Dynamics of a Generalized Cosmological Scalar-Tensor Theory
A generalized scalar-tensor theory is investigated whose cosmological term
depends on both a scalar field and its time derivative. A correspondence with
solutions of five-dimensional Space-Time-Matter theory is noted. Analytic
solutions are found for the scale factor, scalar field and cosmological term.
Models with free parameters of order unity are consistent with recent
observational data and could be relevant to both the dark-matter and
cosmological-"constant" problems.Comment: 13 page
Spin wave dispersion based on the quasiparticle self-consistent method: NiO, MnO and -MnAs
We present spin wave dispersions in MnO, NiO, and -MnAs based on the
quasiparticle self-consistent method (\qsgw), which determines an optimum
quasiparticle picture. For MnO and NiO, \qsgw results are in rather good
agreement with experiments, in contrast to the LDA and LDA+U description. For
-MnAs, we find a collinear ferromagnetic ground state in \qsgw, while
this phase is unstable in the LDA.Comment: V2: add another figure for SW life time. Formalism is detaile
NMR studies of the incommensurate helical antiferromagnet EuCo2P2 : determination of the antiferromagnetic propagation vector
Recently Ding et al. [Phys. Rev. B 95, 184404 (2017)] reported that their
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study on EuCoAs successfully
characterized the antiferromagnetic (AFM) propagation vector of the
incommensurate helix AFM state, showing that NMR is a unique tool for
determination of the spin structures in incommensurate helical AFMs. Motivated
by this work, we have carried out Eu, P and Co NMR
measurements on the helical antiferromagnet EuCoP with an AFM ordering
temperature = 66.5 K. An incommensurate helical AFM structure was
clearly confirmed by Eu and P NMR spectra on single crystalline
EuCoP in zero magnetic field at 1.6 K and its external magnetic field
dependence. Furthermore, based on Co NMR data in both the paramagnetic
and the incommensurate AFM states, we have determined the model-independent
value of the AFM propagation vector k = (0, 0, 0.73 0.09)2/ where
is the -axis lattice parameter. The temperature dependence of k is also
discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B. arXiv
admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1704.0629
The Fermi surface of CeCoIn5: dHvA
Measurements of the de Haas - van Alphen effect in the normal state of the
heavy Fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 have been carried out using a torque
cantilever at temperatures ranging from 20 to 500 mK and in fields up to 18
tesla. Angular dependent measurements of the extremal Fermi surface areas
reveal a more extreme two dimensional sheet than is found in either CeRhIn5 or
CeIrIn5. The effective masses of the measured frequencies range from 9 to 20
m*/m0.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PRB Rapid
Suzaku Observations of Local Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
We report the results from our analysis of {\it Suzaku} XIS (0.5-10 keV) and
HXD/PIN (15-40 keV) observations of five well-known local ULIRGs: {\em IRAS}
F05189-2524, {\em IRAS} F08572+3915, Mrk 273, PKS 1345+12, and Arp 220. The XIS
observations of F05189-2524 and Mrk 273 reveal strong iron lines consistent
with Fe K and changes in spectral shapes with respect to previous {\it
Chandra} and {\it XMM-Newton} observations. Mrk 273 is also detected by the
HXD/PIN at 1.8-. For F05189-2524, modeling of the data from the
different epochs suggests that the change in spectral shape is likely due to
the central source switching off, leaving behind a residual reflection
spectrum, or an increase in the absorbing column. An increase in the covering
fraction of the absorber can describe the spectral variations seen in Mrk 273,
although a reduction in the intrinsic AGN luminosity cannot be formally ruled
out. The {\it Suzaku} spectra of Mrk 273 are well fit by a ~94% covering
fraction model with a column density of cm. The
absorption-corrected log[ / ] ratio is consistent
with those found in PG Quasars. The 0.5-10 keV spectrum of PKS 1345+12 and Arp
220 seem unchanged from previous observations and their hard X-ray emission is
not convincingly detected by the HXD/PIN. The large column density derived from
CO observations and the large equivalent width of an ionized Fe line in Arp 220
can be reconciled by an ionized reflection model. F08572+3915 is undetected in
both the XIS and HXD/PIN, but the analysis of unpublished {\em Chandra} data
provides a new measurement at low energies.Comment: 37 pages including 4 tables and 10 figures. Accepted for publication
in ApJ. It is tentatively scheduled to appear in the January 20, 2009 issue
of Ap
Efficient routing of single photons by one atom and a microtoroidal cavity
Single photons from a coherent input are efficiently redirected to a separate
output by way of a fiber-coupled microtoroidal cavity interacting with
individual Cesium atoms. By operating in an overcoupled regime for the
input-output to a tapered fiber, our system functions as a quantum router with
high efficiency for photon sorting. Single photons are reflected and excess
photons transmitted, as confirmed by observations of photon antibunching
(bunching) for the reflected (transmitted) light. Our photon router is robust
against large variations of atomic position and input power, with the observed
photon antibunching persisting for intracavity photon number 0.03 \lesssim n
\lesssim 0.7
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