16,507 research outputs found
Re/Os constraint on the time-variability of the fine-structure constant
We argue that the accuracy by which the isochron parameters of the decay
are determined by dating iron meteorites may
not directly constrain the possible time-dependence of the decay rate and hence
of the fine-structure constant . From this point of view, some of the
attempts to analyze the Oklo constraint and the results of the QSO absorption
lines are re-examined.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; v2, revised top sentence on p.
More on the Isomorphism
In this paper we revisit the isomorphism to
apply to some subjects in Quantum Computation and Mathematical Physics.
The unitary matrix by Makhlin giving the isomorphism as an adjoint action
is studied and generalized from a different point of view. Some problems are
also presented.
In particular, the homogeneous manifold which characterizes
entanglements in the case of is studied, and a clear-cut calculation of
the universal Yang-Mills action in (hep-th/0602204) is given for the abelian
case.Comment: Latex ; 19 pages ; 5 figures ; minor changes. To appear in
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics (vol.4, no.3
A New Algebraic Structure of Finite Quantum Systems and the Modified Bessel Functions
In this paper we present a new algebraic structure (a super hyperbolic system
in our terminology) for finite quantum systems, which is a generalization of
the usual one in the two-level system.
It fits into the so-called generalized Pauli matrices, so they play an
important role in the theory. Some deep relation to the modified Bessel
functions of integer order is pointed out.
By taking a skillful limit finite quantum systems become quantum mechanics on
the circle developed by Ohnuki and Kitakado.Comment: Latex ; 14 pages ; no figure ; minor changes. To appear in
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, (Vo.4, No.7),
Pull-out fibers from composite materials at high rate of loading
Numerical and experimental results are presented on the pullout phenomenon in composite materials at a high rate of loading. The finite element method was used, taking into account the existence of a virtual shear deformation layer as the interface between fiber and matrix. Experimental results agree well with those obtained by the finite element method. Numerical results show that the interlaminar shear stress is time dependent, in addition, it is shown to depend on the applied load time history. Under step pulse loading, the interlaminar shear stress fluctuates, finally decaying to its value under static loading
JVN observations of H2O masers around the evolved star IRAS 22480+6002
We report on the H2O maser distributions around IRAS 22480+6002 (=IRC+60370)
observed with the Japanese VLBI Network (JVN) at three epochs spanning 2
months. This object was identified as a K-type supergiant in 1970s, which was
unusual as a stellar maser source. The spectrum of H2O masers consists of 5
peaks separated roughly equally by a few km/s each. The H2O masers were
spatially resolved into more than 15 features, which spread about 50 mas along
the east--west direction. However, no correlation was found between the proper
motion vectors and their spatial distributions; the velocity field of the
envelope seems random. A statistical parallax method applied to the observed
proper-motion data set gives a distance of 1.0+-0.4 kpc for this object, that
is considerably smaller than previously thought. The distance indicates that
this is an evolved star with L~5800 Lsun. This star shows radio, infrared, and
optical characteristics quite similar to those of the population II post-AGB
stars such as RV Tau variables.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, PASJ 60, No. 1 (2008 Feb. 25 issue) in press.
High res. figures available at ftp://ftp.nro.nao.ac.jp/nroreport/no657.pdf.g
Out-of-plane thermopower of strongly correlated layered systems: an application to Bi_2(Sr,La)_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta}
We calculate the out-of-plane thermopower in a quasi-two dimensional system,
and argue that this quantity is an effective probe of the asymmetry of the
single-particle spectral function. We find that the temperature and doping
dependence of the out-of-plane thermopower in Bi_2(Sr,La)_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta}
single crystals is broadly consistent with the behavior of the spectral
function determined from ARPES and tunneling experiments. We also investigate
the relationship between out-of-plane thermopower and entropy in a quasi-two
dimensional material. We present experimental evidence that at moderate
temperatures, there is a qualitative correspondence between the out-of-plane
thermopower in Bi_2(Sr,La)_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta}, and the entropy obtained from
specific heat measurements. Finally, we argue that the derivative of the
entropy with respect to particle number may be the more appropriate quantity to
compare with the thermopower, rather than the entropy per particle.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. v2: substantially rewritten, including a more
detailed analysis of the relationship between thermopower and entrop
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