6 research outputs found

    Galois Theory for H-extensions and H-coextensions

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    We show that there exists a Galois correspondence between subalgebras of an H-comodule algebra A over a base ring R and generalised quotients of a Hopf algebra H. We also show that Q-Galois subextensions are closed elements of the constructed Galois connection. Then we consider the theory of coextensions of H-module coalgebras. We construct Galois theory for them and we prove that H-Galois coextensions are closed. We apply the obtained results to the Hopf algebra itself and we show a simple proof that there is a bijection correspondence between right ideal coideals of H and its left coideal subalgebras when H is finite dimensional. Furthermore we formulate necessary and sufficient conditions when the Galois correspondence is a bijection for arbitrary Hopf algebras. We also present new conditions for closedness of subalgebras and generalised quotients when A is a crossed product.Comment: Left admissibility for subalgebras changed, an assumption added to Theorem 4.7 (A^{op} is H^{op}-Galois) and proof of Theorem 4.7 adde

    Computational Aspects of Extending the Shapley Value to Coalitional Games with Externalities

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    Until recently, computational aspects of the Shapley value were only studied under the assumption that there are no externalities from coalition formation, i.e., that the value of any coalition is independent of other coalitions in the system. However, externalities play a key role in many real-life situations and have been extensively studied in the game-theoretic and economic literature. In this paper, we consider the issue of computing extensions of the Shapley value to coalitional games with externalities proposed by Myerson [21], Pham Do and Norde [23], and McQuillin [17]. To facilitate efficient computation of these extensions, we propose a new representation for coalitional games with externalities, which is based on weighted logical expressions. We demonstrate that this representation is fully expressive and, sometimes, exponentially more concise than the conventional partition function game model. Furthermore, it allows us to compute the aforementioned extensions of the Shapley value in time linear in the size of the input

    A Logic-Based Representation for Coalitional Games with Externalities

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    We consider the issue of representing coalitional games in multiagent systems that exhibit externalities from coalition formation, i.e., systems in which the gain from forming a coalition may be affected by the formation of other co-existing coalitions. Although externalities play a key role in many real-life situations, very little attention has been given to this issue in the multi-agent system literature, especially with regard to the computational aspects involved. To this end, we propose a new representation which, in the spirit of Ieong and Shoham [9], is based on Boolean expressions. The idea behind our representation is to construct much richer expressions that allow for capturing externalities induced upon coalitions. We show that the new representation is fully expressive, at least as concise as the conventional partition function game representation and, for many games, exponentially more concise. We evaluate the efficiency of our new representation by considering the problem of computing the Extended and Generalized Shapley value, a powerful extension of the conventional Shapley value to games with externalities. We show that by using our new representation, the Extended and Generalized Shapley value, which has not been studied in the computer science literature to date, can be computed in time linear in the size of the input