85 research outputs found
D3-branes in NS5-brane backgrounds
We study D3-branes in an NS5-branes background defined by an arbitrary 4d
harmonic function. Using a gauge-invariant formulation of Born-Infeld dynamics
as well as the supersymmetry condition, we find the general solution for the
-field. We propose an interpretation in terms of the Myers effect.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, version published in JHE
Lax matrix solution of c=1 Conformal Field Theory
To a correlation function in a two-dimensional conformal field theory with
the central charge , we associate a matrix differential equation , where the Lax matrix is a matrix square root of the
energy-momentum tensor. Then local conformal symmetry implies that the
differential equation is isomonodromic. This provides a justification for the
recently observed relation between four-point conformal blocks and solutions of
the Painlev\'e VI equation. This also provides a direct way to compute the
three-point function of Runkel-Watts theory -- the common
limit of Minimal Models and Liouville theory.Comment: 20 pages, v3: Corrected sign mistakes in eqs. (4.35), (4.37), (4.42),
(4.45) and (4.52). Conclusions unchange
AdS2 D-branes in AdS3 spacetime
I review some recent progress in understanding the properties of AdS2 branes
in AdS3. Different methods - classical string motion, Born-Infeld dynamics,
boundary states - are evocated and compared.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the workshop "Across the
present energy frontier : probing the origin of mass", Corfu, Greece, Sept.
Conformal field theory on the plane
We review conformal field theory on the plane in the conformal bootstrap
approach. We introduce the main ideas of the bootstrap approach to quantum
field theory, and how they apply to two-dimensional theories with local
conformal symmetry. We describe the mathematical structures that appear in such
theories, from the Virasoro algebra and its representations, to BPZ equations
and conformal blocks. Examples include Liouville theory, (generalized) minimal
models, free bosonic theories, the model, and the and
WZW models. We also discuss relations between
some of these models, and limits of these models when the central charge and/or
conformal dimensions tend to particular values.Comment: 142 pages. Public domain. Suggest modifications at
https://github.com/ribault/CFT-Review . Version 5: More on the fusing matrix,
limits of Liouville theory and minimal models, Runkel--Watts-type CFTs.
Improved notations and normalization
A conformal bootstrap approach to critical percolation in two dimensions
We study four-point functions of critical percolation in two dimensions, and
more generally of the Potts model. We propose an exact ansatz for the spectrum:
an infinite, discrete and non-diagonal combination of representations of the
Virasoro algebra. Based on this ansatz, we compute four-point functions using a
numerical conformal bootstrap approach. The results agree with Monte-Carlo
computations of connectivities of random clusters.Comment: 16 pages, Python code available at
https://github.com/ribault/bootstrap-2d-Python, v2: some clarifications and
minor improvement
Diagonal fields in critical loop models
In critical loop models, there exist diagonal fields with arbitrary conformal
dimensions, whose -point functions coincide with those of Liouville theory
at . We study their -point functions, which depend on the
weights of topologically inequivalent loops on a sphere with punctures.
Using a numerical conformal bootstrap approach, we find that -point
functions decompose into infinite but discrete linear combinations of conformal
blocks. We conclude that diagonal fields belong to an extension of the
model.Comment: 7 page
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