34 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Kualitas Udara di Perkotaan

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    Hadi Suyanto, in this paper explain that to avoid global warming and climate change effect, re-greening program at the open and dry area need to be established, this also to generate fresh temperature and improve health and comfort. Develop and enlarge green zone and public zone as part of air quality management that have social and environmental function, and not just as an esthetically function


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peran pengurus komunitas motor Community Megapro Gresik (COMPAG) dalam membentuk sikap disiplin lalu lintas pada anggota komunitas motor Community Megapro Gresik (COMPAG). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa peran pengurus komunitas motor Community Megapro Gresik (COMPAG) dalam membentuk sikap disiplin lalu lintas pada anggota COMPAG antara lain melakukan kegiatan yang bekerjasama dengan pihak kepolisian terkait disiplin dalam berlalu lintas dan safety riding, pemberian sanksi jika ada anggota yang melanggar UU 22 tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan. Kendala yang dialami antara lain kurang tanggapnya anggota komunitas COMPAG untuk membetulkan kelengkapan berkendara yang rusak yang terkait dengan kelengkapan safety riding. Upaya yang dilakukan yaitu melakukan pendekatan secara personal dengan para anggota komunitas COMPAG yang kendaraannya masih melanggar peraturan lalu lintas agar segera membenarkan kelengkapan safety riding dan kerjasama dan menghadiri undangan dari pihak kepolisian untuk mengikuti sosialisasi terkait safety riding dan ketertiban berlalu lintas. Kata Kunci: Community Megapro Gresik (COMPAG), Disiplin berlalu linta

    Ekstrak Herbal (Daun Salam, Jintan Hitam, Daun Seledri) dan Kadar IL-6 Plasma Penderita Hiperurisemia

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    Herbal extract (Eugenia polyantha, Nigella sativa, Apium graveolens) and IL-6 plasma level of hyperuricaemic patientsBackground: Hyperuricaemia stimulates pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6. They also will stimulate leucocyte adhesion molecule. Suplementation of bay-leaf (Eugenia polyantha), celery herb (Apium graveolens) and blackseed (Nigella sativa) had known to decrease inflammatory cytokines response including IL-6 blood level. These herbal are common in Indonesia but have not clinically studied correlation with IL-6 pro inflammatory cytokine in human. The aim study was to determine the effect of herbal extract on IL-6 blood level of hyperuricaemic patients.Methods: This study was an experimental study with double blind randomised clinical trial, held on 2007 March–2008 February. Samples were hyperuricaemic patiens in clinic and wards of internal medicine and geriatric RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. They were divided into 2 groups: (1) Extract herbal and (2) placebo group. IL-6 blood level were tested before and 4 weeks after treatment using ELISA methode.Results: Subjects were 43 hyperuricaemic patients (22 in herbal treatment group compare with 21 in placebo group). The mean of basic IL-6 level in herbal group was 214.58 pg/dl whereas in placebo was 182.89 pg/dl. The mean of outcome IL-6 level in herbal group was 192.15 pg/dl whereas in placebo group was 254,00 pg/dl. The mean of IL-6 delta level in herbal group was -22.43 pg/dl whereas in placebo was 71.11 pg/dl (p:0.045). The mean of IL-6 ratio in herbal group was 1142.16% whereas in placebo was 754.45% (p:0.052).Conclusion: The herbal extract being used uric acid lowering agent decreases IL-6 level

    Perencanaan Desain Offshore Kontruksi Bawah Laut menggunakan Pengolahan Data Pemodelan Geofisika dengan Program Simulasi 3D Surfer

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    Abstract Underwater construction design planning is increasingly being developed as a 3D modeling simulation, because 3D simulation is expected to be able to make the initial plan for making a design framework. Surfer is one of the software that was created for the purpose of making contour maps and three-dimensional modeling based on existing grids and simplifying and accelerating data conversion activities into the form of contour maps and surface plots. One of the applications is Surfer in the field of Underwater Technology development is 3D modeling simulation and bathymetric contour map making, sediment layer modeling using SBP data and making current stick plots to determine circulation and current velocity and direction. In addition, Surfer can also display maps in 2D or 3D. on this occasion Surfer 16 software will be used to process marine acoustic data with X (Easting) data, Y (Northing) data and six Z layer depths, namely Z1-Z6, the data is processed in one step to make 2D and 3D models which are then will be interpreted as a simulation material for the initial planning of the underwater construction design. Keywords: design, offshore, construction, underwater, surfer Abstrak Perencanaan desain kontruksi bawah laut semakain banyak dikembangkan sebagai simulasi pemodelan 3D, karena simulasi 3D diharapkan dapat menjadikan rencana awal pembuatan kerangka desain. Surfer adalah salah satu dari perangkat lunak yang diciptakan untuk kegunaan pembuatan peta kontur dan pemodelan tiga dimensi yang berdasarkan grid yang ada dan mempermudah serta mempercepat akvitas konversi data ke dalam bentuk peta kontur dan plot permukaan. Salah satu aplikasi adalah Surfer dalam bidang pengembangan Teknologi Bawah laut adalah simulasi pemodelan 3D dan pembuatan peta kontur batimetri, pemodelan lapisan sedimen melalui data SBP dan pembuatan stick plot arus untuk mengetahui sirkulasi dan kecepatan dan arah arus. Selain itu, Surfer juga dapat menampilkan peta secara 2D ataupun 3D. pada kesempatan ini software Surfer 16 yang akan digunakan unutk mengolah data akustik kelautan dengan data X (Easting) ,data Y (Northing) dan enam kedalaman lapisan Z yaitu Z1-Z6, data tersebut diproses dengan sebuah tahapan untuk menjadikan model 2D dan 3D yang selanjutnya akan di interpretasi sebagai bahan simulasi perencanaan awal desain kontruksi bawah laut. Kata kunci: desain, offshore, kuntruksi, bawah laut, surfer Reference: Septina Anggiani. Pengolahan data oseanografi dengan surfer 10.0 dan odv 4.0 Surya, Yohanes Sam. 2008. Surfer8.http://www.gis4u.net [26 November2013] International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Standard for Hydrographic Surveys, Special Publication No.44 (SP.44), 5th Edition, February 2008 Alba, J. L. and Audibert, J. M. E. (1999). “Pile design in calcareous and carbonaceous granular materials: a historical overview”, Second International Conference Engineering on for Calcareous Sediments, Bahrain American Petroleum Institute (2000). “Recommended practice for planning, designing, and constructing fixed offshore platforms-working stress design”, API Recommended Practice 2A-WSD (RP 2A-WSD), (21’‘ ed.). API, Washington, D.C Anderson, D. G. and Stokoe, K. H. (1978). “Shear modulus: a time-dependent soil property”, Dynamic Geotechnical Testing, ASTM STP 654, American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 66-90. Angemeer, J., Carlson, E. D., and Klick, J. H. (1973). “Techniques and results of offshore pile load testing in calcareous soils”, Proceedings, Ffth Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Vol. 2, pp. 677-692 Bogard, J. D. and Matlock, H. (1990). “Application of model pile tests to axial pile design”, Proceedings, Twenty-Second Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Paper No. 6376 Coyle, H. M. and Gibson, G. C. (1970). “Empirical damping constants for sands and clays”. Journal, Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, ASCE, Vol. 96, No. SM3, pp. 949-965. Cox, W. R. and Reese, L. C. (1976). “Pullout tests of grouted piles in stiff”, Proceedings, Eighth Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 2473, Houston, Vol. 2, pp. 539-55 1 Datta, M., Gulhati, S. K., and Rao, G. V. (1980). “An appraisal of the existing practice of determining the axial load capacity of deep penetration piles in calcareous sands”, Proceedings, Twelfth Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Vol. 4, pp. 1 19-1 30 &nbsp

    Community Service : Efforts To Improve The Physical Mobility Of The Elderly With Elderly Exercises And Range Of Motion

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    Penurunan produksi cairan sinovial pada sendi, penurunan tonus otot, tulang rawan sendi menjadi lebih tipis dan ligamen menjadi lebih kaku serta penurunan fleksibilitas sering terjadi pada proses penuaan sehingga menurunkan pergerakan sendi, salah satunya sendi lutut. Adanya keterbatasan gerak dan berkurangnya penggunaan sendi dapat memperparah kondisi ini. Atas dasar hal tersebut, diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan mobilitas lansia. Kegiatan PKM ini menawarkan solusi permasalahan klien dengan melaksanakan kegiatan ROM dan senam lansia. Kegiatan senam dilakukan pada 12 lansia, dan ROM dilakukan pada 10 lansia, masing-masing kegiatan dilakukan sehari satu kali pada pagi hari selama satu minggu di panti jompo Ibu Ngaliyan Semarang. Hasil dari kegiatan tersebut adalah peningkatan mobilitas fisik lansia secara bertaha

    Inovasi Perekonomian Digital dalam mengatasi Disparitas Regional Strategi Baru dalam Kebijakan Perekonomian di Indonesia

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    This research explores a new approach in Indonesia's economic strategy that specifically prioritizes digital economic innovation as a tool to address regional inequality. The background to the problem highlights the gaps in economic development in various regions in Indonesia and the importance of economic transformation through the use of digital technology. The literature study in this research presents a conceptual framework that describes the relationship between digital economic innovation, economic policy, and efforts to mitigate regional imbalances. The research process involved secondary data analysis, surveys, and interviews with relevant stakeholders. The research results show that the integration of digital economic innovation in economic policy has the potential to reduce regional imbalances by accelerating economic growth, creating job opportunities, and supporting market penetration for local companies. Conclusion, This research makes an important contribution to the development of future-oriented, data-based and technology-focused policies to address regional inequality, accelerate equitable economic growth and improve the welfare of the Indonesian population.  Keywords: Regional Disparity, Economy, Digital Econom


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    The development of increasingly advanced visualization of 3D models. One method of visualization model 3 that is using close range photogrammetry. Starting from the number of digital cameras with high resolution, the authors are interested in doing research on optimization photgrammetry using techniques quality of the camera on a 3D model visualization. The purpose of this research is to optimize the quality of the camera for 3D models pembutan particular model of a human head. In per cent of research using methods of research and development. The results show to get a good result in this photogrammetry photograph obtained configuration beetwen 65 ° angle and the image is taken every 15 ° with setting shutter speed 1/60, aperture 6.3 and ISO 400. For taking pictures made outdoors when the weather is right - Right flat, in the sense not too dark and not too light. This is to anticipate the object is in backlight conditions. The impact of the quality of camera is very influential on the visualization of 3D shapes generated. If the quality of the camera is not guaranteed, the results visualization 3d models using close range photogrammetry method will not be formed. Less appropriate camera settings can cause picture to become unfocused, under exposure and over exposure. Objects to be imperfect and there is a hole or a hole issue. Over exposure can also cause a hole in the object. While under exposure will cause intersection on the object.Keyword: Photogrammetry, researh and development, quality of camera

    Peran Limfosit T Helper-1 (TH1) dan T Helper-2 (TH2) pada Patogenesis Artritis Lepra

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    The role of lymphocyte T Helper-1 (TH1) and T Helper-2 (TH2) in the pathogenesis of leprosy arthritis Background: The autoreactive of TH CD4+ cells is the thought to play an important role in arthritis leprosy pathogenesis. However, wheter of TH1 or TH2 predominant has never been studied. Methods: Various Ag M. leprae (Ag 35 kDa, 10 kDa, 45 kDa, 85 kDa, and MLSA 2 ug/ml) were stimulated to the peripheral blood (10cc) lymphocyte culture (PBMC) using 96 weels microplate and RPMI 1640 media of 22 leprosy arthritis cases, control-1 (n=12) (leprosy without arthritis) and control 2 (n=12) (healthy contact). The activity difference between TH1 and TH2 CD4+ lymphocyte was analysed using the difference delta levels of IFN- and IL-4 (ELISA) of the three group studies. Statistical analysis used were ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis or Mann Whitney, and Chi-square. Results: IFN- delta levels was significantly higher in the lymphocytes cultures in LA group (the median 132.234 pg/ml, 60.347 pg/ml, 14.093 pg/ml, 16.619 pg/ml and 138.394 pg/ml) compared with IL-4 value level (median 0.317 pg/ml, 0.017 pg/ml, -0.206 pg/ml, -0.200 pg/ml and 0.492 pg/ml) after being stimulated with 35 kDa, 10 kDa MMP-1, 45 kDa LAM, 85 kDa and MLSA of 2 ug/ml dose consecutively (all p<0.001). The IFN- delta value in LA group also showed the significantly higher level in response to all M. leprae Ag compared to all control-groups, with all p value < 0.05. Conclusion: TH1 CD4+ lymphocyte activity is more dominant compared than TH2 CD4+ lymphocyte activity in leprosy arthritis group patient

    Kemampuan Asap Cair Pada Pengawetan Ikan Bandeng (Chanos-Chanos Forsk) Disertai Perendaman Prapengasapan Dalam Larutan Mikrokapsul Oleoresin Daun Sirih (Piper betle l.)

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    Pada penelitian ini telah diamati kemampuan asap cair untuk menghambat aktivitas mikrobia. Senyawa-senyawa antimikrobia dan antioksidan pada oleoresin sirih, memberi efek pengawetan dengan menghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme pada ikan bandeng (Chanos-chanos forsk). Proses perendaman ikan dengan menggunakan asap cair dengan disertai perendaman oleoresin sirih pada prapengasapan, memberikan hasil optimum, dengan nilai TVB 8,62 mg N/100gr, tercapai pada perendaman prapengasapan dengan oleoresin sirih konsentrasi 6%, selama 15 menit, dan perendaman dengan konsentrasi asap cair 4%, selama 10 menit. Pengujian total mikroba memberikan nilai 6,06 x 10 3 CFU. Hasil diatas mempunyai kontribusi dengan hasil pengujian inderawi tekstur agak keras dan citarasa yang sangat disukai Pada uji kesukaan. untuk semua konsentrasi yang dicoba dengan waktu perendaman asap cair 5 menit memberikan kriteria sangat disukai. Kata kunci : asap cair-oleoresin sirih-pengawetan ikan bandeng Abstract On this research have observed liquid smoke’s ability to pursue microbe activity, antimicrobe and antioxidant compounds in betel oleoresin, give preservation 3 effect by pursue microorganism’s growth on Chanos-chanos forsk. Fish Submerge process by liquid smoke with betel oleoresin submerge on presmoking, give optimum result value of TVB 8,62 mg N/100gr, reach on submerge by betel oleoresin 6% concentration, during 15 minutes, and submerge with liquid smoke 4% concentration during 10 minutes. Value of total microbe 6,06 x 10 3 CFU. Result above have contribution with sensoric examine of rather hard texture and very liked flavor Key words : liquid smoke-oleoresin of betel-fish preservatio