22 research outputs found

    Analysis of PER, DER, and ROA on the Textile Companies’ Performance Listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange

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    Securities trading is a way to attract public funds in this case investors to develop an economy where the fund is the capital that the company needs to expand its business. The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence price earning ratio, debt to equity ratio, and return on assets, together and partially significant on the share price of textile industry subsectors for the period 2005-2012. The study used classic assumption tests (normality tests, multicolinete tests, autocorroration tests, heteroskedasity tests), regression tests (F and t tests). The samples used were textile industry subsectors on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2005 to 2012. Variables used price earning ratio, debt to equity ratio, and ratio on asset as independent variables and share prices as dependent variables. The results of this study mention that price earning ratio, debt to equity ratio, and return on assets are influential together and partially significant to the share price of textile industry subsectors on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2005-2012.Keywords: Price Earning Ratio (PER), Return on Asset (ROA), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER


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    Tesis ini membahas tentang realisasi anggaran pada satuan kerja Kementerian Negara/Lembaga. Realisasi anggaran belanja pemerintah memegang peranan penting dalam perekonomian suatu negara. Namun kecenderungan rendahnya anggaran di awal tahun masih tetap terjadi pada tahun 2014-2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis realisasi anggaran dan mengetahui permasalahan yang menjadi penyebab keterlambatan penyerapan anggaran belanja. Penelitian ini fokus pada realisasi anggaran belanja satuan kerja K/L di Kabupaten Pasaman Barat. Metode analisis adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui telaah dokumentasi dan data primer didapat melalui wawancara mendalam dengan beberapa responden yang dipilih yaitu pejabat pengelola anggaran yang ada di satuan kerja terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa realisasi anggaran semester I Tahun 2014 lebih tinggi dibanding realisasi semester I Tahun 2015 dan terjadi pelonjakan realisasi pada Bulan Juli dan Desember. Berdasarkan realisasi per-triwulan ketiga, satuan kerja mengalami keterlambatan penyerapan anggaran sebanyak 43,75% pada Tahun 2014 dan sebanyak 48,57% pada Tahun 2015. Realisasi anggaran cenderung dilaksanakan tidak berdasarkan pada rencana penarikan dana yang ada di Halaman III DIPA dan update rencana penarikan kas yang dilakukan masih terdapat deviasi/ tidak akurat. Penyebab utama keterlambatan terletak pada permasalahan internal dan eksternal satker seperti perencanaan pencairan; administrasi; sumber daya manusia; ganti uang persediaan; faktor lainnya, keterlambatan penerbitan petunjuk terknis dan SK pembayaran, serta perubahan regulasi TA 2014 dan 2015

    Religious Protection of Children in Polygamic Families in Langkat Regency Based on Law Number 35 of 2014 Concerning Child Protection

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    There are the forms of attention to children's religious values that cannot be implemented properly in polygamous families in Langkat Regency. Responding to the polygamy cases in Langkat Regency, this is an interesting phenomenon to study regarding the protection of the child's religion in the family. This study was field research, with its approach normative. religious protection for children based on Law number 35 of 2014 in several articles, namely articles 6, 25, 26, 39 and 43. The impact on child victims of polygamy who do not receive religious protection in Langkat Regency is that the child is psychologically disturbed. Never again did he hear calls or invitations to pray in congregation, recite the Koran or the advice he had received from his parents. Plus, friends who lack good morals. So that children often find their solutions to all the problems they face. Children become misdirected due to promiscuity and experience depression, so few are trapped in the diseased environment of society. So that children often find their solutions to all the problems they face. Children become misdirected due to promiscuity and experience depression, so few are trapped in the diseased environment of society. However, not all children who are victims of polygamy at this level become wrong associations. There are also those whose personality is getting better. Because attention from his father is still given, although not like before, his mother at home is also protective of his association. The surrounding community and religious leaders also play a role in embracing him so that he remains in an association that brings terdapat bentuk-bentuk perhatian terhadap nilai-nilai agama anak yang belum dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik pada keluarga poligami di Kabupaten Langkat. Menanggapi kasus poligami di Kabupaten Langkat, hal ini menjadi fenomena yang menarik untuk dikaji terkait perlindungan agama anak dalam keluarga. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan normatif. perlindungan agama bagi anak berdasarkan Undang-Undang nomor 35 Tahun 2014 pada beberapa pasal yaitu pasal 6, 25, 26, 39 dan 43. Dampak terhadap anak korban poligami yang tidak mendapatkan perlindungan agama di Kabupaten Langkat adalah anak terganggu secara psikologis . Tidak pernah lagi dia mendengar panggilan atau ajakan untuk sholat berjamaah, mengaji atau nasehat yang dia terima dari orang tuanya. Ditambah lagi teman-teman yang akhlaknya kurang baik. Sehingga anak sering menemukan solusinya atas segala permasalahan yang dihadapinya. Anak-anak menjadi salah arah akibat pergaulan bebas dan mengalami depresi, sehingga sedikit yang terjebak dalam lingkungan masyarakat yang sakit. Sehingga anak sering menemukan solusinya atas segala permasalahan yang dihadapinya. Anak-anak menjadi salah arah akibat pergaulan bebas dan mengalami depresi, sehingga sedikit yang terjebak dalam lingkungan masyarakat yang sakit. Namun tidak semua anak yang menjadi korban poligami pada tataran ini menjadi pergaulan yang salah. Ada juga yang kepribadiannya semakin membaik. Karena perhatian dari ayahnya tetap diberikan, meski tidak seperti dulu, ibunya di rumah juga protektif terhadap pergaulannya. Masyarakat sekitar dan tokoh agama juga berperan untuk merangkulnya agar tetap dalam pergaulan yang membawa kemaslahata

    Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Dan Minat Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA

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    The purpose of this study is to find out; 1) Effect of Learning Methods on Science Learning Outcomes of Jakarta State Middle School students. 2) The effect of learning interest on the learning outcomes of students of Jakarta Public Middle School. 3) Interactive Influence Learning methods and interest in learning the science learning outcomes of students of Jakarta State Middle School. The research method used is an experimental method using two-way ANOVA technique. The research sample was taken from an affordable population with cluster random sampling technique which was 64 students. The research instrument used is a test of science learning outcomes. The results of this study indicate; 1) There is a significant influence on the learning method of science learning outcomes for grade IX students of Public Middle Schools in South Jakarta. This is evidenced by the acquisition of sig values of 0.000 <0.05, and Fhitung = 14.157. 2) There is a significant effect of learning interest on learning outcomes in class IX students of Public Middle Schools in South Jakarta. This is evidenced by the acquisition of sig values of 0,000 <0,05 and Fhitung = 18,688. 3) There is a significant interactive effect between learning methods and learning interest on science learning outcomes for students in grade IX of State Junior High Schools in South Jakarta. This is evidenced by the acquisition of sig values of 0.02> 0.05 and Fhitung = 10.254. The implication of the results of the study found that there was a significant effect of the interaction of learning methods and the level of students' interest in learning science learning outcomes. Overall it was found that the learning outcomes of students who were taught with the Group Work learning method were higher than conventional learning methods. This phenomenon shows that there is a significant influence between science learning methods and the level of learning interest in science learning outcomes.Keywords: Learning Methods, Learning Interests, and Science Learning Outcome

    Customer Loyality Analysis of Jamu Gendong in Surakarta

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence of the influential significance of Marketing Mix consisting of Product, Price, Place and Promotion of the “jamu gendong” Customer Loyalty in Surakarta. The sample in this study is customers in Surakarta which consists of 5 districts namely Laweyan, Banjarsari, Pasar Kliwon, Serengan, Jebres with the total of 100 research respondents. Mechanical Sampling is Purposive Random Sampling method. Data analysis technique consists of testing instrument (validity and reliability), Testing Classical assumptions and hypothesis testing (Regression Test, t test, F test and test R2). Research proves that partially Promotions, Products carrying affect customer loyalty “Jamu gendong” in Surakarta (positive, significant), the price affects customer loyalty to “Jamu gendong” but significantly negative, while Place does not have significant negative effect on customer loyalty to “Jamu gendong” in Surakarta. Simultaneously all the independent variables are product, price, place and promotion significant effect. The test results indicate that the variable R2 Product, Price, Place and Promotion able to explain 31.9% of “Jamu Gendong”Customer Loyalty variables Keywords: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Jamu gendong,Customer Loyalt

    Utilization of Medicinal Plants by Malay and Javanese Tribes in Bukit Peranginan Village, Mandiangin District, Sarolangun Regency

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    This research study how the Malay and Javanese tribes in Bukit Peranginan Village, Mandiangin District, and Sarolangun Regency use medicinal plants. The purpose to identify the various types of medicinal plants, how to use them, and their cultural significance. This study used a qualitative descriptive methodology, and the value of the Cultural of Significance Index (ICS) was derived for the quantitative data analysis. The results showed that there were 25 families and 37 plant species overall, with Zingiberaceae being the largest family. For the Malays and the Javanese, up to 8 species of plants and 21 different types of plants, respectively, have leaves that are frequently used as medicine. Boiling up to 21 different plant species is the primary method of using plants as medication. The importance of preserving the cultural properties of plants used by the Malay and Javanese tribes in Bukit Peranginan Village as traditional medicines, particularly Curcuma longa L, which has values of 171 and is used as a treatment for ulcers, cholesterol, colds, vaginal discharge, diabetes, wound medicine, abdominal pain, and postpartum pain

    The Influence of Organizational Behavior, Business Partnership, and Motivation on The Performance of Micro and Small Businesses in Sleman Regency

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    This research is aimed to find out the influence of organizational behavior, business partnerships and motivation on the performance of micro and small businesses in Sleman Regency. The research is conducted in “ Forum Komunikasi Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah”  in Sleman Regency. This is quantitative research with a sample of 102 micro and small entreprises in Sleman Regency. The data analysis is done with  SPSS with multiple linear regression analysis at the significance level α = 0.05. The results shows that either partially or simultaneously organizational behavior, business partnership and motivation have positive influences and are significant to business performance. The influence of organizational behavior, business partnership and motivation on business performance is the performance of micro and small businesse is indicated by Adjusted R Square of 55.1%

    Cara untuk Memperoleh Bentuk dan Ukuran Gigi Seperti Gigi Asli pada Pembuatan Gigi Tiruan Lengkap Imediat

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    There is a very close relationship between the form and size of the anterior teeth and the patient's personality. In order to fulfill the patient's expectation to have his immediate complete denture with the same form and shape of his natural teeth, an impression was made before the teeth were extracted. This impression was poured with the same tooth colored self curing acrylic resin in the anterior teeth. After the resin set, the impression was fully poured with hard stone. With this method, a duplication of the natural anterior teeth was made and those teeth were set up in a better position int he immediate denture

    Profil Kepatuhan Higiene Perorangan Penjamah Makanan di Instalasi Gizi dan Tata Boga Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi (RSPI) Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso

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    Latar belakang : Salah satu upaya higiene sanitasi makanan yaitu dengan meningkatkan higiene perorangan pada penjamah makanan yang merupakan kunci keberhasilan dalam pengolahan makanan yang aman dan sehat. Higiene perorangan yang terlibat dalam pengolahan makanan akan dapat dicapai, apabila dalam diri pekerja tertanam pengertian tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan dan kebersihan diri. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kepatuhan higiene perorangan penjamah makanan di Instalasi Gizi dan Tata Boga RSPI Prof. Dr. Sulianti SarosoMetode : Kajian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif dengan metode potong lintang. Sampel meliputi petugas penjamah makanan di Instalasi Gizi dan Tata Boga - RSPI Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso periode tahun 2016.Hasil : Dari 19 penjamah makanan sebagian besar berjenis kelamin perempuan (52.6%), tingkat pendidikan sebagian besar memiliki latar belakang pendidikan setara SMA (78.9%, Kondisi kesehatan penjamah makanan sebagian besar pernah MCU 73.7% dengan hasil sehat bersyarat, dari observasi perilaku diketahui bahwa penjamah makanan berperilaku tidak higienis diantaranya yaitu tidak memakai sepatu tertutup sebanyak 96.5%, tidak memakai baju kerja sebanyak 87.5%, tidak memakai masker sebanyak 77.2%, tidak memakai penutup kepala sebanyak 71.9%, tidak memakai sarung tangan sebanyak 50%, tidak memakai celemek sebanyak 33.3%, bercakap cakap sebanyak 28.1% dan tidak menutup makanan yang matang sebanyak 25.9%, kepatuhan dalam hygiene perorangan sebagian besar 89.5% dengan kepatuhan kategori kurang.Kesimpulan : Penjamah makanan sebagian besardengan kepatuhan kategori kurang 89.5% dan 10.5% dengan kepatuhan kategori sedang