786 research outputs found
Peaktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) telah dilaksanakan di Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda
dan Olahraga Kabupaten Sleman mulai dari 10 Agustus 2015 sampai dengan 12 September
2015 yang diawali dengan observasi sosialisasi dan koordinasi, kelokasi, serta identifikasi dan
inventarisasi permasalahan. Berdasarkan beberapa hal diatas, maka diagendakan program, dan
disusunlah proposal kegiatan PPL tersebut. Pelaksanaan program kegiatan yang telah
direncanakan tersebut meliputi yang berguna dan bermanfaat.
Pada PPL I Mahasiswa diminta untuk membuat suatu program yang akan direalisasikan
dalam pelaksanaan PPL II, program yang dibuat adalah program baru yang diharapkan dapat
membantu dan meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi Dinas dalam melaksanaan Pengelolaan
pendidikan, mengembangkan Lembaga, serta memunculkan inovasi untuk kedepannya.
Program PPL dimulai dari kegiatan observasi di lingkungan pelaksanaan, perencanaan
program, konsultasi program, serta pelaksanaan program yang direncanakan, tambahan maupun
tidak direncanakan atau incidental. Pada PPL kali ini mahasiswa telah merumuskan program
Utama yang berjudul âOptimalisasi Website Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten
Sleman Bagian Perencanaan dan Evaluasi sebagai bentuk pelayanan terhadap masyakaratâ
sebagai program kerja utamanya.
Program PPL selain dapat menambah rasa sosial mahasiswa terhadap masyarakat, juga
dapat memberikan pemahaman dan keaktifan pegawai dalam memajukan Dinas pendidikan.
Keberadaan mahasiswa PPL UNY 2015 diharapkan dapat membuat perubahan-perubahan
sebagai upaya memajukan pendidikan Indonesia. Dalam pelaksanaan program mahasiswa
berusaha sebaik mungkin dengan pemaksimalan program kerja
STUDI TENTANG LAKON WAHYU DALAM PAKELIRAN WAYANG KULIT PURWA DI SURAKARTA (A Study of Lakon Wahyu in the Surakarta Style Puppetry in the Last Decade)
Lakon-lakon wahyu dalam wayang kulit mengalami perubahan kearah perkembangan seiring dengan dinamika masyarakat. Dalam satu dasawarsa terakhir ini, jenis lakon wahyu mengalami variasi dalam hal garap unsur pakeliran terutama garap lakon. Besarnya rasa simpatik masyarakat terhadap lakon wahyu,menunjukkan bahwa lakon wahyu mampu mewadahi tuntutan kebutuhan hiburan masyarakat. Kehadiran lakon wahyu disamping memberikan hiburan masyarakat, juga masih dipercaya akan adanya keyakinan tentang wahyu dan makna lakonwahyu. Untuk mencapai kebahagiaan dan kemuliaan hidup,seseorang memertukanwahyu yang dicariakn dengan jalan laku brata, sesirih, nenepi.
Kata Kunci: jenis-jenis lakon wahyu, perjalanan lakon wahyu, makna lakon wahyu
Ideology and identity transformation in the deradicalization of Muslim extremists in Indonesia
This article used a biographical approach to follow the lives of former Muslim extremists in examining individual deradicalization from the actors' perspective. The results of the extremists' deradicalization were examined using theories of Salafi ideology and identity transformation. Deradicalization marks a period of transformation - a process of taking a new ideology and identity and initiating a new power. The doers adopt a new jihad ideology after being influenced by a colorful interpretation of jihad. The deradicalization also shifts from the Salafi jihadi/irhabi to the Salafi Purist, or from a violent to a less-violent jihad. They continue to support violent jihad but restrict how its principles are used. Few extremists decide to engage in moderate or non-violent jihad on their own initiative and without the influence of others. In conclusion, deradicalization does not ensure their eradication. It implies a certain amount of transformation into a new identity, which has profound short- and long-term effects. The first demonstrates that former Muslim extremists who still identify as jihadists, adhere to their ideology, and engage in a variety of jihad-related activities. The deradicalization of the extremists will be more challenging the more in-depth the knowledge and experience of violent jihad. On the other hand, the latter is dedicated to leaving the violent jihad group and ending recidivism
Teacherâs Work Culture to Realize High Quality of Islamic School (Site Study at MTs. Qodiriyah Harjowinangun Dempet Demak)
The objectives of this research are to describe (1) characteristic of Teacherâs Work Relationship at MTs. Qodiriyah Harjowinangun Dempet Demak, (2) Characteristic of Social Relationship of teacher at MTs. Harjowinangun
Dempet Demak. This research is qualitative research and uses ethnography design conducted at MTs. Qodiriyah Harjowinangun Dempet Kabupaten Demak. The data are information related to characteristic of teacherâs work culture. Data sources of this research event, informant, and document. Technique of data collection are observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. Data are analyzed using Interactive Model begin with (1) reduction, (2) display, and (3) drawing conclusion. Validity is consisting of credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability. The researchâs result shows that (1) work relationship at MTs. Qodiriyah Harjowinangun are not based on authority but relatedto He concept of mutual work mechanism. The teacher conducts the work relationship with the principal, school committee, teacher, school staff, parents, and community. Working relation is based on trust, respect, and recognition of competence and to build
effective communication coupled with an effective critique. The working relationship is established within the scope of formal and non formal education, (2) The social relationship of teacher built on mutual respect, greet, familiarity, caring, solidarity, keep the feelings of others, and awareness of the importance of social relationships in building a conductive work of teachers cultur. The social relationship established in the scope of formal and non formal. Each month, teachers hold a social gathering with other Qodiriyah MA teachers everymont and
in the event, teachers talk about the development of academic and non academic students
Keefektifan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think-Pair-Share (TPS) dan Tipe Jigsaw pada Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung Ditinjau dari Prestasi Belajar Matematika dan Karakter Siswa
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk: 1) mendeskripsikan keefektifan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS dan tipe Jigsaw ditinjau dari prestasi belajar matematika dan karakter siswa; 2) mendeskripsikan, perbandingan keefektifan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS dengan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw ditinjau dari prestasi belajar matematika dan karakter siswa pada materi bangun ruang sisi lengkung.
Penelitian merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan menggunakan dua kelompok eksperimen. Populasi penelitian mencakup seluruh siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 1 Banjarnegara yang terdiri dari delapan kelas, sedangkan sampel penelitian terdiri dari dua kelas yang dipilih secara acak. Instrumen penelitian adalah tes prestasi dalam bentuk soal uraian yang terdiri dari pretes dan pos tes. Koefisien reliabilitas r pretes = 0,785 dan Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) pre tes = 5,394 dan koefisien reliabilitas r postes = 0,814 dan SEM postes = 4,818, sedangkan angket karakter siswa dengan koefisien reliabilitas r = 0,912 dan SEM = 3,213. Uji normalitas data menggunakan One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test dan uji homogenitas menggunakan Boxâs M test (α = 0,05). Uji F dengan Hotellingâs Trace (α = 0,05) dilakukan untuk mengetahui beda rata-rata kedua kelas secara multivariat. Uji t dengan kriteria Bonferroni (α = 0,05) dilakukan untuk mengetahui variabel terikat mana yang membuat kedua kelas tersebut berbeda.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS dan tipe Jigsaw efektif ditinjau dari prestasi belajar matematika dan karakter siswa; 2) pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw lebih efektif dibanding pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS ditinjau dari prestasi belajar matematika dan karakter siswa pada materi bangun ruang sisi lengkun
The Determinant Factors of Studentsâ Green Behavior: Lesson from Indonesia
This study aims to examine the determinants factors affecting studentsâ green behavior, particularly in plastic waste problems. The subjects of this study were Jambi University students with a sample of 1001 respondents. Data collection instruments were compiled by the researcher and tested for validity and reliability. Data collection was carried out using online questionnaire in collaboration with the information technology and communication development institute of the University of Jambi. The collected data is analyzed quantitatively using regression analysis by employing SPSS (version 25. The findings of the study showed that student awareness in environmental issues is the main variable influencing student behavior, followed by studentsâ understanding of environment variables and ecological-economic literacy variables. Meanwhile, the student lifestyle variable does not affect the behavior of students in the plastic waste problem
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah (PTS) dua siklus ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru SD Negeri 1 Sungai Ringin, Desa Sungai Ringin, Kecamatan Sekadau Hilir, Kabupaten Sekadau, Kalimantan Barat dalam menerapkan pembelajaran pendekatan saintifik melalui In House Training (IHT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa dampat dari In House Training (IHT) selama dua siklus, bahwa kategori guru yang berpredikat baik terjadi peningkatan dan sebaliknya guru yang yang kategori cukup dan kurang terjadi penurunan yang signifikan. Guru dalam kategori baik pada pra siklus hanya 3 orang atau 33,33%; pada siklus I sebanyak 5 orang atau 55,56%; dan pada siklus II mencapai 8 orang atau 88,89%. Guru yang dalam kategori cukup pada pra siklus dan siklus I sebanyak 4 orang atau 44,45%; dan pada siklus II hanya 1 orang atau 11,11,89%. Guru yang dalam kategori kurang pada pra siklus ada 2 orang atau 22,22%; pada siklus I dan siklus II tidak ada. Kata Kunci: In House Training (IHT) dan pembelajaran pendekatan saintifik. THE INCREASED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERâS ABILITY OF SDN. 01SUNGAI RINGIN IN APPLYING A SCIENTIFIC APPROACH LEARNING THROUGH IN HOUSE TRAINING (IHT) Abstract: The objective of this two-cycle School Action Research (SAR) study was increased the teachers' abilities of SDN 01 Sungai Ringin, Sungai Ringin Village, Sekadau Hilir District, Sekadau Regency, West Kalimantan in applying the scientific approach to learning through In House Training (IHT). The results showed that the impact of In House Training (IHT) for two cycles was that there was an increase in the category of teachers with good grades and on the other hand, teachers who were in sufficient and less categories had a significant decrease. Teachers in the good category in the pre-cycle only 3 people or 33.33%; in the first cycle as many as 5 people or 55.56%; and in the second cycle reached 8 people or 88.89%. Teachers who were in the sufficient category in the pre-cycle and first cycle were 4 people or 44.45%; and in cycle II only 1 person or 11,11,89%. There were 2 teachers in the poor category in the pre-cycle or 22.22%; in cycle I and cycle II do not exist. Keywords: In House Training (IHT) and scientific approach learning
The learning achievement is important aspect on biology learning. This study aims at finding out the effect of the learning strategy toward the cognitive learning achievement.This study was quasy experimental design. The procedure of the experimental study was pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design. The population of this study was the 10th grade students of 2008/2009 academic year of the public and private senior high schools in Jember. The cognitive learning achievement was measured by adopting a test of essay. Before using the instruments, they were tried out to get validity, reliability, level of difficulty, and the different weight. The data analysis by covariance (ancova) that were taken place at least significance difference (LSD). In guiding the calculation, the data were analyzed by using the computer program of SPSS for Window 16.0 version. Findings showed that the learning strategy affected toward cognitive learning achievement of the students. Jigsaw, Reciprocal Teaching (RT), and the combination of Jigsaw-RT strategies could increase the cognitive learning achievement of the students. The combination of Jigsaw-RT strategies was significantly approved in increasing the cognitive learning achievement of the students that were similar to Jigsaw and RT strategies. Kata kunci: Jigsaw IV, Reciprocal Teaching, hasil belajar kognitif biologi.
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