8 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perilaku Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Pt. Panca Eka Bina Plywood Industri.

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of job training on nurse performance at Indrasari Rengat Regional General Hospital Indragiri Hulu Regency. This research was carried out by quantitative descriptive method that uses primary data and secondary data obtained through interviews or interviews and research questionnaires. The population in this study were all nurses of Indrasari Rengat Regional General Hospital, Indragiri Hulu Regency who participated in the training of 66 people. The sampling technique is by census. The results of the respondents' responses regarding nurse work training at the Indrasari Rengat Regional General Hospital in Indragiri Hulu Regency were in good categories. This can be interpreted that the training carried out can have a good impact in increasing nurses' knowledge and abilities. The results of respondents' responses regarding the performance of nurses at the Indrasari Rengat Regional General Hospital in Indragiri Hulu Regency consisting of indicators of quality and quantity of work in good categories. This can be interpreted that the performance of nurses can increase because there are given job training so that it can have an impact on improving the nurse's work performance. The results of data processing are known to be job training variables (X) affecting the variable performance of nurses at Indrasari Rengat Regional General Hospital Indragiri Hulu Regency. This is evidenced by the value of t count is 8.818 while t-table is (0.05; 65) = 1.6766 because t count (8.818)> from t table (1.6766) then Ho is rejected

    Analysis Of The Effect Of Promotion, Customer Satisfaction, And Brand Equity On Online Purchasing Decisions

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    The purpose of the study: to determine the effect of promotion, customer satisfaction, and brand equity on online purchasing decisions (case study of bosvelt shoe and footwear craftsman ciomas bogor). This study aims to analyze: 1). Analyzing the effect of promotion on the purchase of bosvelt shoes and footwear online. 2). Analyzing the effect of customer satisfaction on the purchase of bosvelt shoes and footwear online and offline. 3). Analyzing the effect of brand equity on the online purchase of bosvelt shoes and footwear. The research time was carried out for approximately 3 months. Data collection techniques: using a questionnaire given to respondents (customers of shoes and footwear) online and offline as many as 100 people. Data processing methods: used are validity, reliability, classical assumption test, simple linear regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination, t test and F test. Calculation using SPSS vers 18 computer program. The results show that the relationship between variables X1 (Promotion), X2 (customer satisfaction) and X3 (brand equity) together with Y (purchase decision) is very strong and positive. The regression equation is Y = -1.526 + 0.427 X1 + 0.188X2 +0.243X3 or (91.6%). It means that the contribution of promotion, customer satisfaction and brand equity together on purchasing decisions is 91.6%, while the remaining 8.4% is influenced by other factors not included in this study. Because F count = 350.281 > F table = 3.09 , then Ha is accepted rejected (Ho is rejected), meaning that there is a significant influence between promotion, customer satisfaction and brand equity on purchasing decision


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    Penelitian ini berjudul Pengaruh Pelatihan dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kualitas Kerja Aperatur Sipil Negara di Kantor Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kota Bogor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana “Pengaruh Pelatihan dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kualitas Kerja Aperatur Sipil Negara Kota Bogor”. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode survei dengan menggunakan data primer melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Dalam penelitian ini jumlah populasi sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 41 orang. Hasil analisis data menggunakan aplikasi komputer dengan hasil r = 0,762. Hasil ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan positif antara Variabel X1 (Pelatihan) terhadap variabel Y (Kualitas). Hasil r = 0,533, hasil ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang sedang dan positif antara Variabel X2 (Disiplin Kerja) terhadap Variabel Y (Kualitas). Hasil r =0,762 hasil ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan positif antara variabel X1 (Pelatihan) dan X2 (Disiplin Kerja) Terhadap Y (Kualitas Kerja). Analisis menggunakan uji F, menunjukan F hitung =9,280 > F tabel = 3,24, maka Ho ditolak (Ha diterima), berarti terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan yang menunjukan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara Pelatihan dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kualitas kerja. Dari penjelasan diatas penulis menyarankan untuk mempertahankan yang telah ada dan meningkatkan kualitas kerja yang ada, segala Pelatihan dan disiplin kerja agar dapat berjalan dengan baik dan dapat memberikan hasil kinerja yang lebih baik

    Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Teknologi AI dalam Pembuatan PTK bagi Guru SDN Karangasem Kecamatan Jenu

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    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to increase a solid understanding for teachers of SDN Karangasem, Jenu about the basic concepts of AI, including how AI works, the types of algorithms used and teachers can overcome their lack of knowledge in utilization in improving the quality of learning and preparing students to face an increasingly connected and technology-oriented world. The method used by an extension is to increase teacher understanding of the importance of PTK in improving the quality of education. And the implementation of socialization regarding the process and steps in making PTK with the help of AI technology through GPT Chat media. The results obtained that advances in Artificial Intelligence Technology help teachers to create a learning process that is more exciting/interesting and not boring with various applications available and eases the task of teachers in the evaluation or administration process.Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman yang solid bagi guru SDN Karangasem kec. Jenu tentang konsep dasar AI, termasuk bagaimana AI bekerja, jenis algoritma yang digunakan dan guru-guru dapat mengatasi kurangnya pengetahuan mereka dalam pemanfaatan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan persiapan siswa dalam menghadapi dunia yang semakin terhubung dan teknologi-orientasi. Metode yang digunakan suatu penyuluhan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman guru terkait pentingnya PTK dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Dan pelaksanaan sosialisasi mengenai proses dan langkah-langkah dalam pembuatan PTK dengan bantuan teknologi AI melalui media Chat GPT. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa kemajuan Teknologi Kecerdasan Buatan mambantu guru untuk menciptakan proses pembelajaran yang lebih mengasikkan/menarik dan tidak membosankan dengan berbagai aplikasi yang tersedia serta meringankan tugas guru dalam proses evaluasi atau administrasi

    Pengaruh Umur Simpan Whey Dan Suhu Koagulasi Terhadap Kadar Protein Dan Tekstur Tahu (Effect of Whey Shelf Life and Coagulation Temperature on Protein Content and Texture of Tofu)

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    Tahu merupakan makanan tradisional bergizi tinggi yang disukai masyarakat. Hasil samping cair dari produksi tahu yang dikenal juga sebagai whey dapat digunakan kembali sebagai koagulan tahu. Pemanfaatan whey sebagai koagulan selain dapat mengurangi hasil samping juga lebih ekonomis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh umur simpan koagulan whey tahu dan suhu koagulasi terhadap kadar protein dan tekstur tahu. Perlakuan penelitian ini adalah koagulan whey berumur simpan 1, 2 dan 3 hari serta suhu koagulasi 63 dan 83 °C. Setiap perlakuan dianalisis kandungan protein dan teksturnya yaitu kekerasan (hardness), kohesivitas, dan daya kunyah (chewiness). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah suhu koagulasi 83 °C menghasilkan produk tahu dengan kadar protein yang lebih tinggi dan tekstur yang memiliki tingkat kekerasan (hardness), kohesivitas, dan daya kunyah (chewiness) lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan suhu koagulasi 63 °C. Sedangkan whey dengan umur simpan 2 hari menghasilkan produk tahu dengan tekstur yang memiliki tingkat kekerasan (hardness), kohesivitas, dan daya kunyah (chewiness) lebih tinggi daripada whey dengan umur simpan 1 dan 3 hari. Namun untuk kadar protein pada produk tahu, semakin lama umur simpan whey, menyebabkan peningkatan kadar protein pada suhu koagulasi 63 °C dan penurunan pada suhu koagulasi 83 °C

    Impact of Hemoglobin Levels on Composite Cardiac Arrest or Stroke Outcome in Patients With Respiratory Failure Due to COVID-19

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    OBJECTIVES:. Anemia has been associated with an increased risk of both cardiac arrest and stroke, frequent complications of COVID-19. The effect of hemoglobin level at ICU admission on a composite outcome of cardiac arrest or stroke in an international cohort of COVID-19 patients was investigated. DESIGN:. Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected database. SETTING:. A registry of COVID-19 patients admitted to ICUs at over 370 international sites was reviewed for patients diagnosed with cardiac arrest or stroke up to 30 days after ICU admission. Anemia was defined as: normal (hemoglobin ≥ 12.0 g/dL for women, ≥ 13.5 g/dL for men), mild (hemoglobin 10.0–11.9 g/dL for women, 10.0–13.4 g/dL for men), moderate (hemoglobin ≥ 8.0 and < 10.0 g/dL for women and men), and severe (hemoglobin < 8.0 g/dL for women and men). PATIENTS:. Patients older than 18 years with acute COVID-19 infection in the ICU. INTERVENTIONS:. None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS:. Of 6926 patients (median age = 59 yr, male = 65%), 760 patients (11.0%) experienced stroke (2.0%) and/or cardiac arrest (9.4%). Cardiac arrest or stroke was more common in patients with low hemoglobin, occurring in 12.8% of patients with normal hemoglobin, 13.3% of patients with mild anemia, and 16.7% of patients with moderate/severe anemia. Time to stroke or cardiac arrest by anemia status was analyzed using Cox proportional hazards regression with death as a competing risk. Covariates selected through clinical knowledge were age, sex, comorbidities (diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cardiac or neurologic conditions), pandemic era, country income, mechanical ventilation, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Moderate/severe anemia was associated with a higher risk of cardiac arrest or stroke (hazard ratio, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.05–1.67). CONCLUSIONS:. In an international registry of ICU patients with COVID-19, moderate/severe anemia was associated with increased hazard of cardiac arrest or stroke